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您的查詢條件(your search options):起迄年(Year) ~2024、單位(Division)/系所(Department) 不動產與城鄉環境學系(Department of Real Estate and Built Environment)、種類(Kind) 全部(All)、著作關鍵字(Keyword) 空值(null)、作者(Author) 50081228

※期刊論文 Journal Papers

  1. J. T. Hwang, I-Wen Chen, Wen-Yu Lian, Yu-Yun Yang, Ting-Chen Chu. DSM generation on the shade of tree area of aerial photogrammetry, Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2015 23th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS., DOI:2015.7378601, pp. 1~4, October 2015. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  2. 1. Kuan-Tsung Chang, Feng-Chi Yu, Yi Chang, Jin-Tsong Hwang, Jin-King Liu, Wei-Chen Hsu, and Peter Tian-Yuan Shih. Land Cover Classification Accuracy Assessment Using Full-Waveform LiDAR Data., Terr. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 169~181, April 2015. (SCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  3. 黃金聰、陳思翰。利用多重影像產生之點雲的精度評估, 台灣土地研究, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 81~101, May 2013. (TSSCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  4. Jin-Tsong Hwang,Jie-Shi Weng,Yi-Ting Tsai. 3D modeling and accuracy assessment- a case study of photosynth, Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2012 20th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS. , 10.1109/Geoinformati, pp. 81~101, August 2012. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  5. Kuan-Tsung Chang; F. G. Yiu; J. T. Hwang; Y. X. Lin. Accuracy assessment of Land Use Classification using hybrid methods, SPIE Proceedings, Land Surface Remote Sensing, Vol. 8524, October 2012. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  6. Jin-Tsong Hwang. A study on improving training speed in support vector machine , Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2010 18th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS., 2010.5567766, pp. 1~6, September 2010. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  7. Jin-Tsong Hwang、Chiang, Hun-chin. The study of high resolution satellite image classification based on Support Vector Machine , Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2010 18th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS., 2010.5567755, pp. 1~6, September 2010. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  8. Jin-Tsong Hwang. Wavelet texture extraction and image classification of hyperspectral data based on Support Vector Machine , Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2009 17th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS., 2009.5292863, August 2009. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  9. 黃金聰、劉晃辰。地籍資料異動處理與顯示之研究, 台灣土地研究, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 77~107, November 2009. (TSSCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  10. Jin-Tsong Hwang. Application based on ArcObject inquiry and Google maps demonstration to real estate database , in Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Technology and Applications, Proceedings of SPIE, 074810943837, Vol. 6754, 2007. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  11. 黃金聰。Google Maps/Earth 與 Urmap API於不動產資料庫的應用研究, 台灣土地研究, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 53~74, 2007. (TSSCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  12. 黃金聰。虛擬實境網際三維地理資訊系統於山區農地的查詢與場景瀏覽-以新竹縣新埔鎮為例, 台灣土地研究, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 71~92, 2006. (TSSCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  13. 黃金聰, 吳俊龍。空間與色彩紋理資訊輔助地物分類之研究—以台北地區為例, 測量工程 , Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 1~20, 2006. 詳細資料 detailed information
  14. 黃金聰、史天元。以碎形為基礎的內插模式與雙線性、立方迴旋內插的 比較, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 39~52, 1998. 詳細資料 detailed information
  15. Jin-Tsong Hwang and Tian-Yuan Shih,. On the Characteristics of Simulated Terrain Using The Successive Random Addition Midpoint Displacement Method,, Geomatics Research Australasia., No. 69, pp. 35~56, 1998. (SCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  16. 黃金聰、史天元。以碎形為基礎之地形模擬與分析, 中正嶺學報, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 117~130, 1997. (EI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  17. 史天元、黃金聰。以最小二乘法求解地籍圖重測之未確定界址線, 地籍測量, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 1~18, 1997. 詳細資料 detailed information
  18. Tian-Yuan Shih, Jin-Tsong Hwang, and Tzong-Jer Tsai,. The Fractal Properties of Sea Surface Topography Derived from TOPEX/POSEIDON, Computers & Geosciences., No. 25, pp. 1051~1058, 1996. (SCI) 詳細資料 detailed information
  19. 羅慶昌、黃金聰。以數化等高線建立DTM之精度分析, 測量工程, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 43~59, 1993. 詳細資料 detailed information
  20. 黃金聰。傅立葉轉換與統計相關在影像相關上之比較, 測量工程, Vol. 30 No. 3, pp. 23~32, 1991. 詳細資料 detailed information
  21. 羅慶昌、黃金聰。偵測線形特徵物以協助自動產生DTM資料之研究, 測量工程, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 7~22, 1990. 詳細資料 detailed information

※研討會論文 Conference Papers

  1. Jin-Tsong Hwan. BUILDING MODEL RECONSTRUCTION WITH TIR IMAGES AND AUGMENTED REALITY, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2017, May 2017.
  3. 黃金聰,朱庭蓁。熱紅外影像於建物磁磚貼附安全檢測及擴增實境的應用, 第三十五屆測量及空間資訊研討會, August 2016.
  4. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Ting-Chen Chu. HREE-DIMENSIONAL BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION AND THE APPLICATION WITH AUGMENTED REALITY, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2016, April 2016.
  5. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Yi-Wen Chen, Wen-Yu Lian, Yu-Yun Yang, Ting-Chen Chu. DSM Generation On the shade of tree area Of Aerial Photogrammetry, The 23th International Conference on Geoinformatics, June 2015.
  6. 1. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Ting-Chen Chu, Chien-Hong Chen. Accuracy Assessment of 3D Building Construction by Multiview Images and the Integrated Application with Augmented Reality, The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, October 2015.
  7. Chen, Chien-Hong, Hwang, Jin-Tsong. Analysis of 3D Construction and Accuracy Assessment by Using Multi-View Images, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), April 2015.
  8. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Man-Ci Dai, Tzu-Yu Huang, Yi-Jie Huang. THE STUDY OF DSM GENERATION ON THE SCREEN OF TREE AREA OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2015, 2014.
  9. Kuan-Tsung Chang , Jin-Tsong Hwang, Ge-Wen Lee, Jin-King Liu. Using an UAV for Collecting High Resolution Geospatial Data for Golf Course Maintainence, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), April 2014.
  10. 黃金聰,翁婕晞。以多視角影像重建航拍遮蔽區地形, 第33屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2014.
  11. 翁婕晞,黃金聰。多視角影像於航拍遮蔽區地形重建之研究, 第32屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨第2屆兩岸重力及大地水準面研討會, August 2013.
  12. Chieh-His Weng, Jin-Tsong Hwang. Application of DEM Reconstruction From Multi-view Images To A Canopy Area Of Aerial Photogrammetry, The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, October 2013.
  13. Yi-Ting Tsai, Jin-Tsong Hwang, Tzu-Yu Huang, Man-Ci Dai. The Study On The DSM Generated By SIFT And SfM Used UAV Image, The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, October 2013.
  14. Chieh-His Weng, Jin-Tsong Hwang. THE STUDY OF APPLYING IMAGE-BASED MODELING TO CANOPY AREA OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), May 2013.
  15. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Jie-Shi Weng, Yi-Ting Tsai. 3D MODELING AND ACCURACY ASSESSMENT- A CASE STUDY OF PHOTOSYNTH, The 20th International Conference on Geoinformatics, June 2012.
  16. 蔡依庭, 黃金聰。UAV航拍影像點雲產生DSM之研究, 第31屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2012.
  17. Jie-Shi Weng, Yi-Ting Tsai, Jin-Tsong Hwang. 3D MODEL RECONSTRUCTION AND ACCURACY ASSESSMENT: A CASE STUDY ON PHOTOSYNTH, The 33rd Asian Conference On Remote Sensing, November 2012.
  18. Kuan-Tsung Chang; F. G. Yiu; J. T. Hwang; Y. X. Lin. Accuracy assessment of Land Use Classification using hybrid methods,SPIE Proceedings, Land Surface Remote Sensing,8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing, October 2012.
  19. 黃金聰、蔡依庭、吳亞璇、林湘瑩。以Gabor濾波特徵與SVM為基礎的衛星影像分類, 第三十屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2011.
  20. Jie-Shi Weng, Yi-Ting Tsai, Jin-Tsong Hwang. STUDY ON 3D MODEL RECONSTRUCTION SOFTWARE ON THE INTERNET— A CASE STUDY OF PHOTOSYNTH AND PHOTOFLY, The 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, October 2011.
  21. Yi-Ting Tsai, Jin-Tsong Hwang. TEXTURE ANALYSIS USING GABOR FILTERS FOR IMAGE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SVM, The 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, October 2011.
  22. 陳思翰、黃金聰。未校正影像三維模型建構與定位精度之研究, 第三十屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2011.
  23. Kuan-Tsung Chang,Jin-Tsong Hwang,Jin-King Liu,Edward-Hua Wang,Zhu-Yi Wang. Apply Two Hybrid Methods on the Rainfall-induced Landslides Interpretation, The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, June 2011.
  24. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Kuan-Tsung Chang, Hun-Chin Chiang. Satellite Image Classification based on Gabor texture features and SVM, The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, June 2011.
  25. 陳思翰、黃金聰。以Photosynth點雲資料建立三維模型之研究, 第六屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會, October 2010.
  26. 蔡依庭、翁婕晞、黃金聰。支持向量機於高解析影像分類之研究, 第六屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會, October 2010.
  28. 陳思翰、黃金聰。Photosynth點雲資料定位精度之研究, 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2010.
  29. 翁婕晞、蔡依庭、黃金聰。高解析衛星影像分類之研究, 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2010.
  30. Jin-Tsong Hwang. A Study on Improving Training Speed in Support Vector Machine, The 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics,Geoinformatic 2010, June 2010.
  31. Jin-Tsong Hwang、Hun-chin Chiang. The Study of High Resolution Satellite Image Classification based on Support Vector Machine, The 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics,Geoinformatic 2010, June 2010.
  32. 黃金聰、陳奉瑤、梁仁旭、梁世昌。地理資訊於不動產估價的處理與應用, 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2010.
  33. Jin-Tsong Hwang. Wavelet Texture Extraction and Image Classification of Hyperspectral Data Based on Support Vector Machines, The 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics,Geoinformatic 2009 , August 2009.
  34. 黃金聰。結合多尺度紋理的小波轉換與支持向量機的高光譜影像分類, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, August 2009.
  35. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Si-han Chen, Jia-yu Ji . The Study of Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Support Vector Machine, The 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2008, October 2009.
  36. Jin-Tsong Hwang. An Embedded Google Earth/Maps Application on Real Estate Database Inquiry and Display, ISPRS 2008 Beijing Congress, July 2008.
  37. Jin-Tsong Hwang、Huang-Chen Liu. A Study on Cadastral Data Changes and Display , The 29th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2008, November 2008.
  38. 劉晃辰、黃金聰。多維度地籍資料之處理與顯示, 第六屆數位地球國際研討會暨研習會, May 2008.
  39. 黃金聰、劉晃辰。時態地籍資料之處理, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2008.
  40. Jin-Tsong Hwang、Huang-Chen Liu. Web-Based Real Estate Database Inquiry and Display with Embedded Google Earth/Maps, PS1.G1.1, The 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), November 2007.
  41. Jin-Tsong Hwang. Application Based on Arcobject Inquery and Google Maps Demontration to Real Estate Database, GIS07359, NanJing University, International Geoinfomatics' 2007, May 2007.
  42. 黃金聰。以ArcObject為基礎的不動產資料庫查詢與顯示, 台北大學公共事務論壇系列--空間資訊, June 2007.
  43. 黃金聰。不動產資料庫整合於Google Map/Earth 與Urmap API的應用研究, 25屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2006.
  44. 徐士榮,李承嘉,黃金聰,陳奉瑤,黃信勳,戴政新,周信敦。農地保有合理化事業在台灣實踐之研究--以雲林縣斗南鎮為例 , 2006海峽兩岸四地土地學術研討會, 2006.
  45. 黃金聰。虛擬實境應用於農地的查詢與場景瀏覽, 25屆測量及空間資訊研討會, September 2006.
  46. 李承嘉,徐世榮,陳奉瑶,黃金聰,戴政新。微型農地綜合利用規劃之研究, 2006年土地學術研究, October 2006.
  47. 吳俊龍,黃金聰。以影像紋理輔助區分土地利用-以都市地區影像為例, 2004全國災害危機處理學術研討會, 2004.
  48. 黃金聰,江渾欽。高光譜影像分類之研究, 第21屆測量學術暨應用研討會, 2002.
  49. 江渾欽,黃金聰。新一代地政資訊系規劃設計與發展, 2002.
  50. 黃金聰,江渾欽。興趣運算元與小波轉換於地形特徵點萃取比較之研究, 2001.
  51. 黃金聰。計算影像紋裡以提供分類輔助之研究, 2000.
  52. 黃金聰,史天元。碎形維數於河川蜿蜒量化之研究, 1999.
  53. Jin-Tsong Hwang and Tian-Yuan Shih . A Comparison of Bilinear Interpolation, Cubic Convolution, and Brownian Interpolation with Least Squares Matching , 1997 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing , October 1997.
  54. 劉瑞榮,張永華,黃金聰,趙惠誠,龔一中。非線性系統識別在軍事工 程結構非破壞性檢驗之應用, 1997.
  55. Hsu, Tao-I, Jin-Tsong Hwang and Jyh Feng Liu,. A Model of Image Texture, 2ND UK Symposium on Applications of Time-Frequency an Time-Scale Methods,, 1997.
  56. 劉志峰,徐道義,黃金聰。用碎形維數進行影像紋理分割, 1997.
  57. Jin-Tsong Hwang and Tian-Yuan Shih,. On the Characteristics of Simulated Terrain Using The Successive Random Addition Midpoint Displacement Method, ASPRS/ACSM, Volume III,, 1996.
  58. Jin-Tsong Hwang. Comparing the image matching methods of the two-stage and FFTSuccessive Random Addition Midpoint Displacement Method, ASPRS/ACSM, Volume III,, 1990.
  59. 何維信,黃灝雄,江渾欽,黃金聰。以數位影像建立地形情報資料庫, 第十七屆測量署測量學術發表會, September 1989.
  60. 黃金聰,江渾欽,陳浦淮。以ERDAS為基礎之高解析彩色影像的製作, 第八屆測量學術及應用研討會, September 1989.
  61. 江渾欽,黃金聰。三角形資料結構在地形曲面模組之應用, 第七屆測量學術發表會, September 1988.
  62. 黃金聰,江渾欽。FFT與統計相關在影像匹配上之比較, 第七屆測量學術及應用研討會, September 1988.

※技術報告與其他 Technical reports and Others

  1. 徐世榮,李承嘉,黃金聰,陳奉瑤。農地利用綜合規劃—農業生產區域之 農地利用規劃與推動計畫, 2005.
  2. 黃金聰。興趣運算元與小波轉換於地形特徵點萃取比較之研究(NSC 91 - 2211 - E305 - 002), 2003.
  3. 江渾欽,黃金聰。台北市地籍測量作業制度改進之研究, 2003.
  4. 黃金聰。計算空間變異元紋理提供影分類輔助(NSC 90 - 2211 - E305 - 001), 2002.
  5. 黃金聰。應用碎形維數為地理特徵物指標之研究(NSC89-2211-E014-014). , 2001.
  6. 孫秉良,黃金聰等。沿海地區大區域地形輔助導航技術 II(NSC 88-02623-D-014-011), 1999.
  7. 黃金聰。應用碎形維數為地理特徵物指標之研究, 1999.
  8. 孫秉良,黃金聰等。沿海地區大區域地形輔助導航技術 I(NSC 87-02623-D-014-011), 1998.


  1. 行政院國家科學委員會, 105-2410-H-305 -079 , 利用熱影像建構建物三維模型與維護檢測以及在擴增實境的應用研究, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 2016/08/01~2017/07/31, NTD$ 387,000.
  2. 行政院國家科學委員會, 103-2410-H-305 -068 -MY2, 利用UAV與多視角影像之點雲於地形與建物模型重建及擴增實境應用之研 究, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 103.08.01~15.07.31, NTD$ 1,207,000.
  3. 行政院國家科學委員會, 102-2410-H-305 -053, 結合多重近景影像於UAV航拍遮蔽區DEM重建之研究, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 102.08.01~103.07.31, NTD$ 648,000.
  4. 行政院國家科學委員會, 101-2410-H-305 -072 - , 利用SIFT結合SfM方法於UAV航拍影像產生DSM之研究, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 477,000.
  5. 行政院國家科學委員會, 100-2410-H-305-065- , 以SIFT為基礎之多來源未校正影像的套合與三維立體模型建構之研究 , 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 100.08.01~101.07.31, NTD$ 490,000.
  6. 行政院國家科學委員會, 99-2410-H-305-075 , 整合光譜與空間資訊於支持向量機核函數的高光譜影像分類, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 99.08.01~100.07.31, NTD$ 486,000.
  7. 行政院國家科學委員會, NSC 98-2410-H-305-052 , 以小波與支持向量機為基礎的影像分類研究, 計畫主持人, 公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系, 98.08.01~ 99.07.31, NTD$ 478,000.