期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information
作者(Author)Sue-Fung Wang,Yi-Cheng Shih, and Pei-Lung Lin
篇名(Article title)The Long Run Performance of Asian Commercial Bank Mergers and Acquisition
期刊名(Journal name)Modern Economy
國際期刊(International Journal)Econlit
ABSTRCTIn this paper, we investigate the long-run post-merger performance of Asian acquiring bank by using 293 deals in the 1997-2007 periods. We find the Asian acquiring banks experience negative long-term abnormal returns and are not efficiency improving, followed by mergers and acquisition. However, DeYoung, Evanoff and Molyneux find European bank mergers appear to have resulted in both efficiency gains and stockholder value enhancement and North American bank mergers are efficiency improving, although the event-study literature presents a mixed picture regarding stockholder wealth creation. Therefore, our empirical results show that the long-run stock returns and operating performance of Asian commercial bank mergers are different from those of the US and EU markets. In general, the long-run stock performance and operating performance of Asian commercial bank merger and Acquisition are negative and Asian commercial bank merger and Acquisition cannot create synergy in the long run.
KEYWORDAsian Bank Mergers and Acquisition, Long-Run Stock Performance, Long-Run Operating Performance
卷期(Volume No)Vol.5 No.4
頁數(Page number)PP.341~359