期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information
作者(Author)Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang and Chang-Hua Chen
篇名(Article title)Barriers to the adoption of ICT in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in US universities
期刊名(Journal name)ReCALL
國際期刊(International Journal)SSCI
中文摘要(Abstrct)本研究主要探討美國大學中文教師使用資訊與溝通工具於中文課程的困難之處。雖然在教 學上使用資訊與溝通工具日益增加,但仍只有少數研究針對中文為第二外語的情境進行探 討,因此,本研究除了整理過去關於資訊與溝通工具於高等教育課程的相關文獻之外,並 特意在以中文為第二外語的情境下進行研究。本研究採用混合研究方法,包含了問卷調查 與半結構式訪談兩個部分,在四十七位問卷填答者中,有五位大學中文教師亦接受了深度 訪談。本研究發現,大學中文教師使用資訊與溝通工具的最主要困難之處為缺乏組織單位 的支持與額外時間,這兩個原因也凸顯美國大學的中文教師在課程規劃的特質與工作量的 特點,此外,年齡會影響中文教師使用資訊與溝通工具於教學和備課的信心,而性別則會 影響教師花時間使用資訊與溝通工具的意願。
ABSTRCTThis study aims to investigate barriers to the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) in US universities. Although the development of ICT for teaching is growing, few published studies address ICT specifically regarding CFL teaching. Therefore, this study has reviewed the existing ICT literature’s treatment of important ICT-related matters, including barrier factors, and has examined them in the context of CFL teaching. The current study features a mixed method, consisting of a survey and semi-structured interviews. Of the 47 CFL teachers who participated in the study, five volunteered for in-depth interviews. According to our findings, the most critical barriers to these CFL teachers’ adoption of ICT were insufficient support and insufficient time for developing technology-driven pedagogy and activities. These issues are reflected in CFL teachers’ unique subject expertise and workloads in existing universities’ curricula and approaches to instruction. In addition, age influences CFL teachers’ confidence in their use of ICT for the preparation of subject material and for teaching, whereas gender influences their willingness to spend time working on ICT.
KEYWORDICT, technology-integration barriers, CFL teaching, teachers’ perspectives
卷期(Volume No)Vol.26 No.1
頁數(Page number)PP.100~116