期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information
作者(Author)Yi-Chia Wang
篇名(Article title)Evidence of Public Capital Spillovers and Endogenous Growth in Taiwan
期刊名(Journal name)Economic Modelling
國際期刊(International Journal)SSCI, JEL, Econlit
ABSTRCTThis study reaffirms the empirical evidence of public capital spillovers and endogenous growth by using data for the period 1966Q3–2012Q3 in Taiwan. Avoiding the use of a 100% depreciation rate for generating public and private capital stock series that is applied in some related studies, this study estimates these series by using disaggregate data of various investment assets and applying their individual depreciation rates, as calculated by Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000). The results showthat, first, (per capita) output, private capital stock, and public capital stock cointegrated in the sample period. Second, the contribution of private capital to output is 50% higher than that of public capital. Third, in the presence of significant and sizeable public capital spillover effects, growth in Taiwan is strictly endogenous. Finally, the dynamic model with a cointegration equation helps in studying some sensible short-run properties of the model and bi-directional effects among variables.
KEYWORDPublic capital Spillovers、Endogenous growth、Taiwan
卷期(Volume No)Vol.39 No.
頁數(Page number)PP.314~321