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篇名(Article title)移民被害理論的初探
期刊名(Journal name)涉外執法與政策學報
國際期刊(International Journal)
中文摘要(Abstrct)全球化下的移民被害問題是被害者學研究的新興議題,也是各國政府在人口變遷 過程中所面臨的共同挑戰。移民被害的論述隨著時代不斷變化,而移民被害的定義也 從傳統法律定義下的被害擴張到違反基本人權下的被害,更加突顯了國家從制度面減 少移民被害風險的角色。移民被害現象逐漸成為評量一國移民政策發展的重要指標之 一。原因是許多研究在比較了移民和非移民的被害現象後,提出移民結構性的弱勢、 負面烙印、特殊的生活型態等均會影響其被害風險,而上述因素背後反映了一國移民 政策健全與否。本文首先說明寫作的動機與我國移民背景,其次從被害者學的三種視 角探討移民被害現象-分別是實證、基進與批判觀點,再佐以文獻探討說明為何在研 究我國特殊移民脈絡下的移民被害問題時,應強調基進被害者學的觀點。從被害者學 的角度出發,本文的目的在強調強化跨領域學科在研究移民被害現象的對話,反思研 究移民被害在促進移民政策的重要性,最後對未來研究方向提出建議。
ABSTRCTImmigrant victimization is not only an emerging research topic in victimology studies, but also a pressing issue for countries influenced by the population flows under globalization turn. Discourses on immigrant victimization has been through changes over time. The changes include expanding the definition of victimization from traditional legal definition to a broader basic human right definition. Countries are gradually facing the pressure to respond more actively to the phenomenon of immigrant victimization. In addition, immigrant victimization has become one of the key indicators for evaluating governmental immigration policy and practice. On comparing the victimization between immigrant and non-immigrant, researchers have suggested that the victimization risk of immigrants can be understood by many aspects, including the structural inferiority, stigma, and lifestyle. These factors are highly related to the national immigration policy. First of all, this paper describe my research motivation and the background history of our immigration society. Secondly, this paper applies both positivism and radical viciimology theories discussing immigration victimization. In terms of literature review, this paper stresses the significance of radical victimology on investigating the immigrant victims under existing social context. Beginning with the victimology perspective, this paper goes on to stress cross-disciplinary conversations on researching immigrant victims of crime in order to reflect on the close relationship between immigrant victimization and immigration policy. In the end, suggestions for future research are proposed.
KEYWORDimmigrant, victimization, victimology
卷期(Volume No)第卷 第4期
頁數(Page number)第37~62頁