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篇名(Article title)多功能農業體制下的農地功能與利用方案選擇
期刊名(Journal name)台灣土地研究
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
中文摘要(Abstrct)多功能農業(multifunctional agriculture)或多功能性(multifunctionality)此一專有名詞的意義是指,除了糧食衣物生產之外,農業還可以生產不同的非商品產出,非商品產出包括如景觀、鄉村經濟活力、國內糧食質的安全、文化資產及生物多樣性的保存等。由於對農業的非商品產出的補貼,不屬於世界貿易組織(WTO)限制的範疇,多功能性間接地賦予了農業價格與所得補貼計畫和貿易限制等的正當性,因此多功能性也經常被用來作為保護國內農業的策略。 土地為農業經營的最主要元素,農業多功能性幾乎就等於多功能的農地使用。自從1990年代末期開始,在歐盟、挪威、瑞士及日本等國家的集約使用農業區,已經逐漸從原先單一生產導向使用方式轉向多功能的使用。不過,這些國家所界定的農地功能並不相同,因為一個國家的農地應該有什麼樣的功能,受到該國政治、經濟及社會發等因素的展影響。台灣農地應該具有哪些功能?以及哪些農地使用方案較能符合所界定的農業功能?這些問題亟待研究。本文經由分析層級程序法(AHP)來探討台灣國家空間層級的農地功能及農地使用方案。研究結果顯示,在農地的主要功能上,生產與生態的功能較為重要;在農地的次要功能上,則以糧食供給、糧食品質安全及地利維護具優先性;在農地使用上,則以有機耕作為最佳農地使用方案。
ABSTRCTThe term multifunctional agriculture or multifunctionality refers to the fact that agriculture can produce various non-commodity outputs in addition to food and fiber. Non-commodity outputs include landscape, rural economic viability, domestic food safety, cultural heritage and preservation of biodiversity. The term is often argued for protectionist reasons and justifies agricultural price and income support programs and trade restrictions which are not permitted by WTO. Land is a key element of agriculture. Multifunctional agriculture is equated with multifunctional farmland use. Since the late 1990s, many intensively managed agricultural areas in EU, Norway, Switzerland, Japan etc. have shifted progressively from solely production oriented use to multiple functions use. However, the functions of agriculture in these countries are different. What functions of agriculture a country should have is generally influenced by its social, economic, cultural and political factors. Few studies investigate what functions of farmland should be and what land use types for performance of multifunctional agriculture have priority in Taiwan. This paper conducts the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess multifunctional performances of agriculture and farmland use types for Taiwan. We find that production and ecological function are most important in main criteria of farmland use, and that foods supply, foods safety and soil protection have priority in sub-criteria of farmland functions, and that organic farming is first alternatives in farmland use criteria.
KEYWORDMultifunctionality, Farmland Use, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
卷期(Volume No)第12卷 第2期
頁數(Page number)第135~162頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese