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篇名(Article title)預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項之權利保障方式分析
期刊名(Journal name)公平交易季刊
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTScholars have examined the propriety of rules used to protect legal entitlements, focusing on the question whether property or liability rules result in more efficient outcome. The burdens of proof allocation often will be important in determining the optimal rule. In order to seek more effective the rule for protecting legal entitlements, this paper constructs four-rule schema to discuss which rule can reduce transaction costs and thus promote optimal exchange, by taking burdens of proof allocation into the entitlement framework. Furthermore, this paper adopts an approach based on law and economics to comparative analysis the transaction costs of the 5th and the 19th items that should be printed on the standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing with the four rules. This paper shows that the property rule with allocating burdens of proof to seller will produce more efficient incentives for minimizing the transaction costs than the others rules in the 5th and the 19th items.
KEYWORD Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions to be Included in Standard-Form Contracts for Pre-Sales Housing, Property Rules, Liability Rules, Burdens of Proof, Transaction Costs, Law and Economics.
卷期(Volume No)第17卷 第4期
頁數(Page number)第141~181頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese