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篇名(Article title)鄉村仕紳化-以宜蘭縣三星鄉三個村落為例
期刊名(Journal name)台灣土地研究
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
中文摘要(Abstrct)1966年,Ruth Glass把在英國倫敦觀察到的中產階級入侵原先由工人階層居住地區,致該地區建築物獲得整修、美化,原先破敗地區因而復甦,社會特性因階層結構的改變而改變的現象稱為「仕紳化(gentrification)」。這種現象與反都市化或郊區化迥異,因此引發國際間對都市仕紳化的大量研究,都市仕紳化甚至被視為是國際性的現象。近年來仕紳化的研究從都市延伸至鄉村,不過鄉村仕紳化的研究相對較少,並且集中在西方先進國家。因此,本文以宜蘭縣三星鄉大洲、大隱及行健三個村為個案,來觀察台灣鄉村仕紳化的情形。 本文屬鄉村仕紳化的一般性研究,內容主要為仕紳化現象、仕紳化的成因及仕紳化對鄉村衝擊的觀察。本文採取的研究方法,除了對相關文獻的回顧整理以外,並在個案地區進行深度訪談。個案研究發現,三星鄉的三個村已具有初步仕紳化現象。此外,形成三星鄉三個村仕紳化的原因具有多元性,包括個人偏好、不動產市場及機關制度因素等。最後,初步的仕紳化也顯示出對當地產生一些衝擊,包括土地使用和地景的改變,以及原居民和新遷入者之間的人際關係較為疏離等,未來鄉村的發展策略對於這些改變均宜有所回應。
ABSTRCTGentrification in the East End of London was first identified by Ruth Glass in 1964 and defined as a process of class succession and displacement that generally occurred in areas broadly characterized by working-class and unskilled households. Different from urbanisation, suburbanisation and counter-urbanisation, gentrification is considered as a new tendency of urban development in the postmodern society. There have been many studies of gentrification focusing on inner city. Gentrification in inner city is widely recognized as an international phenomenon. In recent years, research on gentrification has extended from urban to rural areas. However, studies on rural gentrification are relatively few in comparison with studies on urban gentrification. Additionally, studies on rural gentrification generally concentrate on advanced western nations. Therefore, this paper attempts to examine gentrification in three villages (Dachou, Dayin and Shingien) in Sanshing Country in Taiwan. This research conducted a general observation of rural gentrification in Sanshing country. It paid attention to phenomenon of rural gentrification, factors of rural gentrification and impacts of gentrification on rural areas. We adopted text analysis and deep interview. In the field research, we found that gentrification is beginning in the three villages. Additionally, this research found that rural gentrification can be caused by multiple factors, including individual preference, property market and institution. Finally, we found that gentrification in the three villages has led to changes in land use and landscape, and to estrangement between inhabitants and new comers. These observed changes indicate that the effects of gentrification on rural development can be positive and negative, implying that new tactics in rural development are required to response these effects.
KEYWORDrural gentrification, rural development, Sanshing Country
卷期(Volume No)第13卷 第2期
頁數(Page number)
語言(Language)中文 Chinese