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篇名(Article title)區域貿易協定下反傾銷及平衡措施條款之實證研究
期刊名(Journal name)臺北大學法學論叢
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTMordent trend of negotiating signing Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) becomes more important under international economic law. Not only the powerful trading countries enabled their political and economic impacts through regional economic integration, but also various developing countries put the RTA process into their primary trade policy. When negotiating RTAs, the members shall follow both GATT art. XXIV and non-discrimination rule at the same time. Many contracting parties put the anti-dumping and countervailing measure clause into RTA provision in order to balance the WTO requirement, reciprocal treatment of RTA, and domestic trade remedy rules. In fact, the remedy for unfair trade practice of foreign export product is always the critical issue under international trade law. Because of the differences of economic development amongst the countries, there are diversity formations of anti-dumping clauses under various RTAs. This article focuses on the legal structure of anti-dumping and countervailing measure clause under RTAs, and further discuss the policy orientation for Taiwan in the future RTA negotiation. This article also use the empirical studies to examine Taiwan’s closer trading partners, including Mainland China, U.S.A., Japan, South Korea, European Union, and Singapore, especially reviews the anti-dumping clause under RTAs singing by above countries. The conclusion of this article provides the policy suggestions.
KEYWORDFree Trade Agreement, Regional Trade Agreement, GATT XXIV, Anti-dumping, Countervailing Duty, Economic Integration
卷期(Volume No)第81期
頁數(Page number)第1~92頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese