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篇名(Article title)析論區域貿易協定透明化機制在世界貿易組織之進展
期刊名(Journal name)東海大學法學研究
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTGlobalization and regional economic integration parallel developed in the same direction. Rapidly increasing Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) make important effects for multilateral trading system during the last decades. These effects are not always benefit to the process of multilateral negotiation, and do not always bring positive result for RTA members as well. From the view of WTO law, RTA and multilateral trading system can legally exist at the same time through the exceptions of WTO provisions. RTAs have the nature of mutual preferential treatment in various formations. Since GATT era, members have the obligations to notify WTO their engaging in RTA negotiation, but the processes are always delayed. After Uruguay Round negotiation, the Regional Trade Agreement Committee (CRTA) in charges of the review of RTAs, unfortunately, it is still criticized as ineffectiveness. Currently at Doha negotiation, WTO announces in 2006 a new RTA Transparency Mechanism (TM). This TM enforces by WTO members in a preliminary basis, and is expected to establish a new multilateral trade agreement on RTA transparency at the end of Doha round. This article discusses the development and critical issues of RTA, and then introduces the historical comprehensive review process of CRTA. After above analysis, this article explores the above new TM model and systematic framework. Finally, the conclusion exams Taiwan’s participating in TM process and provides the policy suggestions.
KEYWORDWorld Trade Organization (WTO), Transparency Mechanism(TM), Committee on Regional Trade Agreement (CRTA), Regional Trade Agreement (RTA), Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
卷期(Volume No)第36期
頁數(Page number)第153~226頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese