期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information |
作者(Author) | 楊子政 |
篇名(Article title) | 〈從基礎邁向上層建築:英國左派理論與政治的變革 〉 |
期刊名(Journal name) | 《思與言》 |
國際期刊(International Journal) | TSSCI |
中文摘要(Abstrct) | 本文探討一九六○年代至一九八○年代末期,英國左派引用葛蘭西之文化霸權理論對古典馬克思主義之基礎/上層建築概念所進行的辯論與修改,以及所引發之政治路線的改變。本文將由理論以及經驗討論兩個部分,說明尋求改革的英國左派人士從一個細微的理論修改出發,進而質疑經濟決定論以及工人階級的革命領導權,挑戰了傳統階級政治與工會運動的理論基礎,最後在一九八○年代發展出與傳統左派運動歧異頗大的政治路線與政治實踐,重新定義了所謂社會主義政治的內容,並促成了英國左派政治運動的重組。本研究透過對英國左派發展的分析,呈現英國左派對於葛蘭西理論的不同詮釋版本,檢視其面臨變局思索出路的歷史過程,說明政治論述與政治實踐的辨證互動關係。 |
ABSTRCT | This article focuses on the theoretical and political revisions within the British Left in the period 1960s to the late 1980s. Its central theme examines the way in which the British Left’s theory and politics were conceived and elaborated, in response to the shifting social and political contexts of the time. The article also shows how far a theoretical revision influenced the practice of the British Left, and how these issues were debated. By appropriating Gramsci’s idea of hegemony, the British Left revised the orthodox Marxist concept of base/superstructure, challenged economic determinism, and redefined the contents of the socialist politics. Political theory and practice are thus intertwined and interlinked. In conclusion, this article argues that it was the name of Gramsci rather than the detailed contents of his ideas that was most influential. The British Left’ interpretations and use of Gramsci’s ideas reflected their need for legitimatization and self-identification. |
中文關鍵字(Keyword) | 英國左派、英國工黨、英國共產黨、社會主義、馬克思主義 |
KEYWORD | British Left, British Labour Party, British Communist Party, socialism, Marxism |
卷期(Volume No) | 第50卷 第1期 |
頁數(Page number) | 第1~70頁 |
年份(Year) | 2012 |
語言(Language) | 中文 Chinese |