期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information |
作者(Author) | 曾明遜 |
篇名(Article title) | 不動產專業證照規範密度之法律經濟分析 |
期刊名(Journal name) | 財產法暨經濟法 |
國際期刊(International Journal) | |
中文摘要(Abstrct) | 依憲法第八十六條第二款與相關法律規章之規定,為取得不動產經紀、估價與地政之執業資格,依規定除入會要件外,必須經過考試及格、一定年期經驗或一定時數專業訓練的認可。透過現行的不動產專業證照法制規範,是否可降低交易者互動的交易成本而分享交易利得?就公共選擇理論而言,政府是平凡人類組織而成的超級廠商,因而不免受到私心的導引,故並不能保證將政府的手伸入市場就一定能獲得較良善的結果。各種制度都難以吃免費午餐,政府擬定與執行不動產專業證照遊戲規則,雖可降低市場傳訊失靈的成本,但須付出職業自由權限制與證照管理的成本。為了使不動產市場參與者享受更大的合作經濟剩餘,往深厚資源的方向邁進,本研究利用法律經濟學研究取向,納入證照互依成本概念,探討何種證照規範密度較可降低互依成本,進而提出不動產專業證照制度改善可考量的方向。 |
ABSTRCT | Certified Real Estate Broking Agent, Real Estate Appraiser, and Land Administration Agent are professionals. According to Article 86, Subparagraph 2, of the Constitution, the qualifications for practice in a certain professional services shall be determined through examinations held under the relevant laws. The reasons and existence of real estate professional licensure/certification may minimize consumer uncertainty over the quality of the licensed/certificated services and improve the quality of services received. From the public choice theory viewpoint, it is questioned that the role of the government and professional associations as unbiased gatekeepers and enforcers. Although existent licensing/certificating systems can reduce the market signaling failure problems, it also usually increase undesirable related costs of limitations concerning people’s right of work and occupations. In order to seek effective legal regulation of real estate professional licensure/certification, this study adopts an approach based on law and economics that incorporates interdependence costs to discuss which regulated intensity can reduce interdependence costs and thus promote optimal exchange. |
中文關鍵字(Keyword) | 不動產、專業證照、規範密度、交易成本、法律經濟學、傳訊、互依成本 |
KEYWORD | Real Estate, Professional Licensure/Certification, Regulated Intensity, Transaction Costs, Law and Economics, Signaling, Interdependence Costs |
卷期(Volume No) | 第28期 |
頁數(Page number) | 第1~32頁 |
年份(Year) | 2011 |
語言(Language) | 中文 Chinese |