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作者(Author)Shang-Ying Shiu, Constantine Gatsonis
篇名(Article title)On ROC analysis with nonbinary reference standard
期刊名(Journal name)Biometrical Journal
國際期刊(International Journal)SCI
ABSTRCTStatistical methods for the evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic tests usually assume a binary true disease status. However, this assumption may not be realistic in practical settings in which “disease” is defined by dichotomizing continuous or ordinal categorical measures using a pre-specified threshold value. In this paper,we focus on the analysis of studies inwhich both the diagnostic test and the reference standard are reported as continuous measures. We propose a semiparametric model for estimating the sensitivity, specificity, and the ROC curve as functions of reference standard thresholds. Under suitable order restrictions on the mean of the test result variable, fitting is done via two alternative approaches: isotonic regression and monotone smoothing splines. The model provides the basis to assess the effect of varying reference standard threshold on the performance of a diagnostic test. An example to evaluate the ability of the maximal SUV-lean (standardized uptake value normalized to lean body mass) in predicting axillary node involvement in women diagnosed with breast cancer is presented.
KEYWORDDiagnostic test; Reference standard; ROC analysis
卷期(Volume No)Vol. 54 No. 4
頁數(Page number)pp. 457~480
語言(Language)英文 English