期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information  
作者(Author)I-P. Chiang, Yean-Fu Wen*, Y.-C. Luo, M.-C. Li, and C.-Y. Hsu
篇名(Article title)Using Text Mining Techniques to Analyze How the Movies Forum Affect Box Office
期刊名(Journal name)International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies
國際期刊(International Journal)EI
ABSTRCTThe audience movie reviews provide the guide to film company as a forecasting tool. This study used a text mining technique to analyze the American film market as an example. We explored the movie reviews in a combination of WOM factors (i.e., movie content, positive, negative, and promotion) and related factors (i.e., time, rating, and the number of ratings) for the box office. According to the relationship between the keyword clusters, we got the analyzed trend and the major factors that affect the box office. The findings provide reference for movie producer to manipulate the WOMs.
KEYWORDBox Office, Film Industry, Forecast, Text Mining, WOM
卷期(Volume No)
頁數(Page number)
語言(Language)英文 English