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篇名(Article title)希望感、自信心與2x2成就目標對大學生體育課表現之預測。
期刊名(Journal name)大專體育學刊
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTThis study was purposed to investigate the relationships among hope, confidence, 2 × 2 goal orientations and performance in physical education (PE) class, as well as the predictions of hope, confidence, 2 × 2 goal orientations on physical education performance among college students. Total one hundred and thirty-nine college students (103 males, 36 females, aged 20.29 ± 1.81 years) were participated in this study. All the participants were chosen from tennis and table tennis PE classes. Subjects were asked to write a battery of scales included hope, confidence, 2 × 2 goal orientations and self-evaluated performance. In the results we found positive correlations with performance evaluated by students and teachers, and sport confidence had a positive correlation with performance evaluated by students. For 2 × 2 goal orientations, only mastery-approach goal was positively correlated with performance evaluated by teachers, whereas, other goals had no correlations with performance evaluated by students and teachers. A positive correlation was found between performance evaluated by students, and performance evaluated by teachers. Second, hope, sport confidence and mastery-avoidance goal were effectively positive predictors of performance evaluated by students. However hope was only the predictor of performance evaluated by teachers. These results conclude that there was a positive correlation among hope, confidence and sport performance. Hope could predict performance evaluated by students and teachers, but the relationships between 2 × 2 goal orientations and sport performance is not clear in this research, only mastery-avoidance goal could predict the performance evaluated by students.
中文關鍵字(Keyword)成就目標理論 ; 路徑思考 ; 效能思考 ; 自評表現 ; 他評表現
KEYWORD achievement goal theory ; pathway thinking ; agency thinking ; self-rated performance ; other-rated performance
卷期(Volume No)第14卷 第1期
頁數(Page number)第75~83頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese