期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information  
作者(Author)Chan-Yun Yang、Jian-Jun Wang
篇名(Article title)ξ-α estimator for fuzzy support vector machine
期刊名(Journal name)Advanced Science Letters
國際期刊(International Journal)EI
ABSTRCTThe main goal of this paper is to derive the Joachims' ξ-α bound of the fuzzy support vector machine (fuzzy SVM). Based on the decoupled α and ξ in the expression, the estimation of ξ-α bound is very suitable for performance analysis of the fuzzy SVM. The study re-examines the theory in details with the introduced fuzzy number si of the fuzzy SVM, and conducts a relative small upper performance bound. The bound realizes analytically the crucial robustness which the fuzzy SVM can achieve, and may be helpful for the works such as model selection or adapted model control of the corresponding decision.
卷期(Volume No)Vol. 11 No. 1
頁數(Page number)pp. 479~484
語言(Language)英文 English