期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information  
作者(Author)Weng, C.B., Chen, W.W., & Sheu, J.J
篇名(Article title)Trends of Overweight/Obesity and Weight Control Practices among High School Students in the US
期刊名(Journal name)The Health Education Monograph Series
國際期刊(International Journal)
ABSTRCTOverweight and obesity is a national priority. This study examined the trends of overweight and obesity, and the weight control behaviors among U.S. adolescents by utilizing data from Youth Risk Behavior Surveys from 1999 to 2009. Linear and quadratic time (year) variables were entered into curve estimation that tested the secular trends. Multinomial logistic regression was used to determine the weight-control selection. Among 88,532 participants, trends of obesity exhibited significant linear increase. Healthy weight-control behavior (HWCB) among overweight and obese adolescents exhibited a significant linear increase while the trend of unhealthy weight-control behavior (UWCB) decreased linearly. Also, overweight and obese adolescents tended to engage more in weight-control behaviors. It is suggested that prevention and intervention programs be developed with consideration of weight status and weight-control behaviors. Prevention and intervention programs focusing on high-risk adolescents are also suggested.
卷期(Volume No)Vol. 29 No. 1
頁數(Page number)pp. 10~14
語言(Language)英文 English