期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information  
作者(Author)Chen, Wan-chi
篇名(Article title)The Changing Pattern of Educational Differentials in Divorce in the Context of Gender Egalitarianization: The Case of Taiwan
期刊名(Journal name)Population Research and Policy Review
國際期刊(International Journal)SSCI
ABSTRCTRegarding educational differentials in divorce, similar trends have been reported across countries. Some report increasing educational differentials, while others identify an educational crossover pattern. The commonality is that education seems to play a role of stabilizing marriage more than ever before. Using data from the Women’s Marriage, Fertility, and Employment Survey, this study investigates the case of Taiwan by portraying the changing pattern of women’s educational differentials in divorce. There are three major findings. First, among previous marriage cohorts, women with relatively higher levels of formal education are significantly more likely to divorce. Second, the marital-dissolution rates for less educated women are rising faster than the corresponding rates for women with more education. Third, this trend does not stop at the catch-up point and eventually leads to a reversal in the association between education and divorce from positive to negative. In short, such educational differentials in divorce vary dramatically across marriage cohorts. A pattern of educational crossover in divorce has been displayed during the rapid social change in Taiwan. Other than William Goode’s argument raised a half-century ago, the marriage model transformation from specialization toward symmetry in the context of gender egalitarianization has to be taken into consideration in order to obtain a full understanding of the phenomenon.
KEYWORDDivorce, Educational differential, Taiwan, Marriage change
卷期(Volume No)Vol. 31 No. 6
頁數(Page number)pp. 831~853
語言(Language)英文 English