期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information |
作者(Author) | 林柏丞、郭巧玲、葉耀鮮、楊毓仁、魏敬玲、江麗香、詹大千 |
篇名(Article title) | 運用開放式地理資訊架構於登革熱防疫機制之研究 |
期刊名(Journal name) | 醫療資訊雜誌 |
國際期刊(International Journal) | |
中文摘要(Abstrct) | 每逢夏季,台灣即進入登革熱流行的危險期,2015年的疫情更是史無前例的嚴重,總共造成全國43,784名民眾的感染,約有228名的民眾因此喪命,面對登革熱的威脅,衛生資訊的有效整合對疫情的預防與控制將相當重要。根據歷年的疫情資料顯示,登革熱疫情的高風險區位於台灣南部縣市,本研究選擇以屏東縣為研究區域,防疫系統以開放式地理資訊架構為基礎,建立跨裝置登革熱防疫系統以輔助疫情的風險管理、疫情調查、防疫區規劃、智慧偵測防疫熱區與其他決策支援所需的工具,期望能讓第一線防疫人員可以透過整合式的疫情資訊、電子化與自動化的流程、搭配其他政府機關所提供的開放資料,讓「智慧防疫」成為可能,平時可以藉此系統做好社區的風險管理,有疫情時,則可以作為防疫規劃的一項利器。 |
ABSTRCT | In the 2015 dengue outbreak in Taiwan, 43,784 people were infected and 228 died. Facing the increasing threat of dengue, the integration of health information for prevention and control of outbreaks becomes very important. Based on the past epidemics, the areas with high risk of dengue epidemic are located in southern Taiwan. Therefore, Pingtung County was chosen as the research area in this study. For dengue surveillance, a web-based cross-platform system was developed based on an open geographical information system (GIS) framework. Most information for decision-making and official work for epidemic prevention are integrated in this smart surveillance system to assist in risk management, outbreak investigation, planning controlled areas, and intelligent detection of high-risk areas for first-line public health workers. |
中文關鍵字(Keyword) | 地理資訊;登革熱;開放資料;地址定位;時空熱區偵測 |
KEYWORD | GIS, Dengue, open data, geocoding, spatio-temporal hotspot detection |
卷期(Volume No) | 第26卷 第3期 |
頁數(Page number) | 第1~14頁 |
年份(Year) | 2017 |
語言(Language) | 中文 Chinese |