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篇名(Article title)台灣都市計畫人民陳情與及計畫審議之探討-以新北市升格為直轄市後進行之都市計畫通盤檢討為例
期刊名(Journal name)都市與計劃 ( TSSCI )
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
中文摘要(Abstrct)都市計畫及其通盤檢討主要考量都市發展情況,為引導都市未來發展,對所需之各項土地使用分區及公共設施需求預先規劃案安排,故其具有引導都市未來發展、具公共性與動態之特性,同時,也因應民主化進展對民意之重視,現行體制於審議過程特別設計民眾意見表達及處理之體制。 本研究聚焦於人民陳情及計畫審議之實務作法及結果,並以新北市升格為直轄市後進行之都市計畫通盤檢討案為例進行深入分析,研究結果發現都市計畫於引導都市未來發展、具公共性與動態之特性,實與人民陳情案,主要著重私人權益保障之特性,相互衝突,這不但造成所費時程甚長之結果,也與引導都市回應後工業化城市發展與快速變遷環境之理想相悖,更甚難讓有些民眾(權利人)得到滿意結果,未來政策之變革,極需考量此公共利益與私人權利相衝突之議題。
ABSTRCTUrban plans and their comprehensive review are mainly considering the pursuing of future development of the urban areas. The Urban Plan Acts indicates that an urban plan shall refer to a rational planning for land use therein and to a planned development for significant facilities concerning urban living such as economic activities, communications, sanitation, public security, culture, education, recreational and so on. Therefore, urban plans hold the characteristics of guiding urban areas’ future development, publicity and dynamics. Simultaneously, in response to the progress of democratization, the current system designed a reviewing process to examine and to handle people’s opinions or suggestions about the plans’ contents. This research focuses on analyzing the practice and results of the examination of urban plan comprehensive reviews and their handles about peoples’ opinions, with the case of new Taipei City. The study discovers that the characteristics of guiding urban areas’ future development, publicity and urban dynamics are conflicting with the appealing of peoples’ opinions which were mainly focusing on the protection of private property rights. Not only is it time-consuming, but also contrary to the aim of guiding city responding to the post-industrialized development or the rapid change environment. It is also hard for some peoples, who are not beneficiary in the plan, to get satisfactory results. Any policy changes in the near future, it is essential to consider the issues of the conflict between the pursuing of public interests and the protection of private rights.
KEYWORDUrban Plans Comprehensive Review; Urban Planning Committee; Urban Planning Examination; Public Opinions Presentation
卷期(Volume No)第46卷 第2期
頁數(Page number)第101~117頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese