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篇名(Article title)以開放大數據資料來源進行不動產交易、人口特徵與優勢資源歧異度之多層次空間探勘:臺灣本島349鄉鎮市區之不均現況分析Using Open Big Data Sources and Multilayer Spatial Data Mining in Real Estate Transaction, Demographic, and Diversity of Beneficial Resources: Visualizing the Current Inequality of the 349 Town-level Districts in Taiwan main island
期刊名(Journal name)台灣土地研究Journal of Taiwan Land Research
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTWhile the concept of open and big data has been around for some time, scholarship on comprehensive mining results on property transaction and related spatial and nonspatial characteristics variables have not been explored or published. Previous research suggests that the determinants of property price were closely related to demographic and the diversity of beneficial resources, such as infrastructures and environmental amenities. As a result, in order to illustrate these determinants in detail, our analysis used multiple algorithms to extract these comprehensive features. From various open data sources, this study collected over half-million data numbers on the 349 town-level districts in Taiwan main island. The clusters of high, mid- and low-transaction, population and resources districts were extracted and displayed in 2D and 3D maps. The results show that spatial inequality still exists in Taiwan.
KEYWORDData Visualization, Housing Market, Spatial Data Mining, Spatial Inequality, Property Price Determinants
卷期(Volume No)第24卷 第1期
頁數(Page number)第1~36頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese