期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information  
作者(Author)Mugerauer R., Liao K.-H.
是否為通作者(Is Corresponding Author?)Yes
篇名(Article title)Ecological design for dynamic systems: landscape architecture’s conjunction with complexity theory
期刊名(Journal name)Journal of Biourbanism
國際期刊(International Journal)
ABSTRCTEcological design adequate to help resolve current social-environmental problems will have to engage organisms, ecosystems, and cities as far-from-equilibrium, open, self-organizing systems. Because these systems are inherently dynamic, with elements co-constituting one another, the goal of ecological design should not be a specific condition or end state. Rather, the entire network of processes, especially the positive feedback loops from which a given system’s self-organizing capacity emerges, needs to be maintained. Thus, the task of fully ecological design is to avoid interrupting or impairing a system’s ability to maintain or transform itself; or, as is increasingly necessary, enhancing or helping restore damaged ecosystem dynamics. Thankfully, landscape architecture and allied design disciplines and practices are developing greater capacity to facilitate dynamic adaptive processes— substantially contributing to a transition from a first to a second phase of ecological design that operationalizes the new paradigm of complexity theory. In order to continue the transformation we need to make explicit and integrate the fundamental dimensions of this shift and the implications for design. To present a clear description and analysis that also emphasizes the actual physical changes that make an ecological difference the essay uses examples concerning hydrologic flow regime and flooding.
KEYWORDEcological design, Complexity theory, Dynamic systems, Self-organization, Adaptive processes, Hydrologic flow regime, Flooding
卷期(Volume No)No. 2
頁數(Page number)pp. 29~49
語言(Language)英文 English