期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information | |
作者(Author) | Tiell, B. S., Dixon, M. A., & Lin, Y. C. |
是否為通作者(Is Corresponding Author?) | Yes |
篇名(Article title) | Roles and tasks of the senior woman administrator in role congruity theory perspective: A longitudinal progress report |
期刊名(Journal name) | Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics |
國際期刊(International Journal) | |
中文摘要(Abstrct) | |
中文關鍵字(Keyword) | |
卷期(Volume No) | Vol. 5 |
頁數(Page number) | pp. 247~268 |
年份(Year) | 2012 |
語言(Language) | 英文 English |