期刊詳細資料 Journal detailed information |
作者(Author) | 金家禾、周志龍 |
篇名(Article title) | 臺灣產業群聚區域差異及中國效應衝擊 |
期刊名(Journal name) | 地理學報 |
國際期刊(International Journal) | TSSCI |
中文摘要(Abstrct) | 台灣早期的產業發展是透過成長極策略,由政府引導發展,迄今受全球化及中國崛起的影響,正改變著台灣的產業結構,而此變遷亦因不同產業特質及其座落區域的特質而有所不同。本文目的在於論述台灣於此產業結構變遷背景下,北、中、南三個不同產業群聚區域所受的衝擊有所不同,而造成此差異,除產業連結特質及其座落的群聚類型特性外,也受政府在當地產業發展上所扮演的角色,及當地技術社群的異同所影響。研究也發現,雖然對不同群聚區域的影響有異,但有一個共同特色,便是台灣的群聚地區,並未因大陸崛起而趨向落沒或造成產業空洞化,而是更促使產業群聚發展,透過建立緊密的生產網絡相互支援及互動學習,而提升技術與全球競爭力,並逐漸與大陸崛起的產業建立生產分工體系,而整合於全球生產網絡之中。 |
ABSTRCT | The Postwar Taiwan economical miracle was based on the growth pole strategy which was engineered by the state. More recently, the raise of China in the world economic system has had impacts on the structure of Taiwan’s industry, and in turn has influenced recent regional restructuring in Taiwan. This paper posits that the impacts of China effects on Taiwan’s three main industrial clustering regions are different. In addition to the structure of industries and the types of the clusters in three regions, the state and technical communities are playing essential roles in the changes of these industrial clustering regions. The study also concludes that Taiwanese industrial clusters did not decline or being hollowed-out, despite of the different impacts on regional industrial restructuring. The industries are still in growth and even upgrading to produce higher value added products. Taiwan’s clusters are transferring towards more dense networks with firms’ interactions and mutual learning, in order to maintain or promote their competitiveness in the global market and to establish a model of the division of labor between Taiwan’s industrial regions and the emerging industrial clusters in China. |
中文關鍵字(Keyword) |
Industrial Cluster; Industrial Networks, Learning Regions, China Effects. |
卷期(Volume No) | 第49期 |
頁數(Page number) | 第55~79頁 |
年份(Year) | 2007 |
語言(Language) | 中文 Chinese |