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篇名(Article title)創意產業於台北都會中心區群聚發展之研究,
期刊名(Journal name)都市與計劃
國際期刊(International Journal)TSSCI
ABSTRCTWhile the value-added in industries shifting from the segments dominated by hardware producers to sectors that can sustain innovation in software and content, both researchers and policy makers are paying attentions to the development of creative industries. A primary observation shows that this kind of industries is clustering in the metropolitan core. However, the relations between the development of creative industrial clusters and the restructuring of local land use or landscape are unknown. This paper intends to fill this gap through a combination of second hand data, firms questionnaire survey and interviews survey to explore: the agglomeration of this kind of industries in the core of Taipei and the requirements of special conditions for breeding these clusters; the influences of creative industry clustering on urban restructuring and land use patterns, and further to indicate some policy implications for the development of creative industries.
中文關鍵字(Keyword) 創意產業、產業群聚、都市內城、土地使用調整
KEYWORD Creative Industry; Industrial Clusters; Inner City; Land Use restructuring
卷期(Volume No)第34卷 第4期
頁數(Page number)第343~361頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese