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篇名(Article title)影響創意服務業空間群聚因素之研究—以台北中山北路婚紗攝影業為例
期刊名(Journal name)建築與城鄉研究學報
國際期刊(International Journal)
ABSTRCTPromoting or creating industrial or business clusters have been regarded as a panacea for local economic development. Especially, under the concept of knowledge-based economy, spatial clustering combined with learning and innovation has become fashionable within certain academic and policy circles. Many researchers concern how clusters being developed and how firms interactions within clusters for increasing their competitiveness. Among other factors, the state and institutional policies have been suggested as essential elements for the development of industrial clusters by many scholars, particularly by the Regional Innovation System theory and Learning Region concept. However, are all kinds of industries following the same path? Are the driving forces making for the cluster development of Creative Services same with the manufacturing industries? This paper examines the reasons for the clustering of the bridal photography service in Taipei ZhongShan N. Rd as a case study to argue that the State’s functions may not be so crucial as mentioned. The fact is that creative services clusters are relating to their industrial restructuring and the evolution and conditions of local development. The most important elements for supporting firms clustering are the global linkages to bring outside knowledge inside and the social networks for facilitating interactions of involved actors to promote local learning and the flows of new ideas and tacit knowledge within the area. However, the state and institutional policy have not significantly influenced the development of a creative service cluster. Even without the helps of state and lacking institutional policy, a creative service cluster can form and developed well by itself.
中文關鍵字(Keyword) 創意服務業、知識密集產業、群聚、婚紗攝影業
KEYWORD Creative Services; Knowledge-intensive Industry; Clustering; Bridal Photography
卷期(Volume No)第13期
頁數(Page number)第1~16頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese