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篇名(Article title)土石流災害管理制度之探討
期刊名(Journal name)建築與規劃學報
國際期刊(International Journal)
ABSTRCTAlthough researchers still debate debris-flow disaster management issues, they concern little about debris-flow disaster management from hillside land use planning, and little focus on what role institution and transaction costs play in debris flow disaster management instruments. To capture what citizens’ debris-flow disaster management responses, this study adopts attitude surveys to analyzes debris-flow disaster perception and management attitudes with Wilcoxon-type and chi-square tests. Empirical results are as follow: The statistical tests indicate that debris-flow disaster perception significant higher important than hillside conservation, nuclear risk and farmland conservation, and that respondents preference of setting environmental standards over environmental taxs. In terms of management satisfaction and intent, respondents fell dissatisfaction and consider should adopt more strict regulatory instruments than current regulating activities. In Addition, this study incorporates the “new institutional economics” paradigm to emphasize the role of institution and transaction costs in the investigation of debris-flow disaster management, to re-examine the management issues of the debris-flow special water-soil conservation areas, and to propse debris-flow disaster management policy implications. This paper indicate that the production of debris-flow disaster space was caused by institutional forces, that unable to realize the management objective for the debris-flow special water-soil conservation areas was caused by search and information costs, bargaining and decision costs, and policing and enforcement costs. In order to realize the effective management objective, one important institutional way for the debris-flow disaster management to do this is by lowering transaction costs.
KEYWORDDebris-Flow, New Institutional Economics, Institution, Transaction Costs, Debris-Flow Special Water-Soil Conservation Areas.
卷期(Volume No)第8卷 第1期
頁數(Page number)第1~22頁
語言(Language)中文 Chinese