NTPU Faculty Publications

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¡°´Á¥Z½×¤å Journal Papers

  1. (ĶµÛ¡^Helmut SatzgerµÛ¢¬¤ý¤h¦|Ķ. ¡q·ç¤h―¦C¤ä´°´µµn―¿c´Ë³ù¡G¼w°êÁʶR¥~°ê¹Hªk¨ú±o¤§¯²µ|¸ê®Æ¡A¤£ÃÒ¾Ú¸T¤î¡I¡]¤W¢¬¤U¡^¡r, ¡m¥qªk©P¥Z¡n, No. 1626, pp. 1~3, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  2. Tsai, Ming-Chang, Heng-Hao Chang and Wan-chi Chen. Globally Happy: Individual Globalization, Expanded Capacities, and Subjective Wellbeing., Social Indicators Research, Vol. 108, pp. 509~524, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  3. Chen, Wan-chi. How Education Enhances Happiness: Comparison of Mediating Factors in Four East Asian Countries, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 106 No. 1, pp. 117~131, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  4. Chiu B, CS Chen, J Keller, CC Lin, HC Lin. Seasonality of Testicular Torsion: A 10-year Nationwide Population-based Study, Journal of Urology, Vol. 187 No. 5, pp. 1781~1785, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  5. Chen, CS and TC Liu. Medical Cost and Motorcycle Helmet Law in Taiwan, Economics Research International, 2012, 920901, pp. 1~8, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  6. Keller J, CC Lin, CS Chen, YK Chen, HC Lin. Monthly Variation in Acute Urinary Retention Incidence Among Patients with Benign Prostatic Enlargement in Taiwan, Journal of Andrology, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 1239~1244, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  7. Wei PL, CS Chen, J Keller, HC Lin. Monthly Variation in Acute Appendicitis Incidence: A 10-year Nationwide population-based study, Journal of Surgical Research, Vol. 178 No. 2, pp. 670~672, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  8. Tian, WH, TC Liu, CS Chen, LF Liu, J Tien. The Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Health Service Utilization for Elderly People in Taiwan, Health Policy, Vol. 108 No. 2-3, pp. 256~267, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  9. Chen CC, CS Chen, TC Liu ,YT Lin. Stock or Stroke? Stock Market Movement and Stroke Incidence in Taiwan, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 75 No. 11, pp. 1974~1980, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  10. Wang, S.-H., Huang, S.-L. and Budd, W. W.. Integrated ecosystem model for simulation land use allocation, Ecological Modelling , 227:46-55, February 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  11. Lin, H.-M., Huang, H.-C., Lin, C.-P. and Hsu, W.-C.. How to manage strategic alliances in OEM-based industrial clusters: Network embeddedness and formal governance mechanisms, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 41 No. 3, pp. 449~459, April 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  12. ¤ý¤h¦|¡C¡q«á°O¡G2012¦~·ç¤hBasel¡u¸ó°ê¦D¨Æªk¤§¤@¯ë­ì«h¡v°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|¡r, ¡m¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x¡n, 1636/1637´Á, pp. 37~43, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  13. ¤ý¤h¦|¡C¡q¼w°ê¤jªk®x―¹w¨¾³Ì°ªªk°|µô§Pª[²§¤§ªk©wªk®x¡r, ¡m¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x¡n, No. 208, pp. 65~92, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  14. ¤ý¤h¦|¡C¡q³Ì°ªªk°|¨MijºûÅ@µô§P¤@­P©Ê¡H―Æ[¼¯¼w°ê¤@«hµô§P¡r, ¡m¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x¡n, No. 204, pp. 7~27, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  15. ¤ý¤h¦|¡C¡q¸T¤î¤£­p¥N»ùµo²{¯u¹ê»P¨p¤H¤£ªk¨úÃÒ―¼w°êÁp¨¹³Ì°ªªk°|¦D¨Æµô§PBGHSt 14, 358Ķ¤¶¡r, ¡m¥qªk©P¥Z¡n, No. 1599, pp. 2~3, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  16. ¤ý¤h¦|¡C¡q¼w°êÁp¨¹³Ì°ªªk°|¦D¨Æµô§PBGHSt 42, 139―ºÊÅ¥³´¨À¡r, ¡m­xªk±M¥Z¡n, Vol. 58 No. 3, pp. 167~196, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  17. Lin YJ, TC Liu, CS Chen. Healthcare Information and the Utilization of Pap-smear Testing amongst Taiwanese Women, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 67~79, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  18. Lin YJ, B Chen, TC Liu, CS Chen. The Impact of Family Structure on Utilization of Preventive Care Services among Children under National Health Insurance in Taiwan, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Vol. 33 No. 4, pp. 453~463, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  19. C. Y. Li, H. S. Su, C. H. Chang, H. H. Lu*, P. Y. Wu, C. Y. Chen, and C. L. Ying. Generation and Transmission of BB/MW/MMW Signals by Cascading PM and MZM, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30 No. 3, pp. 298~303, 2012. (SCIE, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  20. W. Y. Lin, C. H. Chang, H. H. Lu*, P. C. Peng, Y. P. Lin, C. Y. Chen, and C. Y. Li. A Hybrid CATV/OFDM Long-Reach Passive Optical Network Architecture, Optics Express, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 4219~4224, 2012. (SCIE, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  21. Wen-Hao Chen, John Myles and Garnett Picot. Why Have Poorer Neighbourhoods Stagnated Economically while the Richer Have Flourished? Neighbourhood Income Inequality in Canadian Cities, Urban Studies, Vol. 49 No. 4, pp. 877~896, March 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  22. C.-H. Wei¡BY. Li¡BP.J. Huang¡BC.-Y. Gwo¡BS.E. Harms. Estimation of breast density: An adaptive moment preserving method for segmentation of fibroglandular tissue in breast magnetic resonance images, European Journal of Radiology, Vol. 81 No. 4, pp. 618~624, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  23. C.-H. Wei¡BP.J. Huang¡BY. Li. Content-based mammogram retrieval: Extraction of BI-RADS features for breast tumors and calcifications, The Breast Journal, Vol. 18 No. 5, pp. 496~497, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  24. ³¯§B°a¡C¡q¤R©~¡r»P¡q¥q°¨©u¥D½×¤R¡r¤ñ¸û¡X¡X±Ð¾Çµ¦²¤¤§¥Ü¨Ò®iºt, °ê¤å¤Ñ¦a, Vol. 27 No. 8, pp. 70~74, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  25. C.-H. Wei¡BS.Y Chen¡BX. Liu. Mammogram retrieval on similar mass lesions, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 106 No. 3, pp. 234~248, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  26. ³¯¬u¿ü *¡@©u©µ¥­ ¡@¸â¤¤­ì ¡C¥xÆW¦a°Ï¥XºÊ¬rÅ}ªÌ±µ¨ü¬ü¨F଴À¥NÀøªk 18­Ó¤ë¤§¦A¥Ç²v°lÂÜ , ¥xÆW¤½¦@½Ã¥ÍÂø»x, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 485~497, October 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  27. ¤G¡³¤@¤G¦~²Ä¥|©¡®ü®l½×¾Â»Ô«n¤å¤Æ¸`²Õ¦±¤Q¤»­º, °ê¤å¤Ñ¦a, pp. 10~12, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  28. ³\¹ÅÞ³¡C¡u±R¹ê¡v§@¬°¤@ºØ§åµû¤èªk--½×¡m¥|®w¥þ®ÑÁ`¥Ø¡n¡u·¡ÃãÃþ¡v´£­n§e²{¤§¤å¾Ç«ä·Q, ²H¦¿¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø¡]THCI-2¡^, No. 27, pp. 225~252, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  29. §õ²K´I¡C¥j­µÁnÃý¨t²Îªº¶}®i»PÁÙ­ì, ¤¤°ê»y¨¥¾Ç¨÷, No. 6, pp. 27~34, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  30. ÁIÂǾ÷¾Wªk©Êª¾¡E¸ÖÂIÀs·ú«´ÁI¸Ü, ¤¤µØ¸Ö¾Ç, pp. 14~22, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  31. µL¦k¸Ö¬ö, ¤¤µØ¸Ö¾Ç, pp. 14~16, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  32. ­J¨Î­µ¡CµØ»y¤å¾Ç³N½×¤å½g³¹µ²ºcªì±´¡G¥H¡uºK­n¡v¬°¨Ò, ¥xÆWµØ»y¤å±Ð¾Ç, 2012¦~²Ä¤G´Á, pp. 25~36, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  33. Pu-Tai Yang* and Seokcheon Lee . A Distributed Reclustering Hierarchy Routing Protocol Using Social Welfare in Wireless Sensor Networks networks. , International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks., March 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  34. §õ²K´I¡C°ª¥»º~¥ý¥Í¡m¸Ö¸gª`ÄÀ¡n¥¼½T©w¦rªº­µÃý±´¯Á, ¤¤°ê­µÃý¾Ç2012, pp. 0~0, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  35. §õ²K´I¡C®æ«ß­Ë¸Ëªº¬Ù«ä, ÍÕèX¾Ç°|¾Ç³ø, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 75~81, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  36. Kuei-Hsien Liao. A Theory on Urban Resilience to Floods¡XA Basis for Alternative Planning Practices, Ecology and Society, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 48, 2012. (SCIE, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  37. Mugerauer R., Liao K.-H.. Ecological design for dynamic systems: landscape architecture¡¦s conjunction with complexity theory, Journal of Biourbanism, No. 2, pp. 29~49, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  38. ªL¼y­¦¡C±qªk°ê¶O¥[¬¥®É³ø¤@«h³ø¾É½Í°_¡Ð¤Ï¬Ù§Ú°êªø´Á¹ï©ó®ü¬v¨Æ°È¤§©¿µø, ®ü¨µ, No. 56, pp. 32~38, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  39. ªL¶WÂ@¡C«D¦D¨Æ¹w¨¾©Ê©ë¸T¤§ªk©x¡]°|¡^«O¯d¡Ð­ÝµûÄÀ¦r²Ä¤»¤E¡³¸¹¸ÑÄÀ, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 176, pp. 176~200, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  40. ªL¶WÂ@¡C½×¦X¾Ë¶D³^±ÏÀÙ¨î«×¤§«Øºc¡Ð±qÄÀ¦r²Ä 665 ¸¹¸ÑÄÀ¥Xµo, »O¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç½×ÂO, No. 82, pp. 1~94, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  41. ªL¶WÂ@¡B³¯ªø¤å¡C½×«Ý»º°e¥~°ê¤H¦X¾Ë¦¬®e­n¥ó¡Ð¹w¨¾©Ê©ë¸TÆ[ÂI, ¬F¤jªk¾Çµû½×, No. 125, pp. 193~286, February 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  42. ¤ý¥@êM¡B¿c«ØÀM¡B¸­®m§»¡C·s¥[©Y²Õ«Î¬Fµ¦¦¨¥\¤§¹ê¦a¦Ò¹î¤ÀªR, ¤g¦a°ÝÃD¬ã¨s©u¥Z, No. 41, pp. 30~44, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  43. Singell, L. D.¡BTang, H. H.. The pursuit of excellence: An analysis of the honors college application and enrollment decision for a large public university, Research in Higher Education, Vol. 53 No. 7, pp. 717~737, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  44. ¡i´Á¥Z½×¤å¡jªLº³±j¡C°ª¤@§Ó¡mÄ´¾Ç¡n¤¤¨Ò¥y¤§Ä¶·½ªì·¹¡G±q¦Ñ»ZªL¥§¡m³Õª«»x¡n±´°_, ¡m¤¤°ê¤å­õ¬ã¨s³q°T¡n, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 73~85, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  45. ªL¼y­¦¡Cªk°ê³Ì°ªªk°|²Î¤@ªk«ß¨£¸Ñ¤§¨î«×²¤¶, ¥qªk©P¥Z, No. 1598, pp. 2~3, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  46. ¦ó«Û°¥¡B¸â¶¶¶Q¡B¬x¹Å§»¡CÀã¦aªk¯ó®×»P¨ä°t®M¾÷¨î¤§ªk¨î¤ÀªR , Àã¦a¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 47~64, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  47. ªL²QÄÉ¡C°V½m»Pµû¦ôÃö«Y¤§¬ã¨s, T&D­¸°T, No. 138, pp. 1~24, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  48. ªL²QÄÉ¡C¤é¥»¦a¤è¬F©²«P¶i«DÀç§Q²Õ´¨ó¤O¤§²z·Q»P²{¹ê, ¬Fªv¬ì¾Ç½×ÂO, No. 51, pp. 95~132, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  49. ªL²QÄÉ¡C¤é¥»ÁB¥¿¾÷ºc¥ÁÀç¤Æ¤§²{ªp¡B½ÒÃD»P±Ò¥Ü, ¤½¦@¦æ¬F¾Ç³ø, No. 43, pp. 1~33, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  50. ªL²QÄÉ¡C¦A±´ÅK¸ô¨Æ·~¥ÁÀç¤Æ¡G¤é¥»¸gÅ窺²{¹ê»P§x¹Ò, ¤½¦@¨Æ°Èµû½×, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 1~26, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  51. Thijs A. Velema. The contingent nature of brain gain and brain circulation: their foreign context and the impact of return scientists on the scientific community in their country of origin, Scientometrics, Vol. 93 No. 3, pp. 893~913, December 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  52. ¦ó«Û°¥¡C³£¥«§ó·s±ø¨Òªºªk¨îijÃD»P­×ªk¤è¦V, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø‎»x, No. 3, pp. 12~20, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  53. Tzu-Mao Li¡BYu-Ting Wu¡BYung-Yu Chuang. SURE-based Optimization for Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31 No. 6, November 2012. (SCIE) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  54. Chen-Yu Chiang, Yih-Ru Wang, Qi-Quan Huang, Hsiu-Min Yu, and Sin-Horng Chen. Variable Speech Rate Mandarin Chinese Text-to-Speech System, ¥iÅܳt¤¤¤å¤å¦rÂà»y­µ¨t²Î the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  55. ³\·Ô¥°¡B§õ¨|©ú¡CªoÅø¨T¨®Àç¹B¤§Àô¹Ò»P¦w¥þ½Ã¥Í­·ÀIµû¦ô, ¥Ûªo©u¥Z, Vol. 48 No. 2, pp. 79~92, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  56. ¦ó«Û°¥¡CÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦a¹ê°È¨£¸Ñ²µû , ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø‎»x, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 230~240, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  57. ³¢¥Ã«H¡B§õ¨|©ú¡C°ê»Ú´ä¤fªÅ®ð¦Ã¬Vª«±Æ©ñ²M¥U«Ø¥ß¤è¦¡ªì±´, ¯è®ü§Þ³N, No. 18, pp. 21~40, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  58. Tiell, B. S., Dixon, M. A., & Lin, Y. C. . Roles and tasks of the senior woman administrator in role congruity theory perspective: A longitudinal progress report , Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, Vol. 5, pp. 247~268, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  59. Sin-Horng Chen, Jyh-Her Yang, Chen-Yu Chiang, Ming-Chieh Liu, and Yih-Ru Wang. A New Prosody-Assisted Mandarin ASR System, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  60. ¶¾¸t®Ë¡CµûªR¼w°êªkÃö©ó¥ø·~­t³d¤H¥¿¥ÇÂk³d²z½×ªº·sµo®i, ¦D¨ÆªkÂø»x, Vol. 56 No. 3, pp. 27~130, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  61. «J°i¼z¡C¡q¤£¥Î­J¾x¤F-<¬õ¼Ó¹Ú>¯î½Ï·NÃѪº¹ï¤Ï¡B¶W¶V»P®ø¸Ñ¡r, ¡mªFµØ¾Ç³ø¡n²Ä14´Á, pp. 149~192, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  62. Weng, C.B., Chen, W.W., & Sheu, J.J. Trends of Overweight/Obesity and Weight Control Practices among High School Students in the US, The Health Education Monograph Series, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 10~14, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  63. ¸­­§µ×¡BÃQ§Æ¸t¡C±q³ø³¹·s»D±´°Q¦Ê¦~¨Ó«C¤Ö¦~·N¶HÅܾE, ¨àµ£¤Î¤Ö¦~ºÖ§Q´Á¥Z, Vol. 20, pp. 185~212, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  64. ¤ý«~¡CÁú°êªø·Ó»P¥~³Ò, ·sªÀ·|¬Fµ¦Âù¤ë¥Z, No. 25, pp. 8~14, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  65. Yeh, T. K.*, B. F. Chao, C. S. Chen, C. H. Chen, Z. Y. Lee. Performance improvement of network-based RTK-GPS positioning in Taiwan, Survey Review, Vol. 44 No. 324, pp. 3~8, January 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  66. Wei, H. S. & Chen, J. K. . Factors associated with peer sexual harassment victimization among Taiwanese adolescents, Sex Roles, Vol. 66 No. 1, pp. 66~78, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  67. Wen, S., C. H. Chen*, H. Y. Yen, T. K. Yeh, J. Y. Liu, K. Hattori, H. Peng, C. H. Wang, T. C. Shin. Magnetic storm free ULF analysis in relation with earthquakes in Taiwan, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 12 No. 5, pp. 1747~1754, May 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  68. Yeh, T. K.*, Y. D. Chung, C. T. Wu, C. S. Wang, K. Zhang, C. H. Chen. Identifying the relationship between GPS data quality and positioning precision: case study on IGS tracking stations, Journal of Surveying Engineering, Vol. 138 No. 3, pp. 136~142, August 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  69. Chuen-Jim Sheu, Kuo, S. Y., Cuvelier, C. J., & Zhao, J. S. . The Concentration of Criminal Victimization and Patterns of Routine Activities , International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology , Vol. 56 No. 4, pp. 573~598, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  70. Wei, H. S. & Chen, J. K. . The moderating effect of Machiavellianism on the relationships between bullying, peer acceptance, and school adjustment in adolescents, School Psychology International, Vol. 33, pp. 345~363, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  71. ÃQ§Æ¸t¡C±q¹ê°ÈªÌÆ[ÂI¬Ý®z¶Õ«C¤Ö¦~¤u§@¤§»ù­È«H©À»P¹ê½îµ¦²¤, ªF§dªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç³ø, Vol. 24, pp. 1~42, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  72. Fen-ling Chen¡BShih-Jiun Shi. Social Exclusion Experiences of Atypical Workers: A Case Study of Taipei, International Journal of Social Quality, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 43~62, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  73. ¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡B¶À¬ö¡C¤÷¥À¬FÄÒ°¾¦n²Õ¦X¹ï¤j¾Ç¥Í¬FÄÒ°¾¦n¤§¼vÅT¢w©w¸s°lÂܤ§¬ã¨s, »OÆW¥Á¥D©u¥Z, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 37~84, September 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  74. ±i´Âµ^¡C¸ó°ê¦Ç©h®Q¥t¤@³¹¡G»OÆW¥~Äy°t°¸³Ò°ÊÅv¯q¤§±´°Q, «nµØ¤j¾Ç³qÃѱШ|»P¸ó°ì¬ã¨s, No. 13, pp. 51~82, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  75. ¥ô¥þ¶v¡B¶ÀÄõ媖¡CÁB¥¿¾÷ºc¹ê¬I­×´_¤è®×·N¦V½Õ¬d¡GºÞ²z¤H­û¥H¤Î¨ü¦D¤HªºÆ[ÂI, ¥Ç¸o»P¦D¨Æ¥qªk¬ã¨s, No. 19, pp. 1~44, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  76. ±i´Âµ^¡C¬¡ÅD¦Ñ¤Æ¡G°ªÄ֪̪À·|²£¯à¤§±´°Q, »O¤¤¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç³qÃѱШ|¾Ç³ø, ³Ð¥Z¸¹, pp. 207~224, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  77. ±i´Âµ^¡C¼Æ¦ì¥]®e¡G¼Æ¦ì¤HÅv«O»Ù¤§±´°Q, ¾ð¼w¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç³qÃѱШ|±M¥Z, No. 6, pp. 149~172, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  78. Wen-Chung Guo*, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Wei-Jer Chien. A study on intellectual capital and firm performance in biotech companies, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 19 No. 16, pp. 1603~1608, November 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  79. Susyan Jou, Bill Hebenton. Taiwan¡¦s criminological ¡¥footprint¡¦-a review and analysis of English-language publication trends for Taiwan and selected Asian comparators (2000-2010 , International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice , No. 126, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  80. Chuen-Jim Sheu, Chiu, S. P. . Determinants of property crime victims to report to the police in Taiwan. , International Review of Victimology , Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 251~267, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  81. Chuen-Jim Sheu, Kuo, S. Y., Cuvelier, C. J., & Chang, K. M. . Crime reporting behavior and Black¡¦s Behavior of Law. , Crime reporting behavior and Black¡¦s Behavior of Law. International Sociology , Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 51~71, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  82. ³\¬Kª÷¡B³¯¥É®Ñ¡B¿à¾Ö³s ¡C§Î¶ì«C¤Ö¦~¤¤¤î¥Ç»P«ùÄò¥Ç­ì¦]¤§Áa³e©Ê¬ã¨s¡G¾ã¦X«¬±±¨î²z½×Æ[ÂI , ¤¤¥¡Äµ¹î¤j¾Ç¥Ç¸o¨¾ªv¾Ç³ø , No. 15, pp. 35~65, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  83. ³\¬Kª÷¡Bù¥É¯] ¡C°ê¤p°ª¦~¯Å¾Çµ£°¾®t¦æ¬°¡A¨ÌªþÁä¡A«H¥õÁ䤧ÃöÁp©Ê»P®|¸ô¤ÀªR , «C¤Ö¦~¥Ç¸o¨¾ªv¬ã¨s´Á¥Z , Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 117~137, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  84. Chen, Yin-Zu. ¡§Análisis de los sitios web del movimiento por los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en México¡¨, Sociedade e Cultura, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 87~98, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  85. Ivan Y. Sun¡BYuning Wu¡BLanying Huang¡BYushen Lin¡BJessica C. M. Li¡BMingyue Su . Preferences for Police Response to Domestic Violence: A Comparison of College Students in Three Chinese Societies. , Journal of Family Violence,  , Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 133~144, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  86. ©PÝh¼_¡C¥xÆW¤k©Ê¥D¸q¥Ç¸o¾Ç¤§§N²M , ¦D¨Æ¬Fµ¦»P¥Ç¸o¬ã¨s½×¤å¶° , No. 14, pp. 77~92, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  87. ¬x°·ºa¡C²M¥N¡u¶}¼ê¶i¤h¡v½²§ÊÄõ»P­·¤ô¤å¤Æªº¾ú¥v¦]½t, ¥j¨å¤åÄm»P¥Á«UÃÀ³N¶°¥Z, No. 1, pp. 81~106, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  88. ¬x°·ºa¡C¤Q¤E¥@¬ö«á´Á¨Ó»O¶Ç±Ð¤h¹ï©ó­·¤ô¥Á«UªººA«×, »²¤¯¾ú¥v¾Ç³ø, No. 29, pp. 169~210, September 2012. (THCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  89. ¬x°·ºa¡C²M¥N»OÆW¤h²Ô»P­·¤ô¤å¤Æªº¤¬°Ê¡G¥H¡u¶}»O¶i¤h¡v¾G¥Î¿ü¬°¨Ò, »OÆW¥v¬ã¨s, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 49~79, December 2012. (THCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  90. Cheng, C. and Shiu, E.. Validation of a proposed instrument for measuring eco-innovation: An implementation perspective, Technovation, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  91. Chen, Hsiao-Chi, Yunshyong Chow and Li-Chau Wu. Imitation, Local Interaction, and Efficiency: Reappraisal, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 675~684, 2012. (Econlit, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  92. ½²Às«O¡C¤u¤â¾Ç®Õ¨ò·~¥ÍÇO¥xÆWÁ`·þ©²ÇU¤g¦a½Õ¬d¨Æ·~, NICHE¡@¤u¾Ç°|¤j¾Ç«Ø¿v¨t¾Ç¬ì¦P窓·|»x, No. 35, pp. 50~55, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  93. ½²Às«O¡C¤éªv®É´Á¥xÆWÁ`·þ©²ÅK¹D³¡ªº«n¶i¨ó¤O¡Ð¥H¼é¦ÂÅK¸ôªºµo®i¬°¨Ò, »²¤¯¾ú¥v¾Ç³ø, No. 28, pp. 233~270, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  94. ½²Às«O¡C¤é¥»¤u¤â¾Ç®Õªº³]¥ß¤Î¨ä²¦·~¥Íªº®ü¥~¬¡°Ê¡Ð¥H»OÆW¬°¤¤¤ßªº¦Ò¹î(1895-1905), ¿³¤j¾ú¥v¾Ç³ø, No. 24, pp. 1~58, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  95. Ponnampalam, Dino R., Ssu-Hsien Chen* (³q°T§@ªÌ) and Anton Ming-Zhi Gao.. Incorporating a Tendering System into Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Schemes in Developing Photovoltaic Power ¡XThe Experience of Taiwan¡¦s FIT Reform, IPCBEE (International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering): Clean and Green Energy, Vol. 27, pp. 46~50, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  96. Chen, Wan-chi. The Changing Pattern of Educational Differentials in Divorce in the Context of Gender Egalitarianization: The Case of Taiwan, Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 831~853, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  97. Kang JH, J Keller, CS Chen, HC Lin. Asian Dust Storm Events Are Associated with an Acute Increase in Pneumonia Hospitalization, Annals of Epidemiology, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 257~263, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  98. Tian, WH, J Tien, CS Chen, TC Liu. Private Health Insurance and Inpatient Service Utilisation among Adults and Elderly People under Taiwan¡¦s National Insurance Program, Geneva Paper on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, Vol. 37 No. 4, pp. 655~677, 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  99. Yue-Shan Chang, Hsiang-Tai Cheng,. A scientific data extraction architecture using classified metadata , Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 60 No. 3, pp. 338~359, 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  100. Yue-Shan Chang, Chih-Tien Fan, Tong-Ying Juang,. Supporting software intelligence in ubiquitous environment exploits mobile agent , Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 141~151, 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  101. Wei-Jen Wang, Yue-Shan Chang, Cheng-Hui Wu, Wei-Xiang Kang,. A Self-Adaptive Computing Framework for Parallel Maximum Likelihood Evaluation , Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 61 No. 1, pp. 67~83, 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  102. Yue-Shan Chang, Ruey-Kai Sheu, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Jyn-Jie Hsu,. Scaling Database Performance on GPUs, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 909~924, 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  103. Sun, Ivan Y¡B Yuning Wu¡BLanying Huang¡B Yushen Lin¡BJessica C.M. Li¡B Mingyue Su. Preferences for police response to domestic violence, Journal of Family Violence, Vol. 10 No. 27, pp. 133~144, March 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  104. À¹Þ·¦p¡C±q¤HÅv«O»ÙªºÆ[ÂI¼fµø¤H¤u¥Í´Þªk¨î©Ò­±¹ïªºÃøÃD ¡Ð­Ý½×´X«h¼Ú¬w¤HÅvªk°|ªº§P¨M, 2011¬ì§Þµo®i»Pªk«ß³W½dÂù¦~¥Z, pp. 299~339, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  105. Wang, S.-H., Huang, S.-L. and Budd, W. W.. Resilience analysis of the interaction between typhoons and land use change, Landscape And Urban Planning, 106: 303-315, June 2012. (SCI, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  106. Huang, S. -L., Lee, Y. ¡VC., Budd, W. W. and Yang M. ¡VC.. Analysis of changes in farm pond network connectivity in the peri-urban landscape of the Taoyuan area, Environmental Management, 49: 915-928, February 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  107. ¡u¼Ö¡v¡þ¡u»y¡v¡G¾§®a¡u§Y¼Ö°_¿³¡vªº³~®|»PÁͦV , ªF§d¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø , No. 23, pp. 1~22, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  108. ¥©ºc¤å¨¥¡X¡X¡m¥@»¡·s»y¡n¤¤ªº¤å¦r¹CÀ¸»P¤h¤H¤ßºAÆ[¹î , 2012»y¨¥¡E¤å¾Ç½Òµ{»P±Ð¾Ç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|½×¤å¶° , pp. 98~114, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  109. Cheng-Chen Hsu, Mei-Chich Hsu, Nai-Wei Kan, Ching-Chyuan Chang, Cheng-Chi Lee, Yong-Hua Lin, Yung-Cheng Chang and Sheng-Chun Huang . Male Medical Students Have Lower Second-To- Fourth Digit Length Ratio than Non-Medical Students But Not the Females , 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Sciences (ICCEBS'2012) June 30-July 1, 2012 Bali , pp. 78~79, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  110. ³¯¥É®Ñ¡BªL°·¶§¡C¤k©Ê¬r«~¬I¥Î¤Î¨äÁBªv³B¹J¤§¤ÀªR, ¦D¨Æ¬Fµ¦»P¥Ç¸o¬ã¨s½×¤å¶°, (15), pp. 213~242, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  111. Hsin-Ya Lee¡B Yi-Hsin Yang¡B Wen-Jing Yu¡B Lien-Wen Su¡BTsang-Yaw Lin¡B Hsien-Jane Chiu¡B Hsin-Pei Tang¡BChien-Yang Lin¡B Ryh-Nan Pan¡B Jih-Heng Li. Essentiality of HIV testing and education for effective HIV control in the national pilot harm reduction program: The Taiwan experience, The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, pp. 79~85, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  112. Peter E. Earl*¡BTi-Ching Peng. Brands of economics and the Trojan horse of pluralism, Review of Political Economy, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 451~467, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  113. ½²¥É®S¡C«Ø¿v¾F¤H¥Í¬¡Àô¹ÒÅv¯q-¤é¥»ªF¨Ê³£°ê¥ß¥«°ê¥ß¤j·H¿³«Ø¯Éª§®×¨Ò»P´ºÆ[§Q¯q, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 3, pp. 135~147, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  114. ¨H»ñ»ö»P²©ú­õ¡C¨Æ«e¤£½T©w©Ê°²»¡¡B°T¸¹µo®g°²»¡¤Î¼ö¼é°²»¡»PIPO´Áªì³ø¹S²v¤§ÃöÁp©Ê¤ÀªR, ¥xÆWª÷¿Ä°]°È©u¥Z, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 87~113, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  115. Wen-Chung Guo & Fu-Chuan Lai & Chorng-Jian Liu & Chao-Cheng Mai. Symbiotic Production and Downstream Market Competition, Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 40, pp. 329~340, 2012. (Econlit, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  116. (ĶµÛ¡^Helmut SatzgerµÛ¢¬¤ý¤h¦|Ķ. ¡qªk©x¦b¦D¨Æ°»¬dµ{§Ç¤§¨¤¦â―¥H¼w°ê»Pªk°ê¬°¨Ò¡r, ¡mÀ˹î·s½×¡n, No. 11, pp. 314~329, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  117. ¡]ĶµÛ¡^Joachim VogelµÛ¢¬¤ý¤h¦|Ķ. ¡q¼w°ê¦Dªk¤Î¦Dªk¾Ç¦b°ê»Ú©M¼Ú¬wªk°ì¤§³B¹Ò»P¹ïµ¦¡r, ¡m¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x¡n, No. 210, pp. 22~36, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  118. ½²©Éª³¡C±q²H¤ô¦Ñµó¤@±aªº¡uºC¬¡¡v¬Ý³£·|°Ï¥Í¬¡«¬ºA»Ý¨D, «°¥«¾Ç¾Çú°, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 75~123, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  119. §õÂOºÕ¡B·¨¤lÛr ¡CECFA¤§¸gÀÙ¼vÅT¦Aµû¦ô¡G­n¯À²¾°Ê©Ê»P«Ê³¬ªk«h¤§±´°Q, ¥i­pºâ¤@¯ë§¡¿Å¼Ò«¬¦b²£·~µo®iµû¦ô¤§À³¥Î¡A¦¨¥\¤j¾ÇªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç°|¥Xª©¡C, pp. 143~170, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  120. Cheng, C., Chen, J. and Tsou, H.. Market-creating service innovation: verification and its associations with new service development and customer involvement, Journal of Services Marketing, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  121. Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.. The role of service innovation in the market orientation-new service performance linkage, Technovation, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  122. Chen, Yupin. Insertion or deletion: Rethinking an old morphophonological issue, US-China Foreign Language, Vol. 10 No. 12, pp. 1784~1795, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  123. Chen, Yupin. Hao-De-Xia-Ren: The grammatical property of de in Mandarin V-de-C construction, Kaohsiung Normal University Journal, Vol. 32, pp. 75~93, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  124. (ĶµÛ¡^Sabine GlessµÛ¢¬¤ý¤h¦|Ķ. ¡q·ç¤h¦D¨Æ¶D³^¤§ÃҾڨϥθT¤î¡]¤W¢¬¤U¡^¡r, ¡m¥qªk©P¥Z¡n, 1612/1613´Á, pp. 2~3, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  125. Hwai-Shuh Shieh, Jin-Li Hu and Her-Jiun Sheu. Going ¡¥Green¡¦: Green Hotel Rating System -Towards a Conceptual Framework, Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 134 No. 8, pp. 521~530, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  126. Liu, Chung-Chu, & Tang, Hui-Li. Prioritization and Comparison of Measures of Talent Process Management within Domestic and Multinational Enterprises in Taiwan, Management Research, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 75~105, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  127. Liu, Chung-Chu, & Huang, Chun-Chin. The Perceptions of Happiness Campus of Graduate Students in Continuing Education--An Exploratory Study by Gender Difference Perspective, Employment & Labor Relations Quarterly, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 402~422, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  128. Liu, Chung-Chu. Negative Interpersonal Interaction Types of the Perceptions of Part-Time Workers, Educational Journal of NHCUE, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 65~92, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  129. Amy J.C.Trappey, Charles Trappey, C.T. Hsiao, Jerry J.R.Ou, S.J.Li, Kevin W.P.Chen. An evaluation model for low carbon island policy: The case of Taiwan¡¦s green transportation policy, ENERGY POLICY, pp. 510~515, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  130. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C§Ú°êºñ¯à²£·~¬Fµ¦¤§±À°Ê, ¥þ²y¤u°Ó, No. 655, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  131. Chan-Yun Yang¡BJian-Jun Wang. £i-£\ estimator for fuzzy support vector machine, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 479~484, 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  132. Jerry J.R. Ou. The Construction of Green Competitiveness Analysis Index¡ÐA Case Study of Export Procession Zone, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 140~148, 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  133. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C§Ú°ê¸`¯à´îºÒ±À°Ê¦¨ªG¤Î¬D¾Ô, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 10, pp. 88~98, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  134. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C§Ú°ê¨®½ø¯Ó¯àºÞ²z¨î«×¤§ºt¶i¤Î¥¼¨Ó®Ä²v´£¤É³W¹º, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 7, pp. 106~114, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  135. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¥xÆW¯à·½¨Ñ»Ýµ¦²¤, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 5, pp. 121~127, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  136. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¥xÆW¯à·½¬Fµ¦»P°õ¦æ¦¨®Ä, ¬F©²¼f­p©u¥Z, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 14~24, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  137. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¶§¥ú«Î³»¦Ê¸U®y ¤Ó¶§¥ú¹q¦V«e, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 121~128, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  138. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¸`¯à´îºÒ·s¥Í¬¡±À°Êµ¦²¤¤Î¦¨®Ä, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 113~121, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  139. Liao, C.S.. A Study on Market Structure, Efficiency and Organizational Structure for Securities Firms in Taiwan, Journal of Commercial Modernization, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 255~272, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  140. Hsiang-Hsi Liu and Teng-Tsai Tu. The Interrelationships among Taiwanese Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and Stock Prices, Journal of Economic Research, August 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  141. Kuan-Tsung Chang; F. G. Yiu; J. T. Hwang; Y. X. Lin. Accuracy assessment of Land Use Classification using hybrid methods, SPIE Proceedings, Land Surface Remote Sensing, Vol. 8524, October 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  142. Jin-Tsong Hwang,Jie-Shi Weng,Yi-Ting Tsai. 3D modeling and accuracy assessment- a case study of photosynth, Proceeding of Geoinformatics, 2012 20th International Conference , IEEE Xplore , Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS. , 10.1109/Geoinformati, pp. 81~101, August 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  143. Hwai-Shuh Shieh. The Greener; the More Cost Efficient? An Empirical Study of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, Vol. 19 No. 6, pp. 536~545, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  144. Her-Jiun Sheu, Jin-Li Hu and Hwai-Shuh Shieh. An Empirical Application of the Green Hotel Rating, Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 135 No. 9, pp. 574~583, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  145. Hwai-Shuh Shieh and Wen-Ling Deng. Setting Standards for Green: An Analysis of Taiwan Green Hotel Rating Program, Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 136 No. 10, pp. 544~553, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  146. 10. ¾G¤¯°¶¡B³¯¬K§Æ¡B°K±ö¬Â¡B§õ«º¼ü¡C¤£·í·þ¾É¡B¦L¶HºÞ²z»P°h«o¦æ¬°¤§¬ã¨s¢wªí¼hºt¥X»P²`¼hºt¥Xªº¤¤¤¶®ÄªG, »²¤¯ºÞ²zµû½×, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 1~28, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  147. Ching-Yun Yu, and Jia-Ren Tsai. A comparison of approaches to interval estimation of mediated effects in linear regression models., Communications in Statistics: Part B - Simulation and Computation, Vol. 41 No. 8, pp. 1301~1316, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  148. Liu Chih-Hsing and Chen Chia-Shen. Impact of network position and knowledge diversity on knowledge creation: The empirical setting of research communities. Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  149. Liu, Chung-Chu. Perceptions of Customers' of Employees' Service Sabotage through an Emotional Blackmail Perspective, The Journal of International Esthetic Science, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 5~23, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  150. Lung, Wei-Ru & Liu, Chung-Chu. The Preliminary Study for the Importance of the Contents of Emotional Leave, Journal of Global Commerce and Management, pp. 163~180, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  151. Huei-Ru Tseng and Huei-Ru Tseng. Anonymous Authentication for Smart Grid Communications, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 145, pp. 364~368, 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  152. ¡CSupply chain network redesign - The retrospection of a case study, INFORMATION:An International Interdisciplinary Jounal, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  153. Lianguang Cui, Shong-Iee Ivan Su, & Susanne Hertz. Logistics Innovation in China, Transportation Journal, Vol. 51 No. 1, pp. 98~117, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  154. Hsiao, Jung-Lieh and Teng-Tsai Tu. The Effect of Abnormal Turnover on Asymmetric Autoregressive Behavior of Index Returns: Evidence from the Chinese A-share Stock Markets, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  155. Teng-Tsai Tu, Hsiang-Hsi Liu and Bin-Hui Lin. Jump Diffusion and Stochastic Volatility Pricing Models of TAIEX Index Options ¡V An Application of Fast Fourier Transform, Journal of Securities Market and Development, Vol. 24 No. 3, October 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  156. Chan-Yun Yang¡BJr-Syu Yang¡BFeng-Li Lian. Safe and smooth: mobile agent trajectory smoothing by SVM, International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, Vol. 8 No. 7B, pp. 4959~4978, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  157. Jianjun Wang¡BBai-Li Chen¡BChan-Yun Yang. Approximation of algebraic and trigonometric polynomials by feedforward neural networks, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 73~80, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  158. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C´¼¼z¹qºôÁ`Åé³W¹º¤è®×, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 11, pp. 146~152, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  159. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¡u®L¤ë.¸`¹q¤¤¡v¬Fµ¦¤§¦æ°Êµ¦²¤¤Î®i±æ, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 35 No. 8, pp. 120~128, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  160. ¼Ú¹Å·ç¡C¬F©²¾÷Ãö¤Î¾Ç®Õ¥|¬Ù±M®×­pµe°õ¦æ¦¨®Äº[«áÄò±À°Ê§@ªk, ¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z, Vol. 56 No. 6, pp. 110~118, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  161. Jian-Jun Wang¡BChan-Yun Yang¡BJia Jing. Estimation of approximating rate for neural network in L(£s, p) spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012: Article ID 636, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  162. ¤ý´º´¼¡CThe Displacement of Fear: Frail Human Bonds in "Crooner" and "Nocturnes", ¡m¤å¤sµû½×¡n, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 1~20, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  163. Ò\µn¤~(Teng-Tsai Tu)¡B¼B²»¿Q(Hsiang-Hsi Liu). ¸õÅDÂX´²»PÀH¾÷ªi°Ê¼Ò«¬¤U¥x«ü¿ï¾ÜÅv¤§µû»ù¢w§Ö³t³Å¥ß¸­Âà´«¤§À³¥Î, ºÞ²z»P¨t²Î , 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  164. Mei-Chuan Hung, Chin-Hsien Hsu, & Hui-chin Wu. A Study of the correlation among perceived coach leadership behavior, collegiate table tennis players¡¦ team cohesion, team culture, and team efficiency, Journal of Physical Education National University of Tainan, 7, pp. 48~63, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  165. Chu, Chih-Peng, Jyh-Fa Tsai and Shou-Ren Hu . Optimal starting location of an HOV lane for a linear monocentric urban area., Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46 No. 3, pp. 457~466, March 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  166. Tsai, Jyh-Fa and Fu-Chuan Lai . Urban configurations with suburban employment by a monopoly vendor., International Regional Science Review, Vol. 35 No. 4, pp. 424~441, October 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  167. ¦¶©s®x¡C¡q¥Áªì¡m¸Ö¸g¡n¥Õ¸ÜµùĶªºµo®i¢w¢w¥HºÃ¥j«ä¼é¸Ñºc¸g¨å¦a¦ìªº¼vÅT¬°½×¡r, ¡mµØ±ë¤H¤å¾Ç³ø¡n, No. 17, pp. 1~35, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  168. ¦¶©s®x¡C¡q²M¥½¥Áªì¸Ö¸g¥Õ¸ÜĶµùªº¿³°_»P¶}®i¢w¢w¥H±Ð¨|¬Fµ¦ªº¿³­²¬°½×¡r, ¡m¿³¤j¤H¤å¾Ç³ø¡n, No. 48, pp. 157~186, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  174. ³¯©úÀé¡C¼w°ê¤g¦aµn°O»P¼f¬d¨î«×¤§¬ã¨s-­Ý½×§Ú°ê¤g¦aµn°O¼f¬d°ÝÃD, ªF®ü¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|¡AªF®üªk¾Ç¬ã¨s¡iTSSCI¡j, No. 36, pp. 73~114, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  176. ³¯©úÀé¡C¯Ñ¦a¤T¤C¤­¯²¬ù¤g¦a°Ñ¥[¦Û¿ì¥«¦a­«¹º²×¤î¯²¬ùª§Ä³°ÝÃD¤§±´°Q-²µû³Ì°ªªk°|100¦~¥x¤W¦r²Ä852¸¹§P¨M, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 195, pp. 183~187, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  182. Yi-Chia Wang. An Empirical Survey of Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis, International Economics and Finance Journal, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 169~207, July 2012. (Econlit, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  183. Yi-Chia Wang. Short- and Long-run Environmental Kuznets Curve: Case Studies of Sulfur Emissions in OECD Countries, International Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 1~16, July 2012. (Econlit, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  195. Huang, Yu-Lieh. Measuring Business Cycles: A Temporal Disaggregation Model with Regime Switching, Economic Modelling, No. 29, pp. 283~290, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  229. MeiChi Huang. Forecasts and Implications of the Current Housing crisis: Switching Regimes in a Threshold Framework, Applied Economics Letters , Vol. 19 No. 6, pp. 557~568, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  230. C. T. Su, K. H. Chen, L. F. Chen, P. C. Wang, and Y. H. Hsiao. Pre-Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea via Multi-Class MTS, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2012, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  231. Cheng-Hsun Ho, Ting-Yun Wu. Factors Affecting Intent to Purchase Virtual Goods in Online Games, International Journal of Electronic Business Management , Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 204~212, 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  232. Wen-Shan Jian, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Sanjay P Sood, Peisan Lee, Min-Huei Hsu, Cheng-Hsun Ho, Yu-Chuan Li, Hsyien-Chia Wen. Factors Influencing Consumer Adoption of USB-based Personal Health Records in Taiwan, BMC Health Services Research, 12:277, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  233. §d³·§D¡C°ê»Ú¦X§@ªÀ¦~±´°Q¦X§@±Ð¨|±À®i¤§¥²­n©Ê, ¦X§@¸gÀÙ©u¥Z, 2012¦~3¤ë, pp. 3~13, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  236. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Invisible barriers in foreign labours¡¦ leisure activities in Taiwan: The case of female blue-collar workers, Taiwan Labour Review, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 1~28, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  237. Tracy T.H. Tsai, Arthur J. Lin, Kai-Yi Chin. Study on Web Users Loyalty Effected by Differented Computer Expertise Levels, Journal of Computers (JOC), Vol. 23 No. 01, pp. 171~186, April 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  238. Bauer, A.M., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.. Associations of physical symptoms with perceived need for and use of mental health services among Latino and Asian Americans., Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 75 No. 6, pp. 1128~1133, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  239. Mulvaney-Day, N., DeAngelo, D., Chen, C.-N., Cook, B., Alegria, M.. Unmet need for treatment for substance use disorders across race and ethnicity., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 125 No. 1, pp. 44~50, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  240. Carson, N.J., Cook. B.L., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.. Racial/ethnic differences in video game and internet use among US adolescents with mental health and educational difficulties., Journal of Children and Media, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 450~468, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  241. ½²ÁlÀº(Yi-Ching Tsai) ¡F ±i´f¯u(Hui-Chen Chang) . ÅU«ÈÃö«Y¯}Ãa¦]¯Àªº¼vÅT»PÂà´«»Ùê¤zÂZ®ÄªG¤§¬ã¨s, ºÞ²z¹ê°È»P²z½×¬ã¨s, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 77~93, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  242. Chih-Chien Wang and Hung-Yu Chien. Believe or Skepticism? An Empirical Study on Individuals¡¦ Attitude to Blog Product Review , International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 343~348, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  243. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q±dº³¦~¶¡º¡¤å¥»¡m¦è¹C°O¡n²Ä¤E¦^ªºÂºÄ¶¯S¦â¡r, ¡m²H¦¿¥v¾Ç¡n, No. 24, pp. 227~268, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  244. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q¥ô±Ð¥¨²íÃø»´¥Ç ¤ÑÀI¥Í¦¨³À¦Õªù--°|Âú¡¡Bº~¤å¡m»OÆW²¤¹Ï¡n²¤¶¡r, ¡m¬G®c¤åª«¤ë¥Z¡n, No. 349, pp. 40~48, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  245. ©x¾åÁ¨¡CÁp¦X°ê»P°ü¤k¦a¦ìªº´£¤É¢w¥xÆWªºÆ[ÂI»Pµo®i, ·s¥@¬ö´¼®w½×¾Â, No. 60, pp. 25~32, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  246. ·¨ªGÀM¡C¡m¤Ñ¸SµY²w®Ñ¥Ø¡n¦Ò¿ë¥jÄyª©¥»­zµû, °ê®a¹Ï®ÑÀ]À]¥Z, Vol. 101 No. 1, pp. 23~50, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  247. ¸­­^Ùy¡B§õ©¨¾§¡C±´°Q¨ÑÀ³ÃìÃö«Y¤¤Ãö«Yªv²z»PÃö«Y³W½d¾ã¦Xºc­±¤§¿Å¶q½ÒÃD, ¨|¹F¬ì¤j¾Ç³ø²Ä¤T¤Q¨÷, pp. 133~156, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  248. ¸­­^Ùy¡B·¨´f¤å¡C¹B¥Î¾ã¦X¤ÀªRªk±´°QÅU«È¾É¦V«e¦]»P«áªGÅܼÆ, ¨|¹F¬ì¤j¾Ç³ø²Ä¤T¤Q¨÷, pp. 157~180, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  249. ¦³­­¤½¥q¤£°õ¦æ·~°ÈªÑªFºÊ¹îÅv¬ÛÃö»{©w°ÝÃD¡Ð¡Ðµû»OÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤E¤Q¤K¦~«×¤W¦r²Ä¤@¤@¤E¤K¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨M, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x , No. 204, pp. 205~220, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  250. H. M. Lee, R. Jea and J. S. Su. Fuzzy Nonlinear Programming for Inventory Based on Confidence Interval, ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 6 No. 5, pp. 1387~1392, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  251. Wu, M. W., Shen, C. H.*, Lu, C. H. and Chan, C. C.. Impact of foreign strategic investors on earnings management in Chinese banks, Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 48:5 (September-Octo, pp. 115~133, September 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  252. Hwai-Shuh Shieh. Does Cost Efficiency Lead to Better Financial Performance? A Study on Taiwan International Tourist Hotels, Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, Vol.20(1), Article 5, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  253. ¬I¥ú°V¡B§õ©úªÚ¡C±q¥Á¶¡¿Ä¸ê´£®×¨î«×(PFI)±´°Q°]¬F¤ä¥X»ù­È(VFM)ªºÃöÁäµû¦ô¬ã¨s, ¤å¤j°ÓºÞ¾Ç³ø, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 65~81, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  254. ¬I¥ú°V¡B¶À²Þ¡C³Ð§ë¤½¥q»{ÁÊ°T¸¹¬ã¨s--¥Hªì¯Å¥«³õ°ª¬ì§Þ¤½¥q¬°?, ÁZ®Ä»Pµ¦²¤¬ã¨s, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 29~50, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  255. Lu, Y. H, Y. T. Wang and C. R. Chiu. A comparison of waste inefficiency in East Asian countries, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 34~49, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  256. ¼B®p¦°¡B¼B«í¶h¡BªL´@¹a¡B¬x½n¨å¡CÂȦç¯ó´ËªLªº¦¨ªøÅéÅç, ²£·~»PºÞ²z½×¾Â, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 94~109, September 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  257. §õ«º¿Ä¡BªL´@¹a¡BÁ¬ü¬Ã¡C­·®æ³Ð·s¹Lµ{¤§¬ã¨s--¥H»OÆW¤¤¤p«¬»s¾c¼t¬°¨Ò, ¤¤¤p¥ø·~µo®i©u¥Z, Vol. 26, pp. 159~179, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  258. ªL´@¹a¡B¿½¦p§D¡C¼t°Ó¼h¯Å»P®ø¶O±Ú¸s«~µP§Î¶Hª¾Ä±®t²§¤ÀªR¡G¥H¹B°Ê¥ð¶¢¥Î«~ATUNAS«~µP¬°¨Ò, »O¤jºÞ²z½×ÂO, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 29~58, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  259. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Leisure participation of female college students in Taiwan: An analysis from a social-cultural perspective, International Leisure Review, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 33~44, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  260. Chen, Shu-Ling, Chao-Hsi Huang, and Yu-Lieh Huang. International Economic Linkages between Taiwan and the World: A Global Vector Autoregressive Approach, Academia Economic Papers, No. 40, pp. 343~375, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  261. ³¢®¶¶¯; ¦ó©É¼á; ªL»AªÚ¡C¥þ¥Á°·±d«OÀI¸É¥R°]·½ªì±´, »OÆW¤½¦@½Ã¥ÍÂø»x , 2008, pp. 314~325, August 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  262. You, Shu-Man, Lee, Chun-Chang and Tseng, Ming-Hsun . An Examination of Service Quality, Transaction Costs and Sales Ethics Among Real Estate Advertising Sales Agents, International Real Estate Review, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 189~214, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  263. ½²Þ±®x¡C°£¹ú«á¿³§Q--½×¤gÄ[¦Ã¬V³õ§}¦A§Q¥Î¤§¼úÀy¾÷¨î, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 4, pp. 55~71, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  264. ½²Þ±®x¡C¥«³õÅu¦ì«Y°Ï¤À©Ò¦³Åv¤§±M¦³³¡¤À©Î¦@¦³¤ÀºÞ¤§½d³ò¡H-µû³Ì°ªªk°|¤E¤Q¤E¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¤@¤@¤­¡³¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨M, ¤ë¥¹µô§P®É³ø, No. 14, pp. 22~29, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  265. ¼Bºû¯u¡C©~¦í¥¿¸qªº½ÒÃD--¹ê»ùµn¿ý©Î¹ê»ù½Òµ|, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø»x , ³Ð¥Z¸¹, pp. 9~19, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  266. ªô¤h©v¡CA Strategic Analysis in an Incomplete Information Auditing Game, ·|­p¼f­p½×ÂO, pp. 119~128, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  267. §õ«ØµM; ³¯«H¦N ¡C·|­p®v¥ô´Á»P¼f­p«~½è»{ª¾--ªÑ¥«§ë¸ê¤HªºÆ[ÂI, ¤¤¤sºÞ²zµû½× , pp. 881~907, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  268. ¼B¹ç¼z¡C¡u¤¤°ê¥jÄyÂO®Ñ¥Ø¿ý¸ê®Æ®w¡vªº«Ø¸m»P®Ä¯q, ¤H¤å»PªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²°T, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 109~117, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  269. §f©{㸡B¿½¹Å´f¡B³\®¶©ú¡B±ä®Õ³¹¡B¤ý¾Ç¤¤¡C»OÆWÅé¨|¹B°Ê¾Ç³N¬ã¨s¤¤ªº¦@¦P¤èªkÅܲ§, ¤j±MÅé¨|¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 419~417, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  270. Wang, Yi-Hsien, Shih, Kuang-Hsun, and Huang, Ya-Chi.. Measurement of Switching Cost on the Customer Retention in the Banking Industry, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 40 No. 6, pp. 1~8, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  271. You, Shu-Man, Tseng, Ming-Hsun, Lee, Chun-Chang and Chen, Ming-Tsann. An Examination of Service Quality in a Real Estate Advertising Sales Agents--formal control mechanism as a Moderator, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 33 No. 2&3, pp. 321~348, May 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  272. Chang, Wen-Chun. Eastern Religions and Attitude toward Direct Democracy in Taiwan, Politics and Religion, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 555~583, 2012. (AHCI, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  273. Yean-Fu Wen* and Wanjiun Liao. Resource Allocation with Minimum End-to-End Delay Differential Consideration in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 74, pp. 145~160, January 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  274. ¥xÆW¤½¥qªv²zªk¨î¤§¹ê½î»P°ê»Ú±µ­yÀËÅç, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 202, pp. 64~87, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  275. ³¯·O¶§¡C¥qªk°|©w¦ì, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 198, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  276. ³¯·O¶§¡C±q¤G¤Q¤@¥@¬öÀô¹Ò°ê®a¤§°ê®a«OÅ@¸q°È½×¤¤¥¡»P¦a¤è¦b®ð­ÔÅܾE½Õ¾A¥ßªkªº¾ËªkÅv­­¹º¤À¨Ì¾Ú»P¬É­­, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 2, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  277. ªL®Ñ½å¡B²¥¿©ý¡B¬I¥ú°V¡C¥xÆW»P¤¤°ê¤j³°ÃҨ饫³õ³s°Ê¤§±´°Q, ¥ÃÄòµo®i»PºÞ²zµ¦²¤, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 25~36, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  278. ªLÀR©É¡B¬I¥ú°V*, ªL©ÉµÓ¡C¹q¤l¤Æ»È¦æ·~°È­·ÀIºÞ²z¤§¬ã¨s¢w¥H¥~¶×·~°È¬°¨Ò, ·|­p»P°]ª÷¬ã¨s, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 32~47, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  279. ³¯·O¶§¡CÀô¹Ò°ê­ì«h«Øºc¤U¤§Àô¹Ò¹w¨¾¤Î±ÏÀÙ¾÷¨î, ªk¾Ç·s½×¡A¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x¨t¦C, No. 37, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  280. ³¯·O¶§¡CÀô¹Ò¥ÃÄò¹Lµ{¤¤¤§ªk¨îÂöº|»P·s¨î«×¤§«Øºc――¥HÀô¹Ò±ÏÀÙªk¨å¤§«Øºc¬°¥ô°È, ²MµØªkªv½×¿Å¡X¡XÀô¹Òªk±M¿è, Vol. 16, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  281. ³¯·O¶§¡C¥þ²y·x¤Æ¡E®ð­ÔÅܾE¤U¥xÆW¡u´î½w¡v»P¡u½Õ¾A¡v¤§µ¦²¤»Pªk«ß¤ÀªR, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦a, No. 3, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  282. ³¯·O¶§¡Cªkªv°ê­ì«h¤§²z½×¨Ì¾Ú»P¨äµo®i, ·í¥N°]¬F, No. 23, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  283. ³¯·O¶§¡C¦a¤è¬F©²¦bÀô¹Ò°ê­ì«h¤U¤§Àô¹Ò«OÅ@¸q°È, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 213, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  284. ¥Õ´f©ú,¾G¤å»¨¡CM/M(N)/K §å¦¸ªA°È¨t²Î¤U¥­¦æ±Æ¶¤¨t²Îªº³Ì¨Î¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¨Mµ¦, ²Î­p»P¸ê°Tµû½×, Vol. 14, pp. 35~55, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  285. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡u¤º³¡½]®Öªº°ê»ÚºaÄ£¡v, ¤º³¡½]®Ö©u¥Z, Vol. 79, pp. 2, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  286. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡uÁZ®Ä´£¤É»P²Õ´»ù­È¡v, ¤º³¡½]®Ö©u¥Z, Vol. 78, pp. 4, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  287. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡u½]®Öªï±µ­·ÀIºÞ²z·s¬D¾Ô¡v, ¤º³¡½]®Ö©u¥Z, Vol. 77, pp. 3, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  288. °K¥ú»ö¡C¦Û«ß»P¦Û¥Ñ¡X¡X¯Õ©w¦V»P§õ¨ô§^¾Ç³N½×ª§¤§·N¸q±´°Q, ÃZ´ò¾Ç»x, No. 49, pp. 37~73, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  289. Saxton GD, Kuo JS, Ho YI. The Determinant of voluntary nonprofit financial disclosure, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 41 No. 6, pp. 1051~1071, November 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  290. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡u·sCOSO¤º³¡±±¨î¾ã¦X¬[ºc¡v, ¤º³¡½]®Ö©u¥Z, Vol. 79, pp. 4~8, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  291. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¬ü°êFed³f¹ô¬Fµ¦»Pª÷¿Äí©w¬Fµ¦¾ã¦X¤§±´°Q, ¦s´Ú«OÀI¸ê°T©u¥Z, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 34~63, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  292. ¼Bºû¯u¡C±qÄÀ¦r286¸¹¸ÑÄÀ­«·sÀ˵ø¤g¦a¼W­Èµ|¨î, ¥xÆWÀô¹Ò»P¤g¦aªk¾ÇÂø»x , No. 3, pp. 194~204, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  293. Tsung-Hsun Lu¡BYung-Ming Shiu¡B Tsung-Chi Liu. Profitable Candlesticks Trading Strategies-The Evidence from a New Perspective, Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 63~68, April 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  294. 1.Chiu, C. R. 2.Liou, J. L. 3.Wu, P. I. 4.Fang, C. L. . Decomposition of the environmental inefficiency of the meta-frontier with undesirable output, Energy Economics, Vol. 34 No. 5, pp. 1392~1399, September 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  295. ­ðÀA¨q¡CªÀ·|¦X§@ªÀ¦b¥xÆWµo®i¤§±´°Q, ¦X§@¸gÀÙ, No. 115, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  296. ¾G®Û¿·¡B§E«T¾Ë¡B ¤ýÄõªâ¡C¤º³¡±±¨î¯Ê¥¢»PÀ³­p«~½è¡Ð¿W¥ß¸³ºÊ¤§½Õ¸`®ÄªG, ªF§d¸gÀٰӾǾdzø, No. 79, pp. 81~120, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  297. ´¿²Q·ì¡C¥Ç¸o©Ò±o¨S¦¬°l¼x¤Î«O¥þµ{§Ç¤§¬ã¨s, ­xªk±M¥Z, Vol. 58 No. 2, pp. 41~66, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  298. Chien-Ho Wang. Further results on convergence for nonlinear transformations of fractional integrated time series, Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 412~415, October 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  299. Hung, W. L., Lin, L. H. and Chang, J. C.. A Comparison of the food image of cities: Content analysis of government tourism websites, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 55~71, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  300. Liu, Ching Kang, Lai, Carol, & Chu, Johnny. The Project-based Language Framework for the ESP Courses, College English: Issues and Trends, No. 5, pp. 103~120, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  301. ³¯«ØÞ³¡B©u¤O±d¡C§Æ±æ·P¡B¦Û«H¤ß»P2x2¦¨´N¥Ø¼Ð¹ï¤j¾Ç¥ÍÅé¨|½Òªí²{¤§¹w´ú¡C, ¤j±MÅé¨|¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 75~83, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  302. Chen, Shu-Ling, Chao-Hsi Huang, and Yu-Lieh Huang. International Economic Linkages between Taiwan and the World: A Global Vector Autoregressive Approach, Academia Economic Papers (¸gÀٽפå), Vol. 40 No. 3, pp. 343~375, September 2012. (Econlit, TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  303. Ting Hsiang Lin. Model Selection Information Criteria in Latent Class Models with Missing Data and Contingency Question, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp. 159~170, July 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  305. Chen,Ying-Chi and Yeong-Jia Goo. A Newly Application of the Random Matrix Theory on the Exploration of the Efficiency of Investment Portfolios in the Taiwan Stock Market, African Journal of Business Management, No. 47, pp. 11598~11608, June 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  306. ¿½¹Å´f¡C±Ð¨|°V½m°Ê¾÷¦b²Õ´Àô¹Ò»P±Ð¨|°V½mÂಾ¦¨®Ä¤§¤¤¤¶®ÄªG, »OÆWÅé¨|¹B°ÊºÞ²z¾Ç³ø, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 103~116, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  307. Shih-Wei Wu, Fengyi Lin and Wenchang Fang. Earnings Management and Investor's Stock Return , Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, s3, pp. 129~140, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  308. Liu, Hsiang-Hsi. The Bivariate GARCH Approach to Investigate the Relation between Stock Returns, Trading Volume, and Return Volatility, Global Finance Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 1~15, March 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  309. Liu, Hsiang-Hsi. Mean-reverting and Asymmetric Volatility Switching Properties of Stock Price Index, Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital in Taiwan, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 375~395, January 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  310. Liu, Hsiang-Hsi. Bilateral Relationships between the Shanghai A- and B-shares Stock Markets: Evidence from the Opening of B-shares to Chinese Citizens, Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 1~17, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  311. Tsai, Hsien-Tung and Pei-Yu Pai. Positive and Negative Aspects of Online Community Cultivation: Implications for Online Stores¡¦ Relationship Management, Information & Management, Vol. 49 No. 2, pp. 111~117, June 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  312. ³¯律ºÍ¡B½²Åãµ£¡B劉®p¦°¡C¤l¤½¥q¥~³¡ºôµ¸Æ^´O¤§¨M©w¦]¯À»P¼vÅT®ÄªG, ºÞ理µû½×, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 25~48, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  313. ¼B²»¿Q¡C¸õÅDÂX´²»PÀH¾÷ªi°Ê¼Ò«¬¤U¥x«ü¿ï¾ÜÅv¤§µû»ù¡Ð§Ö³t³Å¥ß¸­Âà´«¤§¹B¥Î, ºÞ²z»P¨t²Î, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 201~230, January 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  314. ¼B²»¿Q¡C¸õÅD-µo´²»PÀH¾÷ªi°Ê¼Ò«¬¤§­l¥Í©Ê°Ó«~³Ì¾AÁ×ÀIµ¦²¤¡Ð§Ö³t³Å¥ß¸­Âà´«§Þ³N¤§¹B¥Î, ÃҨ饫³õµo®i©u¥Z, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 187~234, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  315. ¼B²»¿Q¡C¥xÆWTFT-LCD²£·~¡A¤W¤¤¤U´åªÑ»ù¤§ªø´Á°O¾Ð¡BÃöÁp©Ê»Pªi°Ê¥~·¸®ÄªG¤§¬ã¨s¡RFIEC-HYGARCH¼Ò«¬¤§À³¥Î, À³¥Î¸gÀÙ½×ÂO, No. 92, pp. 119~162, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  316. Liu, Hsiang-Hsi. The Influence of Direct Cross-Straits Shipping on the Smooth Transition Dynamics of Stock Volatilities of Shipping Companies, Applied financial Economics, Vol. 22, pp. 1331~1342, April 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  317. Lee, C. Y. & Yuan, Y.. Taiwan junior high school adolescents' epistemological beliefs toward mathematics and science, ISRN Education, 2012, pp. 1~7, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  318. ³¢®¶¶¯¡B¦ó©É¼á¡B林»AªÚ¡C¥þ¥Á°·±d«OÀI¸É¥R°]·½ªì±´, ¥xÆW¤½¦@½Ã¥ÍÂø»x, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 314~325, August 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  319. §õ­Y±e¡C¤Ú¹y®×»P¦ë§Q¤K¥@ªº¨¥½×±±¨î, »OÆW®v¤j¾ú¥v¾Ç³ø, , pp. 281~326, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  320. Tsai, I-Chun and Chien-Wen Peng. A Panel Data Analysis for Housing Affordability in Taiwan, Journal of Economics and Finance , 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  321. Lin, Y. C., Chen, A. S.*, & Song, Y. J.. Does your intelligence help to survive in a foreign jungle? The effects of cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence on cross-cultural adjustment., International Journal of Intercultural Relations , Vol. 36 No. 4, pp. 541~552, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  322. Chinyang Henry Tseng, ShiauHuey Wang, Bor-Shing Lin, Tong-Ying Junag, Xiao-Ru Ji. CDTS: Coordinator Data Traffic Shunt model for Zigbee networks, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, December 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  323. ¦¿¸q¥­¡B ³¯«ä¼ä¡CµêÀÀ«~µPªÀ¸s·NÃѧΦ¨¦]¯À»P¼vÅT®ÄªG, ¹q¤l°Ó°È¬ã¨s, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 297~324, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  324. ¿ï¥ôÁ{®ÉºÞ²z¤H¥²­n©Ê¤§§PÂ_¼Ð·Ç¢w¢wµû¤E¤Q¤E¦~¤»¤ë¤Q¥|¤é»O¥_¦a¤èªk°|¤E¤Q¤E¦~«×¥q¦r²Ä¤E¸¹¥Á¨Æµô©w, ¤ë¥¹µô§P®É³ø, No. 15, pp. 34~41, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  325. ªÑªF·|¦³µLÅv­­Åܧ󸳨Ʒ|´£¥X¬Õ¾l¤À¬£Ä³®×¤§°ÝÃD, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç±Ð«Ç, No. 118, pp. 24~26, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
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  328. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C¦N¦w¶m¹A·|¸gÀçºÞ²z°ÝÃD¶EÂ_»P³Ð·s»²¾É®ÄªG¤§­Ó®×¤ÀªR, ¹A¥Á²Õ´¾Ç¥Z, No. 18, pp. 137~174, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  329. Molina, K.M., Alegria, M., Chen, C.-N.. Neighborhood context and substance use disorders: A comparative analysis of racial and ethnic groups in the United States, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 125, pp. 35~43, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  330. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡u¨â©¤¤º±±¤º½]¦X§@¾÷·|µL­­¡v, ¤º³¡½]®Ö©u¥Z, Vol. 80, pp. 2, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  331. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C±q§Ú°êM2¬y³q³t«×¬Ý³f¹ô¥Ø¼Ð°Ï¤§³]©w°ÝÃD, ¥ÃÂת÷¿Ä©u¥Z, Vol. 44 No. 1, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  332. ´¿²Q·ì¡C¸gÀ٥Ǹo¤§¨Æ¹ê»{©w»PÃÒ¾Ú¨ú±Ë--­Ý½×°]°È³øªíµê°°Áô°Î¤§³B»@, »OÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 196, pp. 62~83, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  333. ¦¶¬¯æ£ ; ¼B¶¶¤¯ ; ¼B¤Dº· ¡CThe Relationship between a Buyer Incentive Scheme and Purchasing Performance, ·í¥N·|­p(2012·í¥N·|­p³Ì¨Î½×¤å¼ú), Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 1~25, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  334. ¶À°·¹ü¡C¤½´J¤j·HºÞ²z©e­û·|¦V¤£°Ê²£¥ò¤¶·~ªÌ¦¬¨ú¡u¬Ý«Î¶O¡vµ¥ªk«ß°ÝÃD¬ã¨s, °]²£ªkº[¸gÀÙªk, No. 32, pp. 87~110, December 2012. (TCI-HSS) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  335. I-P. Chiang, Yean-Fu Wen*, Y.-C. Luo, M.-C. Li, and C.-Y. Hsu. Using Text Mining Techniques to Analyze How the Movies Forum Affect Box Office, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, In press, November 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  336. ¤ý¾_¦t¡C°ê»Úªk¤U¯Á°¨§Q¨È®üµs°ÝÃD¤ÀªR¡Ð­Ý½×§Ú°ê®üµs¸o¤§³W½d, ¥qªk·sÁn, No. 104, pp. 44~53, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  337. ¼B©¯¸q¡C¥Ñªk±øª¾ÃÑ¡AÁÚ¦Vªk¾Ç»â°ì¡]¯¬¶P¤å¡^, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 200, pp. 7~8, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  338. Liu, Hsiang-Hsi. Interrelationships among the Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean TFT-LCD Panel Industry Stock Market Indexes: An application of the Trivariate FIEC¡VFIGARCH Mode, Economic Modelling, Vol. 29, pp. 2724~2733, December 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  339. Bin, Feng-Shun, Dar-Hsin Chen, and Po-Chun Chiu. Nonlinear Dynamic Spot-Futures Relationship Surrounding the Tick Size Reduction on the Taiwan Stock Exchange: A Threshold VECM Approach, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, Vol. 24, pp. 27~38, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  340. °ª¿³®Û¡B¾G´fµÓ¡C¦Ñ¦~¤H¹B°Ê¦æ¬°¹ï¬Ý¶E¦¸¼Æ¤Î¥Í¬¡«~½è¤§Ãö«Y¬ã¨s, ¹B°Ê¬ã¨s, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 1~15, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  341. °K¥ú»ö¡C¨ô§^§õ¥ý¥Í¡A¤µ¤§¤l¤¤]¡X¡X§õðô»PĬ¸ý¨Ã½×¤§·N¸q±´°Q, ¥_¨Ê¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç¾Ç³ø¡DªÀ·|¬ì¾Çª©, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 22~30, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  342. ¦³­­¤½¥q¤£°õ¦æ·~°ÈªÑªFºÊ¹îÅv»{©w¬ÛÃö°ÝÃD¢wµû¥xÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤E¤K¦~«×¤W¦r²Ä£¸£¸¤E¤K¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨M¡q­«ÂIºK¿ý¡r, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç±Ð«Ç, No. 114, pp. 27~29, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  343. Yuan, Y., & Lee, C. Y.. Elementary school teachers¡¦ perceptions toward ICT: The case of using Magic Board for teaching mathematics, The Turkish Online Jounral of Educational Technology, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 108~118, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  344. ½±¸qÙy¡C¤ý¦w¥Û¥H¨î«×§ïµ½­·«Uªº¬F±ÐÆ[, ²Ä¤G©¡®ü®l¨â©¤§º¥NªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|½× ¤å ¶°, ²Ä¸¹, pp. 201~220, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  345. Jung-Kuei Hsieh, Yi-Ching Hsieh, Hung-Chang Chiu and Yi-Chu Feng . Post-adoption switching behavior for online service substitutes: A perspective of the push-pull-mooring framework, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 28 No. 5, pp. 1912~1920, July 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  346. Jung-Kuei Hsieh, Yi-Ching Hsieh and Yu-Chien Tang. Exploring the disseminating behaviors of eWOM marketing: Persuasion in online video, Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 201~224, April 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  347. Jen-Te Hwang, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, and Chien-Ping Chung. The Estimation of Housing Price Bubbles in China, International Economics and Finance Journal, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 145~172, July 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  348. Chieh-Hsuan Wang¡BChien-Ping Chung. Hedonic and GMM Estimates of the Relationship between House Prices and Rents in Taiwan, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 78~88, July 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  349. Tsung-Hsun Lu¡BYung-Ming Shiu. Tests for Two-Day Candlestick Patterns in the Emerging Equity Market of Taiwan, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 39~55, January 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  350. ¾G®Û¿·¡B§E«T¾Ë¡B¤ýÄõªâ¡C¤º³¡±±¨î¯Ê¥¢»P°]°È³ø¾É«~½è-¿W¥ß¸³ºÊ¤§½Õ¸`®ÄªG, ªF§d¸gÀٰӺ޾dzø, No. 79, pp. 78~118, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  351. 29. §õ«ØµM¤Î³¯«H¦N¡C·|­p®v¥ô´Á»P¼f­p«~½è»{ª¾¡XªÑ¥«§ë¸ê¤HªºÆ[ÂI, ¤¤¤sºÞ²zµû½×, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 879~905, September 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  352. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡§The Making of the Tibetan Dragon Sutra and Early-Qing Manchu-Mongol Marriage Alliance¡Valso on Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang¡¦s Political-Religious Stance , National Palace Museum Bulletin, No. 45, pp. 19~32, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  353. ªL¤å¶Q¡B§d¤¯§Ó¡B¬I¥ú°V¡C»OÆW°ª§Q¶U©ñ²Õ´¥Ç¸o«¬ºA¬ã¨s., µØ©£ªkºé, No. 53, pp. 1~45, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  354. Yi-Ching Hsieh, Jinshyang Roan, Anurag Pant, Jung-Kuei Hsieh, Wen-Ying Chen, Monle Lee, and Hung-Chang Chiu. All for one but does one strategy work for all? Building consumer loyalty in multi-channel distribution, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 310~335, April 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  355. ¼B¥ò¯x ªLà±æ¢¡C»OÆW¦a°Ï½u¤W¹CÀ¸ªÌ¤H®æ¯S­È»P©¾¸Û«×Ãö³s¤§¬ã¨s¡G»Ý¨D¤º®e¬°¤zÂZ, ¬ì§ÞºÞ²z¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 73~110, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  356. Kuang-Hui Chiu,Tsai Chen. Leadership as Situational Factor on Personality-Perfoemance Relationship: An Empirical Study of The Taiwan's Office Machinery Sales Force, International Journal of Business & Management Science, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 1~17, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  357. ·¨ªGÀM¡C¦¶ÂU´L¹ï©ó«á¥@¾Ç³Nµo®iªº¼vÅT, ªF§d¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø, No. 23, pp. 247~274, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  358. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡CPrivate International Law National Report: Taiwan , 2012 Thematic Congress of International Academy of Comparative Law- Codification and Legal Transplant: the East Asia Experience¬ã°Q·|©xºô (http://www.law.ntu.edu.tw/iacl/Download_en.aspx), May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  359. ¾G¶h­õ¡C¦Dªk¤W¤£¥i¯à¦s¦b¡u¦@¦Pµ²ªG¥[­«¥Ç¡v¢w¢wµûªR³Ì°ªªk°|¤E¤K¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¥|¤G¤K¤C¸¹¦D¨Æ§P¨M¡B¥xÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤E¤K¦~«×­«¤W§ó¡]¤@¡^¦r136¸¹¦D¨Æ§P¨M¡B³Ì°ªªk°|¤@¡³¡³¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¥|¡³¤­¤T¸¹¦D¨Æ§P¨M¡A¥H¤Î¥xÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤@¡³¡³¦~«×¤W­«¤W§ó¡]¤G¡^¦r103¸¹¦D¨Æ§P¨M, ªk¥O¤ë¥Z, Vol. 63 No. 4, pp. 522~532, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  360. ¾G¶h­õ¡C°ê®a¦Ò¸Õ¦Dªk¹ê¨ÒÃDªº¸ÑÃD°ò¥»ºA«×¢w¢w¥H¡u¿ù»~¥Ü½d¡v»¡©ú¤§, ­xªk±M¥Z, Vol. 58 No. 1, pp. 170~180, February 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  361. ¾G¶h­õ¡C¤í¯Ê¡u¬G·N¡v¡A§Y¤£½×¡u·N¹Ï¡v, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 198, pp. 93~95, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  362. ¾G¶h­õ¡C¡u§iª¾«á¦P·N­ì«h¡v¤£¾A¥Î©ó¡uÂåÀø¦Dªk¡v»â°ì, ­xªk±M¥Z, Vol. 58 No. 2, pp. 146~153, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  363. ¾G¶h­õ¡CÁö¡u»~¶E¡v¡A¤´ÄÝ¡uÁ{§É¦X²z¶EÂ_¡vªºÂåÀø¦æ¬°¢w¢wµûªR¥xÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤E¤Q¤­¦~«×­«Âå¤W§ó(¤T)¦r²Ä¤@¡³¤E¸¹©M³Ì°ªªk°|¤E¤Q¤K¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¤»¤@¡³¸¹¦D¨Æ§P¨M, ªk¥O¤ë¥Z, Vol. 63 No. 8, pp. 16~27, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  364. ¾G¶h­õ¡C¨g¾K¼Þ¤HªÌ¥H¨ã¦³³d¥ô¯à¤O½×¤´¥Ç¸o, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç±Ð«Ç, No. 117, pp. 30~32, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  365. ¾G¶h­õ¡C¹L¥¢¥Ç¸oªºªk«ß¾A¥Î, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 210, pp. 132~134, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  366. ±i¤å­§¡C½×ºM¾P½Òµ|³B¤À¶D³^¤§¶D³^¼Ðªº, ¬F¤jªk¾Çµû½×, No. 126, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  367. ³¯·R®Z¡Cªk¾Ç¤èªk»P¹ê½è½Òµ|­ì«h¡Ð¡Ðµû³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|99¦~«×§P¦r²Ä1122¸¹¡B100¦~«×§P¦r²Ä1803¸¹§P¨M, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 199, pp. 109~116, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  368. §ù©ÉÀR¡C©ÓÅó¤Hµ¹¥I¿ð©µ®ÉÃö©ó©w§@¤H¸Ñ°£Åv¦æ¨Ï¤§­­¨î¢w¢w³Ì°ªªk°|¤E¤Q¤K¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¤@¤G¤­¤»¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨M, ¤ë¥¹µô§P®É³ø, No. 14, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  369. ¤ý©ÉÄ«¡C½×¹µ¥Î¤H¤§«IÅv³d¥ô, ¤ë¥¹¥Á°ÓªkÂø»x, No. 35, pp. 124~142, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  370. ¤ý©ÉÄ«¡C«IÅv³d¥ô¤¤Ãö©ó¨­¤Àªk¯q¤§«O»Ù¡Ð±q»OÆW°ªµ¥ªk°|¤@¡³¡³¦~«×¤W©ö¦r²Ä¤@¤­¤»¸¹§P¨M¡B³Ì°ªªk°|¤@¡³¡³¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä¤»¤G¸¹§P¨M½Í°_, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 207, pp. 201~216, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  371. ®}¨|¦w¡C¼w°ê¦Dªk¤WµÛ¤â»{©w¤§µo®i»PÅÜ­², ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 202, pp. 186~201, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  372. MeiChi Huang. Housing deep-habit model: Mutual implications of macroeconomics and asset pricing, Economics Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 526~530, 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  373. ¿½¦tµ¾¡B±Z¤å¡B©P¹B«°¡Cµ²¦XÀô¹Ò­I´º¸ê°TµÑ¨ú¤Î¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¤é¥Î¹q§@®§¤ÀªR©ó¹q¤O®ø¯Ó¼Ò¦¡±À½×»P»Ý¶q¹w´ú, ¹q¤O¹q¤l, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 55~65, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  374. C. T. Su, Y. H. Hsiao, and Y. L. Liu. Enhancing the Fracture Resistance of Medium/Small-sized TFT-LCDs using the Six Sigma Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 149~164, 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  375. C. T. Su, Y. H. Hsiao, and C. C. Chang. Parameter Optimization Design for Touch Panel Laser Cutting Process, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 320~329, 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  376. YF Chuang, HT Lee*, YC Lai; * correspoding author. Item-associated cluster assignment model on storage allocation problems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 63, pp. 1171~1177, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  377. ±iµÏ¼w¡Cªá¬Ö¬Ù¤ô³]­p¤§¬ã¨s, ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç³ø, No. 93, pp. 1~14, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  378. Ling-Chu Lee¡BYi-Ching Liaw¡BYang-Yi Lee. Bliometric Analysis for Development of Research Strategies in Agricultural Technology: The Case of Taiwan, Scientometrics, Vol. 93 No. 3, pp. 813~830, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  379. Ling-Chu Lee¡BYun-Wen Chuag¡B Wen-Chi Hung. A Comparative Study of Publications in Financial Journals in the Greater China Area, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 55~81, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  380. Chung-Chu Liu Jason C.H. Chen. Exploring measures of emotional capital in public service organizations, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 52~60, July 2012. (EI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  381. ¦¶§Æ¥­,ªL°]¤t,§õ¬ü§ö,¬I¸«,¹p²Q»ö¡CÀþ®É¬Û¦ì©óª÷¿Ä¦M¾÷¹L«á¤§ªÑ»ù¬ã¨s,, ²Î­p»P¸ê°Tµû½×, Vol. 14, pp. a~b, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  382. ¦¶§Æ¥­,ªL°]¤t,§õ¬ü§ö,¬I¸«,¹p²Q»ö¡CÀþ®É¬Û¦ì©óª÷¿Ä¦M¾÷¹L«á¤§ªÑ»ù¬ã¨s, ²Î­p»P¸ê°Tµû½×, Vol. 14, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  383. I-ping Chiang and Yung-hsiang Su. Measuring and Analyzing the Causes of Problematic Internet Use, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(11), pp. 591~596, November 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  384. ·¨¤l¬F¡C¡q±q°ò¦ÁÚ¦V¤W¼h«Ø¿v¡G­^°ê¥ª¬£²z½×»P¬FªvªºÅÜ­² ¡r, ¡m«ä»P¨¥¡n, Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 1~70, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  385. ´^«Ø¤å¡C¾Ö«Î¬Û¹ï¦¨¥»¹ï¦í¦v¯²¾Ö¿ï¾Ü¤§¼vÅT, ³£¥«»P­p¹º, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 1~24, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  386. §õ¯ÀµØ¡C±M§Qªk²Ä87±ø¤èªk±M§QÅv«I®`¤§±À©w-±q´¼¼z°]²£ªk°|99¦~«×¥Á±M¶D¦r²Ä159¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨M½Í°_, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç, No. 210, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  387. ¦V©ú®¦¡C¹H¤ÏªþÀH¸q°È¡B«´¬ù¥Øªº¤£¹F»P¸Ñ°£«´¬ù¤§³sµ²Ãö«Y¡X³Ì°ªªk°|100¦~«×¥x¤W¦r²Ä2¸¹¥Á¨Æ§P¨MµûªR, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 209, pp. 269~277, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  388. ¦¶§Æ¥­,ªL°]¤t,§õ¬ü§ö,¬I¸«,¹p²Q»ö¡CÀþ®É¬Û¦ì©óª÷¿Ä¦M¾÷¹L«á¤§ªÑ»ù¬ã¨s, ²Î­p»P¸ê°Tµû½×, Vol. 14, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  389. ³¯ºû·O¡B¼B±Ò¸s¡B±i¾§ªY¡CªÑÅv¨p¶Ò¤§§é»ù¦]¯À¡G¸ê°T°²»¡¤§¦AÀ˵ø, ÃҨ饫³õµo®i©u¥Z, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 49~86, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  390. ¤ý¾_¦t¡CªR½×°Ï°ì¶T©ö¨ó©w³z©ú¤Æ¾÷¨î¦b¥@¬É¶T©ö²Õ´¤§¶i®i , ªF®ü¤j¾Çªk¾Ç¬ã¨s, ¤w±µ¨ü¥Zµn, pp. 153~226, April 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  391. Walsh, P., Chien, C., & Ross, S.. Sport teams as brand extensions: A case of Taiwanese baseball (SMA 2011 award-winning paper), Sport Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 138~146, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  392. «J©¨§»¡C·|¶O¥N¦©»P¤ä°t¤¶¤J¢w¢w¦æ¬F°|³Ò¤u©e­û·|¤£·í³Ò°Ê¦æ¬°µô©w®Ñ³Òµô¡]¤@¡³¡³¡^¦r²Ä¤@¸¹, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 202, pp. 233~243, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  393. ¤ý¾_¦t¡C¼C©Þ©¸±iªºªk°|¶¡½Ä¬ð¢w°ê»Úªk°|¤G¡³¡³¤@¦~LaGrand®×µûªR, ¤ë¥¹µô§P®É³ø, No. 15, pp. 16~28, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  394. ¤ýÄõªâ¡B§õ²QµØ¡B³\ÄÖ¤¥¡C­t¬Õ¾l¤§¸ê°T¤º²[, ¥xÆWºÞ²z¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 69~98, February 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  395. ¶À°·¹ü¡C©Ð«Î©Ó¯²¤HÀu¥ýÁʶRÅvªº©Ó»{»P«Øºc, ¬F¤jªk¾Çµû½×, No. 128, pp. 79~142, August 2012. (TCI-HSS, TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  396. ¤ý¾_¦t¡C°Ï°ì¶T©ö¨ó©w¤U¤Ï¶É¾P¤Î¥­¿Å±¹¬I±ø´Ú¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, »O¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç½×ÂO, ¤w±µ¨ü¥Zµn, pp. 1~92, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  397. §õ¯ÀµØ¡CÂåÃĵo©ú¤§±M§Q­Ó®×±´°Q-¥H§Ú°êªø«C¾ðÃÄ«~±M§Q¬°¨Ò, ¥x¤jªk¾Ç½×ÂO, ±µ¨ü¥Zµn, pp. 647~723, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  398. Chen-Chung Liu , Chun-Houh Chen , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Shang-Ying Shiu , Mau-Sun Hua, Chen-Hsin Chen, Tzung-Jeng Hwang, Chih-Min Liu, Ming H. Hsieh, Shi-Kai Liu, Wei J. Chen. Medium-term course and outcome of schizophrenia depicted by the sixth-month subtype after an acute episode, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, Vol. 111 No. 5, pp. 265~274, May 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  399. Lai JM, Hwang YT, Chou CC. Modeling Exotic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Entrance Risk Through Air Passenger Violations, Risk Analysis, Vol. 32 No. 6, pp. 1093~1103, June 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  400. Kuen-hung Tsai and Chi-Tsun Huang. Technology synergy, product characteristics, and new Product performance: a meta-analytic review , Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, , pp. 336~347, December 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  401. Liao, PS, Ting Hsiang Lin. Using Piece-Wise Latent Growth Curve Model to Explore The Relationship between Health and Happiness in Adolescents, Journal of data analysis. , April 2012. (CIS, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  402. ªL±Ò½å¡C¹B°Ê·N¶H¶qªí¤¤¤åª©¤§½s»s, ¤j±MÅé¨|¾Ç¥Z, ¦L¨ê¤¤, pp. 54~64, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  403. Chuang-Yuang Lin,Jun-Tin Chen. The Fair Value Information of Derivatives and Risk Exposure, Emergent Markets Finance and Trade , September 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  404. Mei-Chen Lin. Are Mutual Fund Tournaments Beneficial to Shareholders¡H, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 59~88, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  405. Chen*, Yu-Shan , and Ke-Chiun Chang. Using the entropy-based patent measure to explore the influences of related and unrelated technological diversification upon technological competences and firm performance, Scientometrics, Vol. 90 No. 3, pp. 825~841, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  406. ¶À¥Ã¥ô¡C¹B°Ê»P¥NÁ¯g­Ô¸s, ¯u²z¤j¾Ç¹B°Êª¾ÃѾdzø, ¦C¦L¤¤, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  407. Lu, Chia-Hui. Tax Luxury or Necessity, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 952~959, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  408. Lin, Yen-Ju, Chun-Chih Chen, Tsai-Ching Liu, and Ying-Tzu Lin. Addiction and utilization of medical care, Economics Research International, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  409. ´^«Ø¤å¡B½²©É¯Â¡C¦í¦v­t¾á¯à¤O»P¦í¦v¦Û¦³²v¤§ªø´ÁÃö«Y-°lÂܸê®Æ¦@¾ã¦X¤ÀªRÀ³¥Î, ¦í¦v¾Ç³ø, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  410. ­J¤¤©y¡C¾Ç®ÕªÀ·|¤u§@­û°Ñ»P¾Ç¥Í»²¾É¤u§@¤§¹ê°Èµ¦²¤, ±Ð¨|¤ß²z¾Ç³ø, Vol. 43 No. 4, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  411. ¦¿¸q¥­¡B ªL§Ó¿o¡Cºô¸ô«~µP­Ó©Êª¾Ä±©w¦ì¤ÀªR±´¨s, ¹q¤l°Ó°È¾Ç³ø, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 383~410, September 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  412. Tsung-Chen Lee, Paul T-W Lee, Tao Chen. Economic Impact Analysis of Port Development on the South African Economy, South African Journal of Economics, forthcoming, 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  413. Tsung-Chen Lee, Paul T.W .Lee. South-South Trade Liberalisation and Shipping Geography: A Case Study on India, Brazil, and South Africa, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, forthcoming, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  414. Tsung-Chen Lee*, Hsiao-Chi Chen, Shi-Miin Liu. Optimal Strategic Regulations in International Emissions Trading under Imperfect Competition, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, forthcoming, 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  415. ´åµÏ¼w¡C««ª½¤Æ¤j«¬Áʪ«¤¤¤ß·~ºØ¦h¼Ë©Ê¤§³Ì¾AªÅ¶¡°t¸mµ¦²¤¼Ò«¬, ¥xÆW¤g¦a¬ã¨s, (forthcoming), November 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  416. ¯Î¤¯¨j¡B±ç¶®´@¡C¯Ç¤J©µ¿ðµ¦²¤¤Uªº¬F©²Àô¹Ò»¤¦]ºÞ¨î¤ÀªR, À³¥Î¸gÀÙ½×ÂO, No. 91, pp. 197~221, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  417. ¤ý¥@êM¡B¿c«ØÀM¡B¸­®m§»¡C·s¥[©Y²Õ«Î¬Fµ¦¦¨¥\¤§¹ê¦a¦Ò¹î¤ÀªR, ¤g¦a°ÝÃD¬ã¨s©u¥Z, NO41¸¹, pp. 30~44, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  418. Wang, HL, Yang, ML, Chen, JU, Ting Hsiang Lin. Missing Data Techniques for Factor Analysis., Journal of Research in Education Sciences. , March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  419. Chen*, Yu-Shan , Chun-Yu Shih, and Ching-Hsun Chang. The effects of related and unrelated technological diversification on innovation performance and corporate growth in the Taiwan¡¦s semiconductor industry, Scientometrics, Vol. 92 No. 1, pp. 117~134, July 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  420. Tummala-Narra, P., Alegria, M., and Chen, C.-N.. Perceived discrimination, acculturative stress, and depression among South Asians: Mixed findings, Asian American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 3~16, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  421. Bauer, A. M., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.. Prevalence of physical symptoms and their association with race/ethnicity and acculturation in the United States, General Hospital Psychiatry., Accepted, pp. 323~331, July 2012. (SCIE, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  422. Molina, K.M., Chen, C-N., Alegria, M., & Li, H.. Prevalence of neurasthenia, comorbidity, and association with impairment among a nationally representative sample of U.S. Adults, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Accepted, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  423. ±i²³¨ô©M¤ý¯¬¤T¡C¥xÆW®É¶¡§Ç列»P¾îÂ_­±ªÑ²¼³ø¹S¤§¬ã¨s¡G不¦P¼Ò«¬³]©w¡B§ë¸ê²Õ¦X«Øºc¥H¤Î¼Ë¥»¿ï¾Ü¤U¤§¦AÀË´ú, ¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s, Vol. 49 No. 1, pp. 31~88, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  424. ¼B¹ç¼z¡C²{¶¥¬q(2012)®ü®l¨â©¤¥D­n¤å¥v¾Ç³N¤u¨ã¸ê®Æ®wªº«Ø¸m»P¨Ï¥Î®Ä¯q, ®Ñ¥Ø©u¥Z, Vol. 46 No. 1, pp. 79~108, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  425. Chen*, Yu-Shan, Ke-Chiun Chang, and Ching-Hsun Chang. Nonlinear influence on R&D project performance, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 79 No. 8, pp. 1537~1547, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  426. Hsiao, Jung-Lieh¡BTu, Teng-Tsai . The Effect of Abnormal Turnover on Asymmetric Autoregressive Behavior of Index Returns: Evidence from the Chinese A-share Stock Markets, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 41 No. 5, pp. 563~589, October 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  427. Shiu-li Huang, Sheng-Cheng Lin, and Yung-Chun Chan. Investigating Effectiveness and User Acceptance of Semantic Social Tagging for Knowledge Sharing, Information Processing & Management, Vol. 48 No. 4, pp. 599~617, July 2012. (SCI, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  428. Shiu-li Huang and Jung-Hung Shiu. A User-Centric Adaptive Learning System for E-Learning 2.0, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 214~2258, September 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  429. Hsien-Tung Tsai¡BHeng-Chiang Huang¡BYa-Ling Chiu. Brand Community Participation in Taiwan: Examining the Roles of Individual-, Group-, and Relationship-level Antecedents, Journal of Business Research , Vol. 65 No. 5, pp. 676~684, May 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  430. ¥C©÷®õ¡B¥v¬ü±j¡CÅÜ­²»â¾Éªº¤­¤O¼Ò¦¡, ¬ã²ß½×¾Âºë¿ï, ²Ä5¿è, pp. 5~16, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  431. ªL´@¹a¡BÁ¬ü¬Ã¡B¶À­P­Û¡C«È¤áÃö«Y»Pª¾ÃѦw¥þ¡X³s®i¬ì§Þª¾ÃѺ޲z¤j­p, ¤¤¤sºÞ²zµû½×, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 381~402, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  432. ¦ó²Q©y¡C¤Q¤C¡B¤Q¤K¥@¬öの´ÂÂA¨Ï¸`がÆ[¹îした¤¤°êの»ö§¡]§^©d­«¤G½Ķ¡^, §^©d­«¤G¡B¦µ¤¸¦b½s¡A¡m¦¶¤l®a§とªFアジアの¤å¤Æ¥æ¯A¡n¡AªF¨Ê¡G¨V¥j®Ñ°|, pp. 445~484, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  433. Lee, S. Y.. Storytelling Supported by Technology: An Alternative for EFL Children with Learning Difficulties , Turkish Online Journal of Education and Technology, in press, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  434. ¶À°·¹ü¡C·l®`½ßÀv§@¬°©ÓÅó¤H©è©ãÅv¾á«O¶ÅÅv¤§±´°Q, ¥@·sªk¾Ç, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 323~363, June 2012. (TCI-HSS) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  435. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡BÂÅÄRµX¡C¼w°ê¹A·~¦X§@¨Æ·~µo®i¹ï§Ú°ê¦X§@ºÞ²z¤Î»²¾É¤§±Ò¥Ü, ¦X§@¸gÀÙ101¦~®L©u¸¹, No. 101, pp. 1~19, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  436. Ching-Ren Chiu, Je-Liang Liou, Pei-Ing Wu, Chen-Ling Fang*. Decomposition of the environmental inefficiency of the meta-frontier with undesirable output , Energy Economics , 134, pp. 1392~1399, August 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  437. Chiang CC, Wu HT, Lin CF, Tzeng YH, Huang CK, Chen WM, Liu CL.. Analysis of initial injury radiographs of occult femoral neck fractures in elderly patients: a pilot study., Orthopedics, Vol. 35 No. 5, pp. 621~627, May 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  438. ¦¿´ý´Ü¡B¶¾©ÉÔСC¦aÄy«Øª«¤Tºû¸ê®Æ¬y³q¬[ºc«Ø¥ß¤§¬ã¨s, ¥xÆW¤g¦a¬ã¨s, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 127~155, May 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  439. ´åµÏ¼w¡B¦¿´ý´Ü¡BÁé§Ó§»¡C¤j«¬¹s°â¤£°Ê²£¼Ó­±°t¸m¼Ò¦¡»PªÅ¶¡½ÆÂø«×¤§¬ã¨s, ª« ·~ ºÞ ²z ¾Ç ³ø, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 49~70, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  440. ¶À°·¹ü¡C¦a¤WÅv³]©w¤H©Î¤g¦a¥X¯²¤Hªºªk©wÀu¥ýÅv, ¤ë¥¹¥Á°ÓªkÂø»x, No. 37, pp. 55~70, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  441. ¦V©ú®¦¡CÄ~Äò©Ê¨Ñµ¹«´¬ù»P²×¤îÅv¤§µo¥Í-³Ì°ª°|100¥x¤W675§P¨M, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 205, pp. 234~238, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  442. ¦V©ú®¦¡C¥Á¨Æ°]²£ªk³Ì·s¹ê°È¨£¸Ñ¾ã²z(2012¦~3¤ë-6¤ë), ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, ­×ªk¹ê°È¯S¥Z, pp. 44~55, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  443. ¾G¶h­õ¡C°ò©ó¦P¤@¨Æ¹êªº¡u¾KºA¾r¨®¦æ¬°¡v©M¡u­ì¦]¦Û¥Ñ¦æ¬°¡v, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç±Ð«Ç, No. 111, pp. 39~41, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  444. ¥Áªk¤¤±j¦æ¸T¤î³W©w¤§®Ä¤O©ó°Óªk»â°ì¤¤¤§°Q½×¢w¥H¤½¥qªk¤¤¤½¥q­É¶U»P¸êª÷­­¨î¬°¤¤¤ß, ¥x¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç½×ÂO, No. 81, pp. 1~44, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  445. Y.-P. Hsu, K.-T. Feng. MCR: MAC-Assisted Congestion-Controlled Routing for Wireless Multihop Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 12 No. 8, pp. 713~728, June 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  446. Chen, Tser-yieth, Hwang, Shiuh¡VNan and York Liu. Antecedents of the Voluntary Performance of Employees: Clarifying the Roles of Employee Satisfaction and Trust , Public Personnel Management , Vol. 41 No. 3, pp. 407~420, July 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  447. Kuen-hung Tsai, Mu-Lin Tsai, and Jiann-Chyuan Wang. Supplier collaboration and new product performance: a contingency model, Industrial Management & Data Systems, , pp. 268~289, March 2012. (EI, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  448. ¬xÂE´¼¡B³¯¥Oöq¡C»ä¬x¨a®`¤§¾ã¦X©Ê¯Ü®z«×µû¦ô¡G¤j¥Ò·Ë¬y°ì¤§À³¥Î, ¦a²z¾Ç³ø, Forthcoming, pp. 79~96, June 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  449. Liu, Yi-Chung, Chien, Sung-Ying and Hung, Hung-Chih . Exploring the spatial patterns of disaster impacts caused by Typhoon Morakot, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 582~594, June 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  450. ³¯¤j¬°¡C½×¤_°í¸ÖºqÁÚ¦V¡u·Lª«±Ô¨Æ¡vªº¤f»y¼g§@, ¥xÆW¸Ö¾Ç¾Ç¥Z, Vol. 19, pp. 7~37, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  451. ©P¨È¥Á¡C¤¤¤éº~¦rª¾ÃÑ®w:º~¦r¶Ç¼½»PÂX´²Æ[ÂI, ªF§d¤j¾Ç¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø, No. 24, November 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  452. ©P¨È¥Á¡C¤¤¤éº~¦rµü¤ñ¸ûª¾ÃÑ®w¤§À³¥Î:¹DÂNÀHµ§»P¬Ù¤åÄ¡¦Ò¬°¨Ò, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø, No. 12, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  453. ©P¨È¥Á¡C»O¥_¼Ú¬w¾Ç®ÕµØ»y»Pº~¦r±Ð¾Ç, µØ¤å¥@¬É, No. 109, pp. 22~25, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  454. Chien, C., & Ross, S.. Spectator anxiety and internalization: A case of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, International Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 59~72, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  455. Chen*, Yu-Shan, and Ching-Hsun Chang. Enhance green purchase intentions: the roles of green perceived value, green perceived risk, and green trust, Management Decision, Vol. 50 No. 3, pp. 502~520, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  456. Chen*, Yu-Shan, and Bi-Yu Chen. Patent indicators as output variables of DEA to evaluate the efficiency of the computer communication equipment industry in United States, Applied Economics, Vol. 44 No. 11, pp. 1429~1432, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  457. ±i¤ß®­¡C°]°È¹w´ú­«¤j©Ê¤§§PÂ_¡X­Ý½×°]°È¹w´ú¦w¥þ´ä¨î«×, »O¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç½×ÂO, No. 84, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  458. ¼B©¯¸q¡Cªk¥~ªÅ¶¡¡Ð¦Dªk«H±ø½×¡Bªk«ßÅÞ¿è»Pªk«ß­õ¾Ç¤WªºÃøÃD¡]¤U¡^, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 191, pp. 63~65, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  459. ¤ý¾_¦t¡C ²o¤@¾v¦Ó°Ê¥þ¨­ -WTO­ì²£¦a³W«h¨ó©w¤§ªk²z»P®×¨Ò¤ÀªR, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 208, pp. 129~149, September 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  460. °ª´fªQ¡B§õ«ØµM¡B³¯¾ð¿Å¡C¤£¦P¤½¥qªv²z±¡¹Ò¤§ªÑÅvµû»ù¡GÃþ¯«¸g¼Ò½k±M®a¨t²Î¤§À³¥Î, ºÞ²z»P¨t²Î, forthcoming, pp. 373~408, July 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  461. Kuen-Hung-Tsai, Teresa Tiaojung Hsu, and Wenchang Fang. Relinking Cross-Functional Collaboration, Knowledge Integration Mechanisms, and Product Innovation Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model, Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 25~39, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  462. Kuen-hung Tsai, Teresa Hsu, and Wen-Chang Fang. Relinking cross-functional collaboration, KIMs, and product innovation performance: a MOME model, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, In Press, pp. 25~39, March 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  463. Hsiao, Jung-Lieh. Bilateral Relationships between the Shanghai A- and B-shares Stock Markets: Evidence from the Opening of B-shares to Chinese Citizens , Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 1~17, March 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  464. ©P¨È¥Á¡C¤é¥»¦¿¤áªì´Áº~¦r²§Åé¦rª¾ÃÑ®w, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø, No. 11, pp. 181~204, March 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  465. CC Chiang, CF Jeff Lin, YH Tzeng, CK Huang, WM Chen, Liu CL. Distal linear osteotomy compared to oblique diaphyseal osteotomy in moderate to severe hallux valgus, Foot Ankle Int., Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 476~486, June 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  466. Min-Hsiao Tsai. Efficient Discriminating Design for a Class of Nested Polynomial Regression Models, Metrika, Vol. 75 No. 6, pp. 809~817, August 2012. (CIS, SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  467. Weitzu Chen and Hsin-Hui Tseng. Evidence of Income Smoothing from Securitized Loans and Loan Loss Provisions: Real Transactions vs. Accruals, International Journal of Accounting Studies, Vol. 54 No. 1, pp. 43~75, January 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  468. Shen, Chung-Wei ; Chen, Yi-Hau. Model Selection for Generalized Estimating Equations Accommodating Drop-out Missingness, Biometrics , Vol. 68 No. 4, pp. 1046~1054, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  469. Kuen-hung Tsai and Teresa Hsu. Linking cross-functional collaboration, innovation performance, and competitive intensity: toward a mediated moderation perspective, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, , pp. 113~126, June 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  470. Chang, Ching-Hsun, and Yu-Shan Chen*. The Determinants of Green Intellectual Capital, Management Decision, Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 74~94, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  471. Chen*, Yu-Shan, Ching-Hsun Chang, and Feng-Shang Wu. Origins of green innovations: the differences between proactive and reactive green innovations, Management Decision, Vol. 50 No. 30, pp. 368~398, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  472. Lee, Y. J. & Hung, W. L. . Perceived benefits as a mediator of the relationship between exercise participation and well-being of the elderly, International Journal of Sport Psychology, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 223~240, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  473. ¤ý»ö¯u¡B³¯¬üªâ¡B¤è¬Ã¬Â¡B¤ý«T»¨¡C«C¦~¹A¥Á¯d¹A¿ï¾Ü¤§¬ã¨s, ¹A·~±À¼s¾Ç³ø, No. 28, pp. 53~67, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  474. ªL¬ü¬Ã¡A°¨ÄRµ×¡C°òª÷¸g²z¤H¥æ©ö¦æ¬°¤Î¨ä¼vÅT¦]¯À¤§¬ãªR, ºÞ²z»P¨t²Î, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 495~525, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  475. Chou, T. L. City sustainability and river management in Taipei, Taiwan, Journal of Urban Management, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  476. Chen, Shu-Hua. On the Growth and Stability Effects of Habit Formation and Durability in Consumption, Annals of Economics and Finance , Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 291~306, November 2012. (Econlit, JEL, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  477. ¤ýÄõªâ¡B§õ²QµØ¡B³\ÄÖ¤¥¡]Lan-Fen Wang, Shu-Hua Lee, and Ling-Feng Hsu¡^. ­t¬Õ¾l¤§¸ê°T¤º²[―¥H¾P³f¬°°ò¦¤§¬Õ¾lµû»ù¼Ò«¬Æ[ÂI¡]The Information Content of Negative Earnings: The Role of Sales-Based Earnings Valuation Model¡^, ¥xÆWºÞ²z¾Ç¥Z¡]Taiwan Academy of Management Journal¡^, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 69~98, February 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  478. Paul T-W Lee, Tsung-Chen Lee. A New Lease Charging System to Busan Container Terminals: A Historical Case Study, Maritime Policy & Management, forthcoming, pp. 91~105, January 2012. (Econlit, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  479. Alegria, M., Lin, J., Chen, C.-N., Duan, N., Cook, B., Meng, X.-L.. The impact of insurance coverage in diminishing racial and ethnic disparities in behavioral health services, Health Servces Research, Vol. 47 No. 3, pp. 1322~1344, June 2012. (SCIE, SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  480. Chen, Chih-Nan, Watanabe, Tsutomu & Yabu. Tomoyoshi. A new method for identifying the effects of foreign exchange interventions, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Vol. 44 No. 8, pp. 1507~1533, December 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  481. Shang-Ying Shiu, Constantine Gatsonis. On ROC analysis with nonbinary reference standard, Biometrical Journal, Vol. 54 No. 4, pp. 457~480, July 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  482. ªLÁé¨^¡C¦æ¬F­Û²zªº¯ßµ¸»P²z¸Ñ , ¤½°È¤H­û¤ë¥Z, No. 192, pp. 24~36, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  483. Tsai-Lien Yeh, Chen, Tser-yieth, and Chia-Kai Li. Strategic alliances and hotel efficiency in Taiwan, Int. J. Business Performance Management (ABI), Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 28~45, February 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  484. Chen, Tser-yieth, Tsai-Lien Yeh and Mao-ming Chung. Financial performance of township governments and its four budget cyclesSatisfaction and Trust , African Journal of Business Management (ABI), Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 530~538, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  485. ĬªÛ¸©¡BªL»AªÚ¡C¼vÅT°ê¥Á¯Çµ|·NÄ@¦]¯À¤§±´°Q, ·í¥N°]¬F, No. 022, pp. 63~76, October 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  486. Hwang,LC,Ting Hsiang Lin . Evaluating Data Consistency with Probability Density Function and Overlap coefficient., journal of data analysis, April 2012. (CIS, JEL) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  487. ¤ýÂEÀs¡B·¨©sÄR¡B³¯«T¦p¡BªL©w­»¡C¯Ê¥¢¸ê料¦b¦]¯À¤ÀªR¤Wªº³B理¤èªk¤§¬ã¨s, ±Ð¨|¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s´Á¥Z, Vol. 31, Number 3, 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  488. T.L. Chen*, W.G. Chen, C.R. Hwang and H.M.Pai. On the optimal transition matrix for MCMC sampling, SIAM journal on control and optimization, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  489. ±i¥ò©¨ ¡C±Ä¥ÎIFRS«e«áª÷¿Ä¸ê²£²¾Âà·|­p·Ç«h¤§¤ñ¸û, ·|­p¬ã¨s¤ë¥Z , pp. 118~128, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  490. ¦ó²Q©y¡C¤¸¥N¤h¤H»P¯ª¥ý²½Â§ªº¶Ç¥¬, ¥ÌÃh¯u½s¡A¡m¨­¤À¡B¤å¤Æ»PÅv¤O¡X¤h±Ú¬ã¨s·s±´¡n¡A¥x¥_¡G¥x¤j¥Xª©¤¤¤ß, pp. 343~385, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  491. ¦ó²Q©y¡C®É¥N¦M¾÷»P­Ó¤H§à¾Ü¡G¥H±ß©ú¤h²Ô¼B¿ü¥Èªº©v±Ð¸gÅ笰¨Ò, ·s¥v¾Ç, Vol. 23 No. 2, June 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  492. Wen-Jang Huang, Nan-Cheng Su*. Characterizations of distributions based on moments of residual life, Communications in Statistics - Theory & Methods, Vol. 41 No. 15, pp. 2750~2761, 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  493. ½²¸t°¶¡C«Dªk«ù¦³ªÅ®ðºjªº¬G·N, ¤ë¥¹µô§P®É³ø, No. 14, pp. 66~77, April 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  494. ½²¸t°¶¡C©Ê«I®`¥¼º¡¤C·³¥®µ£ªº®×¨Ò¼f¬d¥Ü½d, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾Ç±Ð«Ç, No. 115, pp. 33~35, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  495. ´å¶iµo¡C¦¬¦^½Ð¨DÅvªº®ø·À®É®Ä´Á¶¡¢w¢w°ÝÃD¥ßªk»P¤£·í¥Bµû»ù¥Ù¬Þªº§P¨M, ¤ë¥¹ªk¾ÇÂø»x, ¤w³q¹L¼f¬d, pp. 221~233, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  496. David Fang, Chen-Ling Fang, Bi-Kun Tsai, Li-Chi Lan and Wen-Shan Hsu. Relationships among Trust in Messages, Risk Perception, and Risk Reduction Preferences Based upon Avian Influenza in Taiwan, Intnational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(8), pp. 2742~2757, September 2012. (SCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  497. ¤ý«T»¨¡B¤è¬Ã¬Â¡B³¯¬üªâ¡C¹A¦a¦h¥\¯à§Q¥Î«ü¼Ð¨t²Î¤§«Øºc, »OÆW¤g¦a¬ã¨s, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 31~71, May 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  498. Yen, J. C., Lee, C. Y. & Chen, I. J.. The effects of image-based concept mapping on the learning outcomes and cognitive processes of mobile learners, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 43 No. 2, pp. 307~320, 2012. (SSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  499. ±i¥|©ú¡C¡q§Ú°ê¬F©²¹w¨MºâºÊ·þ¼çÂ꺨î«×¦M¾÷¡r, ¡m¥D­p¤ë¥Z¡n, No. 673, pp. 52~57, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  500. ±i¥|©ú¡B³¯¬RºX¡C¡q¦ò±Ð·OÀÙ°òª÷·|°Ñ»P¨aÅܪA°È¤§¬ã¨s¡r, ¡m¬ã²ß½×¾Â¤ë¥Z¡n, No. 133, pp. 32~41, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  501. ±i¥|©ú¡C¡q¬F©²¼f­p¥\¯à»P°ê·|ºÊ·þªºÁpµ²¡G­Ý½×±j¤Æ¼f­p³¡»P¥ßªk°|¤§¨ó¤O¦X§@¡r, ¡m°ê·|¤ë¥Z¡n, Vol. 40 No. 7, pp. 13~25, July 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  502. ½²¸t°¶¡C±Ù¤â¬O²³ ¢w ½×»E²³°«¼Þ¸oªº¾A¥Î»P­«¶Ë®`ªº»{©w, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 199, pp. 244~248, May 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  503. ½²¸t°¶¡C®e³\¨Æ¹êÃhºÃ, ¥x¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç½×ÂO, No. 84, pp. 287~341, December 2012. (TSSCI) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  504. §õ¯ÀµØ¡C§Ú°ê«Ø¥ß´¼¼z°]²£»È¦æ¡]IP Bank¡^¤§§xÃø»P¬D¾Ô, ¥þ°ê«ß®v, 2012¦~8¤ë¸¹, pp. 33~51, August 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  505. ¦¶§Æ¥­,ªL°]¤t,§õ¬ü§ö,¬I¸«,¹p²Q»ö¡CÀþ®É¬Û¦ì©óª÷¿Ä¦M¾÷¹L«á¤§ªÑ»ù¬ã¨s, ²Î­p»P¸ê°Tµû½×, Vol. 14, December 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  506. Jennjou Chen and Tsui-Fang Lin. Do Supplemental Online Recorded Lectures Help Students Learn Microeconomics?, International Review of Economics Education , Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 6~15, June 2012. (Econlit) ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  507. ¦V©ú®¦¡C¤£°Ê²£¸g¬ö·~ªÌ¹ï¤¿¦v¤§§iª¾©M½Õ¬d¸q°È, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x, No. 191, pp. 177~181, January 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information
  508. ³¯«É§ü*¡B§õªÃ¾±¡C¬ü°ê¸gÀÙµo®i¡B¤Æ¥Û¿U®Æµo¹q¶q»PºÒ±Æ©ñ¶q¤§Ãö«Y±´°Q, ±ÄÁÊ»P¨ÑÀ³Âù¤ë¥Z, Vol. 97, pp. 52~58, 2012. ¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ detailed information

¡°¬ã°Q·|½×¤å Conference Papers

  1. Ti-Ching Peng*. The impact of housing quality on house prices in eight capital cities, Australia , ²Ä¥|©¡ºô¸ô»P²£·~¸gÀپǬã°Q·|(°ê¥ßªFµØ¤j¾ÇºÞ²z¾Ç¨tº[¹BÄwºÞ²z©Ò¡BªFµØ¤j¾Ç¸gÀپǨt¡B¤¤¬ã°|¤HªÀ¬ì¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡B¨î«×»P¦æ¬°¬ã¨s±MÃD¤¤¤ß¦X¿ì), November 2012.
  2. ³¯«É§ü*¡B³¯«Å§E¡C±´°QºÒ±K¶°«×¡B¤H¤f¼Æ¤Îµo¹q¶q¹ï¸gÀÙµo®iªº¼vÅT, ²Ä¤@©¡¤¤¥xÆW²£·~½×¾Âº[ªA°È³Ð·sºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  3. ³¯«É§ü*¡BÃC»A§g¡C±´°Q¥­§¡±M§Q¦~ÄÖ¡Bµo©ú¤H¼Æ¡B¤Î±M§Q½dÃ¥¹ï²b§Q²vªº¼vÅT-¥H¬ü°ê»sÃIJ£·~¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤@©¡¤¤¥xÆW²£·~½×¾Âº[ªA°È³Ð·sºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  4. Sue-Han Ueng (¯Î¯À²[). Imagining Collective Memories in Taiwanese Folk Processional Performances, The 9th International Conference of Crossroads in Cultural Studies , July 2012.
  5. Wenchieh Wu, Ta-Chih Chin, Kuang-Hui Chiu. The Impact of Shopping Orientations on Mobile Shopping Adoption, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), July 2012.
  6. ±i¥|¥ß¡B³¯ª³¦p¡B½²ªYªY¡C­ÝÅU3Eµo®i¤§¹q¤O»P¹q»ù¬Fµ¦-­Ý½×¨T¹q¦@¥Í¾l¹q¦¬ÁʶO²v¤§¦X²z©Ê, §Ú°ê·s¹q¤O»P¹q»ù¬Fµ¦¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  7. ±i¥|¥ß¡C§Ú°êªA°È·~³¡ªù·Ó©ú³]³Æ¹q¤O»Ý¨D»P¸`¯à´îºÒµ¦²¤¬ã¨s, 2012¥þ²y¸gÀÙµo®i¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  8. ±i¥|¥ß¡BÄÁ¨Ø»T¡C§Ú°ê²B¯à¿U®Æ¹q¦Àµo®i¤§¸gÀÙ»PÀô¹Ò®Ä¯qµû¦ô, ¡u2012¦A¥Í¯à·½¡B´îºÒ§Þ³N¤Î¯à·½¦w¥þ¡v¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  9. ´¿²Q·ì¡C¨Æ¹ê»{©w»PÃÒ¾Ú¨ú±Ë¡Ð±q¸gÀ٥Ǹo¤§¬ã¨s¥Xµo, ­«·s¬Ù«ä¦Û¥Ñ¤ßÃÒ¥»½è»P¹êÅéªk¤§¾A¥ÎÃöÁp©Ê¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, January 2012.
  10. ÃQ¨Ì±á,¦¿´ý´Ü¡C¦aÄy«Øª«¤Tºû°ò¦¼Ò«¬³B²z¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¥xÆW¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  11. ·Å´­«Û¡B´¿©ú»¹¡C±q©~¦í¥¿¸q½×»OÆWªÀ·|¦í¦v¬Fµ¦¹ê¬I, 2011¦~¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¦í¦v¾Ç·|²Ä¤G¤Q©¡¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, January 2012.
  12. Cheng-Hsun Ho, & Ting-Yun Wu. The Impacts of Consumption Values, Satisfaction, and Character Identification on Intention to Purchase the Virtual Goods in Online Games., International Conference on Innovation and Management, July 2012.
  13. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¤½¥qªv²zÁZ®Ä¤§µû®Ö, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¤º³¡½]®Ö¨ó·|101¦~«×¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  14. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¦]À³¤£´º®ðªº¸gÀçºÞ²z¾Ô²¤¡G¥H¥«³õ¡B«H®§¡B­û¤u¬°­«¤ß, ²Ä¥|©¡®ü®l¨â©¤·|­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  15. Chang, Ching-Hsun, and Yu-Shan Chen*. The positive effect of resource on innovation performance: mediation role of absorptive capacity, 20012 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 2012.
  16. Chin-yang Tseng, Shiau-huey Wang, Jiajun Chen. Designing questionnaire Model with Binary Decision Trees, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Image-based Presentations, The Second Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP 2012), April 2012.
  17. Chin-yang Tseng, Shiau-huey Wang, Chiao-Ying Hsu. Applying the Holland¡¦s theory and Multiple Intelligences to online consumer behavior for better recommendation, The Second Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP 2012), April 2012.
  18. ´¿«T¤¸¡B©P«T¿Î¡C¥HÃþ¯«¸gºô¸ô¬°°ò¦°»´ú´c·NWeb Robot, ¸ê°T¬ì§Þ»PºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, January 2012.
  19. Wey, Kwo-Dong, Sheue-Ching Hong, and Ching-Yu Yen. To Evaluate the Existence of the Triple Dividends--- the Case of Levying Energy Related Environmental Tax in Taiwan, 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, July 2012.
  20. Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu. Elastic labor supply and endogenous growth in a matching model, Chinese Economic Association in North America at 2012 ASSA Annual Meetings, January 2012.
  21. Chen, Shu-Hua and Jang-Ting Guo . On Indeterminacy and Growth under Progressive Taxation and Productive Government Spending, Chinese Economic Association in North America at the ASSA Meetings, January 2012.
  22. ¸­®m§»¡A´åµÏ¼w¡AªL¨|æJ¡C¤j«¬Áʪ«¤¤¤ß©Ó¯²°Ó°t¸m¤§ªÅ¶¡«¬ºc¤ÀªR, 2011¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¦í¦v¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, January 2012.
  23. ´åµÏ¼w¡A¸­®m§»¡AªL¨|æJ¡CªÅ¶¡«¬ºc«ü¼ÐÀ³¥Î©ó¤j«¬Áʪ«¤¤¤ß¤º³¡ªÅ¶¡¤ÀªR¤§¬ã¨s, ²Ä¤»©¡(2012¦~)¥þ°ê¤£°Ê²£¸gÀçºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  24. Ting Hsiang Lin, Min-Hsiao Tsai. Distribution of coefficient of scalability in Mokken Analysis, Australian Statistical Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, July 2012.
  25. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B§õ²Q¼z¡C¥x«ü¿ï¾ÜÅv»PªÑ»ù«ü¼Æ¤£¹ïºÙªùÂe®ÄªG¤§¬ã¨s, 2012²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¥_°Ó¾Ç³N½×¾Â-¸gÀç»PºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, pp. 1~10, December 2012.
  26. I-ping Chiang and Yi-Hsiang Liao. Exploring the Key Success Factors of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan , IEEE AINA 2012 Conference, March 2012.
  27. ¦¿¸q¥­¡B·ÅºtºÖ¡B¹ù«³µ¾¡B³¯¹tµ¾¡B³¯¨ÎÂ@¡Cºô¸ô¤å¦r±´°É§Þ³N¹B¥Î©ó´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷¤f¸O¤§¤ÀªR¬ã¨s, ICIM 2012 °ê»Ú¸ê°TºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  28. ¦¿¸q¥­¡B¶ÀÄ£¼w¡Cºô¸ô¤f¸O¦æ¾P®ÄªG±´¨s, TBI2012 °ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  29. ¦¿¸q¥­¡B³¯«Å¦ö¡C½u¤WÅU«È°Ñ»P¦æ¬°¦¨®Ä±´¨s, TBI2012 °ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  30. ¥C©÷®õ¡B¶À¨}´f¡C¡q¨Z¤t¾_«á¤j³°NGOsªºµo®i¤Î¨ä¹ï¤½¥ÁªÀ·|ªº¼vÅT¡r¡A, °ê¥ß¬Fªv¤j¾Ç¤½¥ÁªÀ·|º[¦a¤èªv²z¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥D¿ì¡A¡m2012¨È¤Ó¤½¥ÁªÀ·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡n¡A3¤ë31¤é, March 2012.
  31. Á§±Ó¥¿*¡B´¿°®»¨¡C¹ê½è¬Õ¾lºÞ²z¡B¿ù»~µû»ù»P¸³¨Æ·|¯S©Ê, 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  32. ®}¯Â¼z¡B¼B®a§»¡CªíºtÃÀ³N¤§Ãö«Y§ë¸ê¹ïÅU«È·PÁ¡B¤f¸O¤ÎÅU«È©¾¸Ûªº¼vÅT¢w¥H²{¥N¼@¹Î¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| (ITBA2012), May 2012.
  33. ¶À°·¹ü¡Cµ²ºcÅé¥H¥~¤§¤u§@©Î«D­«¤j­×µ¾A¥Î©ÓÅó¤H©è©ãÅv³W©w¤§±´°Q, ¥Áªk¬ã¨s·|, March 2012.
  34. Chen, Been-Lon and Chia-Hui Lu. Labor force participation and work time in a search model of endogenous growth , The 13th Annual Conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory, June 2012.
  35. Tsair-chuan Lin and Daniel W. Law. A Study of the Effects of the Credit Crisis on the Shanghai Composite Index Using the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Academic and Business Research Institute, International Conference, January 2012.
  36. ³¯«É§ü*¡B·¨¿Ý®Ê¡B±i·qÒ±¡C¥H±M§Q¤ÀªR±´°Q±M§Q¼Æ¡B¦Û§Ú±M§Q¤ÞÃҼƻP¬Û¹ï±M§Q©w¦ì¹ï¤½¥qÁZ®Ä¤§¼vÅT¡Ð¥H¬ü°ê»sÃÄ·~¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤»©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¥ø·~ºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  37. ³¯ª÷ºÖ¡C¨â©¤Â¾·~°V½m¥æ¬y»P¦X§@¤§·sºc·Q, 2012¼Ú¶Å¦M¾÷»P¤H¤O¸ê·½¡B³Ò°Ê«OÅ@»P³Ò¸êÃö«Y¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, July 2012.
  38. Sun, Sheh-Wei. Taiwanese adolescents¡¦ strivings for autonomy in relation to parental connectedness in the context of hypothetical interpersonal dilemmas, ECPP2012 6th European Conference on Positive Psychology , June 2012.
  39. ¶À°·¹ü¡C¤½´J¤j·HºÞ²z©e­û·|¦V¤£°Ê²£¥ò¤¶·~ªÌ¦¬¨ú¡y¬Ý«Î¶O¡zµ¥ªk«ß°ÝÃD¬ã¨s, ¤£°Ê²£¥æ©ö»P¥ò¤¶ªk¨î¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  40. ³¯¤j¬°¡C¤¤°ê·í¥N¸Ö¥vªº¦a´º¦¡¼gªk, ²Ä¤G©¡¨È¤ÓµØ¤å¤å¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  41. ½×À°§U¦æ¬°¤§¦]ªGÃö«Y¡]³ø§i¤H¡^, ®ü®l¨â©¤º[²Ä¤K©¡¤º¦a¤¤«C¦~¦Dªk¾ÇªÌ°ª¯Å½×¾Â¡A¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G¤¤°ê«C¦~¬Fªv¾Ç°|, October 2012.
  42. ¦V©ú®¦¡C»OÆW³X°Ý¤Î¶lÁÊ¥æ©ö®ø¶OªÌ¤§«OÅ@ ¢wµL±ø¥ó¸Ñ°£Åv¾A¥Î¤§²~ÀV»P¦A³y, ²Ä¤G©¡ªF¨È¥Áªk¾Ç³N¤j·|¡u¥Áªkµø³¥¤Uªº®ø¶OªÌÅv¯q«OÅ@¡v°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  43. ¦V©ú®¦¡C±M·~¤£°Ê²£¥ò¤¶¤H¤§«´¬ù¹Ï¹³-»EµJ©ó¥qªk¹ê°È¤§§P¨M, 2012¦~¤£°Ê²£¥ò¤¶¸g¬ö¥æ©öªk¨î¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  44. Chen, Shu-Ling, John D. Jackson, Hyeongwoo Kim, and Pramesti Resiandini. What Drives Commodity Prices?, Annual Conference of the Taiwan Econometric Society (»OÆW¸gÀÙ­p¶q¾Ç·|), October 2012.
  45. Chang, Jow-Ran and Shu-Ling Chen. Design of Peak Runoff Index Insurance in Taiwan, Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), August 2012.
  46. Chen, Shu-Ling Chen and Mario J. Miranda. The Effects of Insurance on Upland Cotton Harvesting Decisions, International Agricultural Risk, Finance, and Insurance Conference (IARFIC), June 2012.
  47. ¦¶¬¯æ£¡B¨ô¨Î¼y¡B¼B¶¶¤¯»P¼B¤Dº·¡CThe Role of Employee Skills in Moderating the Impact of Incentive Plan on Store Performance. , 2012 ·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  48. ¸â³õ¡BÁ«T»í¡C¤W®ü¡B¥xÆW¤Î²`¦`ªÑ¥«¤§¥æ©ö¦¨¥»¤ñ¸û, 2012¥xÆW°]°Èª÷¿Ä¾Ç·|¦~·|¡A¥xÆW¡A¥x¥_¡C2011¨â©¤ª÷¿Ä¬ã°Q·|¡A¥_¨Ê¡A¤¤°ê¡C2012®ü®l¦è©¤¸gÀٰϵo®i»P¨â©¤¸gÀÙ¦X§@¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A·Hªù¡A¤¤°ê¡C, July 2012.
  49. ¸â³õ¡B®}±R¶{¡C³y¥«¾÷¨î¤Î³y¥«Ävª§¹ïETF¥«³õ«~½è¤§¼vÅT, 2012 ¨â©¤ª÷¿Ä¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  50. Wen-Chyan Ke, Hsiou-Wei Lin. Estimating Probability of Informed Trading Under Trade Misclassification, The Second International Conference on Financial Management and Economics, pp. 186~190, July 2012.
  51. §õ©s®p¡B·Å°ûµ×¡C§Q¥Î´Á±æ¦Ê¤À¦ì¤§±ø¥ó¦Û§Ú°jÂk¼Ò«¬µû¦ô­·ÀI­È, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  52. Chin-yang Tseng, Shiau-huey Wang, Sheng-hsin Huang. Scenario-based questionnaires using multimedia and virtual characters, The Second Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP 2012), April 2012.
  53. Chuang-Yuang Lin,Shih-Chang, Hsu. Noise, The Role that Played in Portfolio , Royal Economic Society Annual Conferencee. 2012, March 2012.
  54. Chen, Shu-Hua and Jang-Ting Guo . On Indeterminacy and Growth under Progressive Taxation and Productive Government Spending, 13th International Meeting of the Association for Public Economic Theory, June 2012.
  55. ´¿«T¤¸¡B¤ýßN´f¡B½²«iåf¡C¿ëÃÑBotnet´c·N°ì¦Wªº»y·J¯S¼x±´°Q, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤G©¡¸ê°T¦w¥þ·|ij(CISC 2012), May 2012.
  56. ´¿²Q·ì¡C¸gÀ٥Ǹo¤§¨Æ¹ê»{©w»PÃÒ¾Ú¨ú±Ë¡Ð­Ý½×°]°È³øªíµê°°Áô°Î¤§³B»@¡A, ¹êÅé¸óµ{§Çªk¨t¦C¬ã°Q·|¤§¤@¡Ð­«·s¬Ù«ä¦Û¥Ñ¤ßÃÒ¥»½è»P¹êÅéªk(¯S§O¦Dªk)¤§¾A¥ÎÃöÁp©Ê·|«á·|, January 2012.
  57. Chen-Ling Fang, Li-Chi Lan & Shan Ming, Ou . The Relationship among Personality, Risk Perception and Coping behavior-A Study on Swine Flu prevention in Taiwan , Business and Information 2012, July 2012.
  58. ´¿«T¤¸¡B¤ýßN´f¡B½²«iåf¡C°ò©ó»y·J¤ÀªRªºBotnet´c·N°ì¦W¿ëÃÑ, TBI2012»OÆW°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  59. ¬x°·ºa¡C²M¥N¡u¶}¼ê¶i¤h¡v½²§ÊÄõªº­·¤ô¤å¤Æ¦]½t, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥j¨å¤åÄm»P¥Á«UÃÀ³N¬ã¨s©Ò¥D¿ì¡u2012¦~»OÆW¥Á«UÃÀ³N¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, March 2012.
  60. ¬x°·ºa¡CÁ{®É»OÆWºD½Õ¬d·|¹ï©ó¡u­·¤ô¡vªºª¾Ãѫغc, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¤H¤å¾Ç°|¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t¡B¤é¥»¥ß±Ð¤j¾Ç¸gÀپdz¡¥D¿ì¡uªñ¥NªF¨Èªº°Ï°ì¥æ¬y»P¯´§Ç­«½s°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, May 2012.
  61. ®}¯Â¼z¡B³¯«ÂÀM¡C¼Æ¦ì¶×¬y¤U¼vµø¤º®eªºÅU«È»ù­È-ÀW¹D¤º®e¡B¼½°e¥­¥x¡B¨Ï¥Î¸Ë¸mªº¾ã¦XÆ[ÂI, ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| (ITBA2012), May 2012.
  62. ¬IÅt®f¡B³¯ªl¦t¡B¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C¤½¥q°]°È¦M¾÷«Å§i¹ï©óÄvª§¹ï¤âªº¼vÅT -±q¦h¨¤¤Æ»P«D¦h¨¤¤Æ±´°Q¤§ , ²Ä¤Q¤@©¡ºÞ²z·s«äºû¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  63. ´å¶iµo¡C®ø«Oªk¤W»P²£«~³d¥ôµ¥»ùªºªA°È³d¥ô, 2012¦~¨â©¤ªk¨î¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  64. ÅU¼}´¸¡C¥xÆW·G¬F¾÷ÃöÅܾE¤§¬ã¨s----¾ú¥v¨î«×½×ªº¤ÀªR, ²Ä¤K届两©¤¥|¦a¤½¦@ºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  65. ¶ÀÄ£¼w¡B§õùWÒó¡B±i¤A¤¸¡B³¯«Å¦ö¡B¦¿¸q¥­¡B·ÅºtºÖ¡C¥_¬ü¨T¨®¥«³õ¥­»ù«~µP¤Î°â«áºû­×ªA°È§Î¶H¤§ºô¸ô¤å¦r±´°É¬ã¨s, TBI2012 °ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  66. Chang. Financial Instruments: Presentation, Accounting and Disclousres, Conference on IFRS Adoption, May 2012.
  67. Cheng-Hsun Ho, & Ai-Ni Li. The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence and Problematic Mobile Game Apps on Preference of Adolescents., International Conference on Innovation and Management, July 2012.
  68. Chi-Ying Chou, & Cheng-Hsun Ho. Factors Determining Purchase Intention in Online Digital Music: A Technology Innovation Perspective., International Conference on Innovation and Management, July 2012.
  69. ´å¶iµo¡CµLÅv³B¤À«áªºÅv§Q¨ú±o¡X¸T¤Ï¨¥»Pµ½·N¨ú±o, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¥Áªk½×¾Â¡X¡X²Ä10©¡¥Áªk¨å¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  70. ¶À°·¹ü¡C¹ï©ó°Ï¤À©Ò¦³ªºªk©wÀu¥ýÅv¡Ð¤½´J¤j·HºÞ²z±ø¨Ò²Ä¤G¤G±ø²Ä¤T¶µ³W©wªº¤ÀªR, 2012¦~ª«Åvªk¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  71. Chinyang Tseng, Shaiuhuey Wang, Xiao-Ru Ji, Bor-Shing Lin, Tong-Ying Juang. Data Flow Diffluence Model for Zigbee Networks, the 8th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2012), August 2012.
  72. ´¿«T¤¸, ¤ýßN´f, ©P«T«Û , ±ä°¶Â@ ¡CÀ³¥Î¦h¯S¼x»P­Ë¶Ç»¼Ãþ¯«¸gºô¸ô©óºô¸ô¼s§i¾÷¾¹¤H¤§°»´ú, ²Ä¤K©¡µL½u¡BÀH·N¤Î·P´úºô¸ô¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  73. Woei-Jiunn Tsaur, Chinyang Tseng, Shaiuhuey Wang, Wen-Long Lee, Tong-Ying Juang. Hierarchical Cluster based Dynamic Key Management Model for Mobile Ad hoc Networks, the 8th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2012), August 2012.
  74. ³¯ª÷ºÖ¡C¨â©¤¥D­n³Ò°Êªk³W¤Î¤u·|°Ñ»Pªk³W¨î©w¹Lµ{¤§¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s, 2012¦~²Ä2©¡«Øºc¤½¥ÁªÀ·|¡Gªv²zªº¤½¦@»ù­È°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  75. ­S«T»Ê¡B³¯ª÷ºÖ¡C¾ú¥N¯«¾Çªº¤T¤¸½×»P¹ï­Ù¬lÁn¤§¤HÆ[«ä·Qµû½×ªÌªº¦^À³ , 2012¸t¸g¡B¬ì¾Ç»P±Ð¨|°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·| , July 2012.
  76. Lee, C. Y. & Cheng, C. Y.. The effects of worked examples on fifth graders' flexible thinking and mathematics attitudes, 2012 International Conference of Mathematics and Information Education(ICMIE2012), 2012.
  77. ©P¨È¥Á¡C»¡¤åÁn²Åª¾ÃÑ®wªº³]­p, ²Ä¤»©¡¤å¾Ç»P¸ê°T¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  78. ©P¨È¥Á¡C¤¤¤éº~¦rª¾ÃÑ®w¡Gº~¦rÂX´²»PÅܤÆÆ[ÂI(­×§ï«á¥Zµn¦bªF§d¤j¾Ç¤¤¤å¾Ç³ø), ²Ä¤G¤Q¤T©¡¤¤°ê¤å¦r¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  79. ³¯¤j¬°¡C·t«Ñ¦×·i¡G¡u¤U¥b¨­¡vªº±Ñ¼w¼g§@¤Î¨ä¾lÂu, ¡u¨È¤Óº[¤¤µØ¤å¤Æªº¶Ç¼½»P³Ð·s¡v°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  80. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai . Enjoying aeronautic sports: The strategic choice of hot air balloon development in Taiwan, International Forum of Physical Education and Sports Science, October 2012.
  81. ¨H«Ø¤¤¡C½×ªA°È«¬¬F©²-¥H§Ú°ê¬F©²«Øºc¡u¬°¥ÁªA°È¡v¬°¨Ò¤ÀªR¡A 2012¦~²Ä¤C©¡¥þ²y¤Æ»P¦æ¬Fªv²z°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A2012¦~4¤ë27¤é¡A®ç¶é¡G¶}«nºÞ²z¾Ç°|¤½¦@¨Æ°ÈºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, April 2012.
  82. ¦¿´ý´Ü¡CEstablishment and Multipurpose application of 3D Cadastre building In Taiwan, The 8th International Cadastral Symposium, October 2012.
  83. Chen, W., W. Chou, and C. Lee.. The Managerial Incentives on the Choice of Accounting Policy for Long-lived Assets: the U.K. Evidence., 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  84. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). WTO¹A²£«~¨ó©w¯S§O¨¾½Ã±¹¬I¤§¬ã¨s¢w­Ý½×§Ú°ê¹A²£«~¥«³õ¶}©ñ¤§¬D¾Ô»P¦]À³, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê°ê»Úªk¾Ç·|¥D¿ì¤§¡u2012 ¦~¤¤µØ¥Á°ê°ê»Úªk¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, December 2012.
  85. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). Globalization Without Social Justice? Building the Bridge Between WTO and ILO, Symposium on International Economic Law: New Issues and Challenges, held by Institute of Technology Law, National Chiao Tung University(°ê¥ß¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¥D¿ì°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk¾Ç¬ã°Q·|), December 2012.
  86. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). Reassessment of Labor Standards and Human Rights Clauses under IEL, presented at Re-Conceptualizing International Economic Law: Bridging the Public/Private Divide, 2012 Biennial Interest Group Conference(¥»¤å±µ¨ü°ê¬ì·|¸É§U±M®a¾ÇªÌ¥X®u°ê»Ú¾Ç³N·|ij), American Society of International Law, International Economic Law Group, ASIL-IEcLG) (¬ü°ê°ê»Úªk¾Ç·|°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk©e­û·|Âù¦~·|) , November 2012.
  87. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). °Ï°ì¶T©ö¨ó©w¤U¨¾½Ã±¹¬I±ø´Ú¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|¥D¿ì¤§¡u60¶g¦~°|¼yº[²Ä¤@©¡­¸»ð°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, October 2012.
  88. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). ¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¤½¬ù»P®ü¬vÀô¹Ò¤§«OÅ@, µoªí©ó¡G°ê¥ß®v½d¤j¾Ç¬Fªv¬ã¨s©Ò¥D¿ì¤§¡u2012¦~¥@¬É®ü¬v¤é¡Ð§Ú°ê»P°ê»Ú®ü¬v¨Æ°Èªº±µ­y¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  89. ¦¶¬¯æ£¡B¦¿®a·ì¡CThe Effect of Physician Financial Incentives on the Effectiveness of Diagnosis Related Group-Based Prospective Reimbursement System, 2012 ·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  90. ¼B©¯¸q¡C¥¼¨ÓÀô«O¦Dªk ¡V °ê®aªº¥Ø¼Ð»P¸q°È, May 2012.
  91. ¼B¥ò¯x¡BªLºÓÅb¡C¤º³¡¦æ¾P³Ð·sÁͶÕ-¤ß´¼¹Ïªk»P´¿¯Å¤ÀªRªkµo®i©¯ºÖ¥ø·~¿Å¶q«ü¼Ð¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¼Æ¦ì¬ì§Þ»P³Ð·sºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  92. ¼B¥ò¯x¡B©P¥É²[¡Cµ²¦X¤ß´¼¹Ïªk»P¼h¯Å¤ÀªRªk±´°Q¤½°È­û°Ñ»P¼Æ¦ì¾Ç²ßªýê¦]¯À¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¦~²Ä¤Q¤­©¡¸ê°TºÞ²z¾Ç³Nº[ĵ¬F¸ê°T¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  93. ¼B¥ò¯x¡BÀs­³¦p¡C¥ø·~±¡ºü°²¤º®e¤§ªì±´, 2012²Ä¤K©¡¥þ°ê°Ó¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  94. §d®õº³¡B²§e¥ø¡C¥@¬É¦U¥D­n°ê®a¤§°ªÅKÀç¹BÁZ®Äµû¦ô, 2012²£·~³Ð·s»P¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  95. §d®õº³¡B·¨¬ö­è¡C¹B¥ÎªÀ·|ºô¸ô¤ÀªR»P¸ê®Æ¥]µ¸¤ÀªR¶i¦æ¾Ç³N´Á¥Z¤§µû¤ñ¡Ð¥H¤u·~¤uµ{»â°ì¬°¨Ò, 2012²£·~³Ð·s»P¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  96. §d®õº³¡B³\´¼²W¡CÀ³¥ÎÃþ¯«¸gºô¸ô§Þ³N©ó¥x¥_¥«©Ð»ù¤§¹w´ú, 2012²£·~³Ð·s»P¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  97. §d®õº³¡B¬I´P¨Ì¡C¹B¥Î­p¶q¤ÀªR¤èªk¶i¦æ¨ÑÀ³°ÓÁZ®Äµû¤ñ¢w¥H¬Y¬ì§Þ¤½¥q¬°¨Ò, 2012²£·~³Ð·s»P¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  98. Shiu-li Huang and Yi-Siou Chen. Developing Document Classifiers for Recognizing Article Readers' Affects, The 2012 International Conference on Information Management, May 2012.
  99. ¿à®Ûå_¡B±iµÏ¼w¡C¨Ì«~½è¾÷¯à®i¶}ªk±´°Q´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷´À¥N¹CÀ¸¾÷¥«³õ¤§¥i¯à©Ê, »Ê¶Ç¤j¾Ç2012°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  100. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). Is Regionalism An Asian Identity? Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, Law: An Asia Identity? 9th ASIAN Law Institute Conference, held by ASIAN Law Institute, (²Ä¤E©¡¨È¬wªk«ß¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|) , May 2012.
  101. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). °Ï°ì¸gÀÙ¾ã¦X¤UÀu´f©Ê¶T©ö¨ó©w¤§µo®iÁͶաЪk«ß»P°ê»Ú¬Fªv¸gÀپǸó»â°ìÆ[ÂI, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê°ê»Úªk¾Ç·|º[¬F¤j°ê»Úªk¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥D¿ì¤§¡u¬ö©À¥C§»¹F±Ð±Â°ê»Úªk¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, May 2012.
  102. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). °ê»Úªk¤U®üµs°ÝÃD¤ÀªR¡Ð¥H¯Á°¨§Q¨È®üµs¨Æ¥ó¬°¤¤¤ß, µoªí©ó¡G°ê¥ß°ª¶¯¤j¾Ç°]¸gªk«ß¨t¥D¿ì¤§¡u®ü¬vªk¬Fº[°]µ|¬ì§Þªk«ß·sÁͶաv°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  103. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). ¨â©¤ª÷¿ÄªA°È¶T©ö»Pª÷¿ÄºÊ²z¦X§@¤§¬ã¨s¡X¥H¼f·V­ì«h¬°®Ö¤ß, µoªí©ó¡G·Hªù¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥D¿ì¤§¡u²Ä¤@©¡¨â©¤°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk¾Ç½×¾Â¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  104. ³¯«É§ü*¡B¤ý·®²[¡C¸gÀÙµo®i¡B¹q¤O¨Ï¥Î¡B¥Ûªo®ø¶O¹ïºÒ±Æ©ñ¶q¤§ÃöÁp©Ê¤ÀªR-¥H¬ü°ê¬°¨Ò, 2012²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¥_°Ó¾Ç³N½×¾Â-¸gÀç»PºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  105. ½²Åãµ£¡B¬x­§µ¾¡C¥Á±J·~ªÌªºªA°È³Ð·s¦æ¬°, 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  106. ½²Åãµ£¡B³¯´¼©ý¡C³sÂê¥[·ùÅé¨tÁZ®Ä¤§¬ã¨s¡GÃö«YºÞ²zªºÆ[ÂI, 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  107. ±i´f¯u¡B¹ù¤å¥É¡CªA°È¸É±Ïµ¦²¤ªºª¾Ä±¤½¥­¹ïÃö«Y«ùÄòªº¼vÅT¥H¤Î¥ý«eÃö«Y»ù­Èªº¤zÂZ®ÄªG-¥HÀ\¶¼·~¬°¨Ò, 2012¦~¥þ°ê°ÓºÞ¾Ç³Nº[¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  108. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B²ø²Q¿·¡C°]°È¤ñ²v¤Î¤½¥qªv²z«ü¼Ð»P¥ø·~¸gÀçÁZ®ÄÃö«Y¤§¬ã¨s¡G¥HIC»s³y·~¬°¨Ò, 2012¦~²Ä¤K©¡¥þ°ê°Ó¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  109. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B¤ý¸s¡C¹B¥Î§Þ³N«ü¼Ð«Øºc¥«³õ±¡ºü«ü¼Æ¤ÎªÑ¥«³ø¹S¹w´ú¼Ò«¬¤§¬ã¨s, 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  110. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡BªôÄ~º½¡C¹B¥Î¼h¯Å¤ÀªRªk±´°Q³Ò¸êª§Ä³¹w¨¾ºÞ²z¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¦~²Ä¤K©¡¥þ°ê°Ó¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  111. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B®}¼y°ê¡C¨T¨®²£·~©u¸`©ÊÀç¹B¸êª÷¨Ñ»Ý»PÀç·~¦¬¤J²bÃBÃö³s©Ê¤§¬ã¨s, 2012²Ä¤Q¤T©¡¬ì§Þ»PºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  112. §d®õº³¡BÁé¥Ã´I¡C¹B¥Î¸ê®Æ±´°É§Þ³N±´°Q¦æ¾P±À¼s¼Ò«¬¤§¬ã¨s-¥H®a®x²M¼ä¥Î«~, ²Ä¥|©¡ºÞ²z³Ð·s»P¦æ¾P±M®×¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  113. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Women in higher education: Knowledge, power and critical contributions to leisure, 12th World Leisure Congress, September 2012.
  114. §d­s»ö,¤ý¥@êM¡C¨ó½Õ¨ó§@³W¹º¡G¹A·~¦h¥\¯à©Êªº¹ê践»P¹ï¸Ü, 2012²Ä¤»©¡¥þ°ê¤£°Ê²£¸gÀçºÞ¬ã°Q·|--¹A¦a§Q¥Î¬Fµ¦¸gÀçºÞ²z¤§®i±æ, May 2012.
  115. Hansen Tan and Yean-Fu Wen. Study on Energy Efficiency Analysis for Cloud Computing Services, WASN 2012, August 2012.
  116. Yean-Fu. Wen, Min-Yu Chen, Ni Cheng, Li-Ting Huang, Yi-Shan Tung. Develop MoBlog and Social-Information System for Shopping Decision Support, BAI 2012, July 2012.
  117. Yean-Fu Wen. Weighted Flow and Spectral Resource to Enhance QoS for Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE IUCC 2012, June 2012.
  118. ¦¿¸q¥­, ·ÅºtºÖ, ¹ù«³µ¾, ³¯¹tµ¾, ³¯¨ÎÂ@¡Cºô¸ô¤å¦r±´°É§Þ³N¹B¥Î©ó´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷¤f¸O¤§¤ÀªR¬ã¨s, ²Ä23©¡°ê»Ú¸ê°TºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|(ICIM 2012), May 2012.
  119. ·ÅºtºÖ, ³¯¬F«Û, Áé¨Îµ¾, ù¬f³ë, ¦¶®m¼Ý¡C®Ú´Ó©óªÀ¸sºôµ¸¤§ ¦æ°Ê®È¹C¸ê°T¤ä´©¨t²Î, ¸ê°T¬ì§Þ°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|º[²Ä¤G©¡ºô¸ô´¼¯à»PÀ³¥Î¬ã°Q·|(AIT/NCWIA 2012), April 2012.
  120. Chen, Jin-Long. Is brand reposition strategy effective to consumers' loyalty: the case of spectator sports, 2012The TAIWAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, June 2012.
  121. ¤è¤å©÷¡B¾¤®a¦p¡CThe Effect of Flagship Product's Brand Experience On Evaluation Of Brand Extension¡GThe Moderating Role of Product Fit-A Case Study of Hsiao-Mei Products , ²Ä¤@©¡¤¤¥xÆW²£·~½×¾Âº[ªA°È³Ð·sºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  122. ªL´@¹a¡B§d§Ó©ú¡B³\ùÚºö¡C«H¥Î¥d¾P°âÁZ®Äªº¼vÅT¦]¯À¤§¬ã¨s-¥Hª÷±±³q¸ô¬°¨Ò, 2012¦~²Ä¤C©¡¤¤µØ°ÓºÞ¬ì§Þ¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  123. ½²Åãµ£¡B³¯°¶®¦¡CªA°È³Ð·s¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¸gÀçºÞ²z»P¦æ¾P³Ð·s¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  124. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B°ª­§¶®¡CÁ`Åé¸gÀÙ¹ïª÷¿ÄªÑ¤§ªÑ»ùµu´Á¤Îªø´Áªº¼vÅT®ÄªG¡Ð¥HÂà´«¨ç¼Æ¼Ò«¬, ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  125. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B§d¬f»a¡C±q£\-Si LCD ¹h·¥ÅX°Ê¹q¸ô¦¨¥\¬ãµo¸gÅç, 2012ºÞ²z»P³Ð·s¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  126. ³¯§ÊÞ·¡B½²©[§» ¡CÃö«Y«~½è«e¦]¤§«á³]¤ÀªR , 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  127. ²ø«B«C¡B½²©[§» ¡CÃö«Y«~½èªº«áªG¤§«á³]¤ÀªR , 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  128. ±i´f¯u¡B¦ó®¥¥ò¡C«~µPÅéÅç¡B¦Û§Ú·§©À¤@­P¡BÅU«Èº¡·N»P«~µP°¾¦nÃö«Y¤§¬ã¨s, ²Ä¥|©¡°]¸g°ÓºÞ¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  129. ¥ø·~¨ÖÁʤ¤¥Ø¼Ð¤½¥q¤§¸³¨Æ³d¥ô, ¥x¥_¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|¥D¿ì¡u­¸»ð°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, October 2012.
  130. ±i¥|©ú¡C¡q¼Ú·ù¸ó°ê¨aÃøºÞ²z¬[ºc¤§µo®i¸gÅç¡G¥H¤H¹D´©§U»P¤½¥Á«OÅ@Á`¸p¬°¨Ò¡r, ¡u¼Ú·ù¤½¦@ªv²zµo®iÁͶջP®i±æ¡v¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  131. Yi-Ching Hsieh and Jung-Kuei Hsieh. Co-creation: Relationships and participant motivation in the value network , The 12th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, July 2012.
  132. ¼B²»¿Q¡CInternational Investigation on Foreign Bank¡¦s Post Entering Performance: The Differential Impact of Entry Mode Choice, 2012 Financial Management Association International (FMA) Asian Conference, Phuket, Thailand, July 11¡V13, 2012. (Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort), 2012.
  133. ¨H«Ø¤¤¡C½×»OÆW­ì¦í¥Á±Ú¤å¤Æªºµo®i-±q§Ú°ê­ì¦í¥Á±Ú¬Fµ¦Æ[ÂI±´°Q, 2012¦~¥xÆW®ü®l¨â©¤ªº±Ú¸s»P¤å¤Æ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  134. ¨H«Ø¤¤¡C½×¨È¤Ó°Ï°ì°ê®a©x¹±Åé¨tµo®i-¤ÀªRªF¨ó°ê®a©x¹±¨î«×, 2012¦~¨È¤Ó°Ï°ì¬ã¨s¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  135. Chiu, Y. H., D. Y. Liu, Y. C. Chen, and C. R. Chiu. Decomposing the metafrontier inefficiency of various bank types in two-stage network system, ¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ| ¥xÆW®Ä²v»P¥Í²£¤O¾Ç·| ¥xÆW¹A·~»P¸ê·½¸gÀپǷ|2012¦~Áp¦X¦~·|, July 2012.
  136. Long-Yi Lin, Chih-Ching Yu, Chun-Shuo Chen, Duan Xun Koh. The Influence of Negative Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility Event on Consumer Behavior, International Conference on Innovation and Management , 2012.
  137. ³¢®¶¶¯¡B³¯­»±ö¡Bù¥ú¹F¡C¥xÆW¤u·~³¡ªù¥ÍºA®Ä²v¡GÀô¹Ò¶ZÂ÷¨ç¼ÆÀ³¥Î, ¤¤µØ°]¬F¾Ç·|²Ä¥|©¡²Ä¤G¦¸¡]2012¦~¡^·|­û¤j·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  138. ³¢®¶¶¯¡B³¯­»±ö¡Bù¥ú¹F¡C¥xÆW¤u·~³¡ªù¤G®ñ¤ÆºÒ±Æ©ñ´î¶q¦¨¥», ¨â©¤¸`¯à´îºÒ¤§§Þ³N³Ð·s»P²£·~µo®i¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  139. ³¯¥©ªâ¡B³¢®¶¶¯¡B¦ó©É¼á¡BªL¨}·¬¡CÁ`¶qºÞ¨î¥æ©ö¤§°]°È·|­p¨î«×ªº«Ø¸m»Pµû¦ô, ¨â©¤¸`¯à´îºÒ¤§§Þ³N³Ð·s»P²£·~µo®i¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  140. ³¢®¶¶¯¡B³¯­»±ö¡Bù¥ú¹F¡C¥xÆW¤u·~³¡ªù¤G®ñ¤ÆºÒ±Æ©ñ´î¶q¦¨¥»¡GÀô¹Ò¤è¦V©Ê¶ZÂ÷¨ç¼Æ¤§À³¥Î, ºñ¦â§CºÒµo®i¸gÀÙµo®i¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  141. Ho, Yi-Cheng, and Jenn-Shyong Kuo. The Impact of Nonprofit Hospitals Board Composition and Structure on Donation Revenue, Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 41th Annual Conference, November 2012.
  142. Kuo, Jenn-Shyong and Ho, Yi-Cheng. The Determinations of Government Subsidy to Nonprofit Organizations, Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 41th Annual Conference, November 2012.
  143. ¸­­^Ùy¡B¥ôºû·G¡C°ê¹D«È¹BªA°È·~¥þ­±«~½èºÞ²zªº¹ê½îªÌ:ªüù«¢«È¹B¤½¥q, 2012¤u·~¤uµ{¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  144. Kuang-Hui Chiu, Hui Ying Lin. The Study of Members' Participation in Brand Community - LEGO as the Example, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), July 2012.
  145. Hsiu Chin Shen, Kuang-Hui Chiu. On Exploring the Overall Service Quality of the Type II Telecommunications Service Providers in Taiwan, Using Importance and Satisfaction Model: Taking One Telecommunications Company as an Example, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), July 2012.
  146. Tzu-Lan Kuo, Kuang-Hui Chiu. Correlation between Employee Bonus and Company Performances: The Case on SEC of Electronic in Taiwan, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), July 2012.
  147. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C«D¨å«¬¥Áªkªºªk¨å¤Æ¡Ð¨â©¤°ê»Ú¨pªkªº¥ßªk, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¥Áªk½×¾Â-²Ä¤Q©¡¥Áªk¨å¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  148. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C¨â©¤¥qªk¤¬§U¨óijªº¹ê°È½ÒÃD, ¨â©¤¨óijªº²z½×»P¹ê°È¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  149. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C¨â©¤¤åª«¥æ¬yªºªk¨î±µ­y»P¨óij, ²Ä¥|©¡¡u®ü®l¨â©¤¤å¤Æ¿ò²£«OÅ@½×¾Â¡G¤å¤Æ¿ò²£ªºªk¨î»PºÞ²z¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  150. ±i¤ß®­¡C±q¸ê²£¤À³Î·§©À«ä¦Ò¤½¥qªk¤H®æ§_»{­ì«h¡C, ¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|¡B¥xÆW®Ä²v»P¥Í²£¤O¾Ç·|2012¦~Áp¦X¦~·|º[²Ä13©¡¥þ°ê¹êÃÒ¸gÀپǬã°Q·|¡C, 2012.
  151. ±i¤å­§¡C²L½×²Ä¤T¤HºM¾P¶D³^, «n¨Ê¤j¾Ç²Ä¤Q¥|©¡¥Áªk½×¾Â¬J²Ä¤T©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¥Á¨Æ¶D³^ªk¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A«n¨Ê¤j¾Ç, December 2012.
  152. ³¯·R®Z¡Cµ|ªk¸ÑÄÀ¤èªk½×, ¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x½Òµ|¥¿¸q»Pªk«ß¸ÑÄÀ¨t¦C(¤@)¡Ð ¥H¹ê½è½Òµ|­ì«hº[¸T¤î­«Âнҵ|­ì«h¬°§Ç¦± ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| , March 2012.
  153. §ù©ÉÀR¡C¥H¡u®É»ù¡vµ¥©â¶H¡B¯B°Ê¥Î»y§@¬°©w«¬¤Æ«´¬ù±ø´Ú¤§¸ÑÄÀ, ¥x¥_¥«¬F©²101¦~«×®ø¶OªÌ«OÅ@¤§²z½×»P¹ê°È¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  154. ½×¼w°ê¦¨¦~ºÊÅ@¨î«×¤§¤H¨­ºÊÅ@, ­¸»ðªk¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡Ð¥þ²y¤Æ¤U¥Á¥Dªkªv¤§¦^ÅU»P«e¤, October 2012.
  155. ¨â©¤Ä~©Óªk¨î¤§±´°Q¡Ð¨â©¤¤H¥ÁÃö«Y±ø¨ÒÄ~©Ó¬ÛÃö³W©w¤§ÀË°Q, ¨â©¤¨­¤Àªk¨î¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, April 2012.
  156. ¾Ô«á¥xÆW¦Dªk¾Ç¥v¡]³ø§i¤H¡^, ¥xÆWªk¾Ç·|2012¦~¦~«×ªk¾Ç·|ijº[²Ä42©¡·|­û¤j·|, December 2012.
  157. ¶À»Ê½÷¡C¨¥½×¦h¤¸»P´CÅé©Ò¦³ÅvºÞ¨î¡X¡Xµû¡u³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|100¦~§P¦r1347¸¹§P¨M¡v, ³q°T¶Ç¼½ªk¥qªk¹ê°È¤§¾ã²z»PÀË°Q¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  158. ¶À»Ê½÷¡C½×ªk°|¹ï³q°T¶Ç¼½¦æ¬Fªº¥qªk¼f¬d±K«×¡X¡X¥H¬ü°êªkªº¤ñ¸û¬°¤¤¤ß, ²Ä¤@©¡­¸»ðªk¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  159. ±i´fªF¡Cªk°ê¤½¨p¨ó¤O«´¬ù¤§¯Éª§¸Ñ¨M, 2012 ¦æ¬FºÞ¨î»P¦æ¬Fª§³^¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  160. ªL±Ò¶W¡BÁ´¼¬Â¡BªL±Ò½å¡C±Ð®v¡B¤÷¥À¤ß²z¤ä«ù¹ï°ªÂ¾¥Í°Ê¾÷Ãþ«¬»P¾Ç·~§ë¤J¤§Ãö«Y¬ã¨s, ²Ä51©¡¥xÆW¤ß²z¾Ç·|¡C, October 2012.
  161. °ª¤¯¤t¡C±q¥þ²yªv²zÆ[ÂI¡X½×¤¤¬ü¨â°êÂùÃä¯à·½¦X§@®Ø¬[¼Ò¦¡¹ï¥xÆWªº¼vÅT»P±Ò¥Ü , ¡u¨â©¤®ð­ÔÅܾE¬Fµ¦»Pªk¨î¡v¬ã°Q·|¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Çªk«ß¨t¡^¡A°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|¤jªk®x¡]µoªí«á¤w¥t§ï¼g§ë½Z¥Zµn©ó¡uªk¾Ç·s½×²Ä38´Á¡v¡^, April 2012.
  162. ¬d¡@Êã¡C¡q¤Q¤C¥@¬ö²üÄõ¤H©Ò½s¦Uª©¦è©Ô¶®»y±Ð²z°Ýµª¤º®eªº¤ñ¸û¡r, ²Ä¤T©¡«nÃs¬ã¨s°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  163. §õºüªF¡B§E¤Ñ¥k¡C¥H«~½è¦¨¥»§@¬°¥N¤u¼tµû¿ï¤§¬ã¨s-¥H¹q¤l·~¬°¨Ò, 2012¤¤¤p¥ø·~¸gÀçºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  164. ·Å«H°], ¦ó¬F¾±, ¤ý¿²¸W, ½²©ö¾ì, ©P²M¶³, ¦ó«TÁo¡C¼vÅT°ò¼h¶E©ÒÂå®v¨Ï¥Î¹q¤l¯f¾úº¡·N«×¤§¦]¯À, °ê»Ú¥xÆWÂå¾Ç¸ê°TÁp¦X¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  165. Chen, A. S., Kuo, M., Wu, I. . The relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Cross-cultural Adjustment: The Moderating Effect of Conflict Management Styles. , The Conference of International Human Resource Development., December 2012.
  166. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¡u¦X§@ªÀ¥ø·~¼Ò¦¡¡v---¡u·s¤Ó¥­¬v¬ü¾Ç¡v­ì¦í¥Á°ü¤k¤§À³¥Î, 2012¥xÆW¦X§@¨Æ·~µo®i¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  167. Chen, Shu-Ling, Jow-Ran Chang, and Yu-Lieh Huang. Design of Peak Runoff Index Insurance in Taiwan, 16th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME 2012), June 2012.
  168. ¼B©¯¸q¡CVon Sinn der Strafe und des Rechts -- Eine rechtsvergleicende Darstellung, Rechtsentstehung und Wertsetzung, November 2012.
  169. ¦¿®a¼y¡B±iµÏ¼w¡C²£«~¸g²z·¾³q¥­¥x¤§«Ø¥ß , »Ê¶Ç¤j¾Ç2012°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| , March 2012.
  170. ÁÂÀA°ó»P³¯¥D¿Ù¡C¸³¨Æ·|¯S¼x¹ï¤½¥q¦h¨¤¤Æµ¦²¤ªº¼vÅT¡X¥H¥xÆW°ª¬ì§Þ¹q¤l·~¤W¥«¤½¥q¬°¨Ò, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  171. §d®õº³¡B¹ù¯À©g¡C¤u§@º¡¨¬»P¤u§@§ë¤J¹ïÂ÷¾·N¹Ï¼vÅTªº¬ã¨s-¥H¹CÀ¸²£·~¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤C©¡¤¤µØ°ÓºÞ¬ì§Þ¾Ç·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  172. §d®õº³¡B³¯尔ºa¡CÀ³¥Î¸ê®Æ±´°É§Þ³N©ó±ÀÂ˨t²Î¤§¬ã¨s, 2012»O¥_¤j¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  173. ½²Åãµ£¡B³¯§g¦t¡B§f«º¼ü¡C«~µPÃÙ§U¬¡°Ê»PÁʶR¨Mµ¦¤§¬ã¨s, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| , 2012.
  174. ±ç¥ì³Ç¡B¾G´fµÓ¡B¤è¨ØªY¡B±i¤Öº³¡C¥ð¶¢¹B°Ê°Ñ»PªÌ¦Ûı°·±dª¬ºA»P¥ð¶¢º¡·N¤§®t²§©Ê¤ñ¸û-¥H»O¥_¥«¥Á¹B°Ê¤¤¤ß¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¬°¨Ò, 2012Åé¨|¹B°Ê¾Ç³N¹ÎÅéÁp¦X¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  175. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai . Dilemma and conflicts in Taiwanese female college students¡¦ leisure participation, A Symposium on Sustainable Tourism in Urban Environment, April 2012.
  176. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Taiwan¡¦s ocean policy: The trends in keelboat sailing activities, International Sports Science Congress,, August 2012.
  177. §õ¯ÀµØ¡CÂåÃĸ귽ªñ¥Î»P´¼¼z°]²£Åv¡G¶}µo¤¤¤Î¤w¶}µo°ê®a·sªñµo®i¤§Æ[¹î, ²Ä¥|©¡¡u¬ì§Þµo®i»Pªk«ß³W½d¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡G¡m¥Í©R¬ì§Þ¡B°·±d¤£¥­µ¥»P¤À°t¥¿¸q¡n¡A¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò¡A2012¦~12¤ë15¤é, December 2012.
  178. ªLÁé¨^¡C¡i°ª¶¥¤H­û°ö°V½Òµ{¤§³]­p¡j, ¡m®ü®l¨â©¤¤½°È­ûºÞ²z¨î«×¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s¬ã°Q·|¡n¡AºÖ«Ø¬Ù¤½°È­û§½¥D¿ì, August 2012.
  179. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang). ¨â©¤¶T©ö±ÏÀÙ¨î«×¤§¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s, µoªí©ó¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¬ã¨s©Ò¥D¿ì¤§¡u¤¤°ê¤j³°»P°ê»Úªk¯´§Ç¡v¬ã¨s¸s²Õ¦¨ªGµoªí·|, November 2012.
  180. Chen, A. S., Hou, Y. H. . Effects of Job Insecurity on Job Dissatisfaction and Creativity. , 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). , August 2012.
  181. ³¯«É§ü*¡B¶À¹Å¬Â¡C±´°Q¤½¥q¥­§¡±M利年ÄÖ¡Bµo©ú¤H數¡B±M利¬¡°Ê年´Á¹ï©ó¤½¥q¦¨ªø²v¼vÅT¤§¬ã¨s¡Ð¥H¬ü°ê»sÃÄ·~¬°¨Ò, 2012²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¥_°Ó¾Ç³N½×¾Â-¸gÀç»PºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  182. ¶ÀÄ£¼w, §õùWÒó, ³¯«Å¦ö, ±i¤A¤¸, ¦¿¸q¥­, ·ÅºtºÖ¡C¥_¬ü¨T¨®¥«³õ¥­»ù«~µP¤Î°â«áºû­×ªA°È§Î¶H¤§ºô¸ô¤å¦r±´°É¬ã¨s, TAI 2012, June 2012.
  183. ³¢¬Â´f¡C©Ê§O¤u§@¥­µ¥-»O¥_¦a¤èªk°|100¦~«×³Ò¶D²Ä172¸¹§P¨M , November 2012.
  184. §õ«T»ö¡C¥H¹q¸£¹CÀ¸¬°±¡¹Ò¤ä´©«D¨Ò¦æ©Ê¼Æ¾Ç°ÝÃD¸Ñ¨MªºÃþ±À»P®ÖÃÒ:¦h¸Ñµª¤èªkºt½m½d¨Ò»P°ÝÃD´£¥Üµ¦²¤¹ïÃþ±À»P®ÖÃÒªí²{¤§¼vÅT, 2012²Ä¥|©¡¬ì§Þ»P¼Æ¾Ç±Ð¨|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|º[¼Æ¾Ç±Ð¾Ç¤u§@§{½×¤å¶°, October 2012.
  185. ½²Åãµ£¡B§f«º¼ü¡B¤ý©É¤¯¡C³sÂê¥[·ùªÌ¦AÄò¬ù¨Mµ¦¤§¬ã¨s, 2012°·±d»PºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  186. ¤è¤å©÷¡BÃCµXªÚ¡CThe Effect of Queuing up and Conformity Tendency on Expected Product Value, ²Ä¤@©¡¤¤¥xÆW²£·~½×¾Âº[ªA°È³Ð·sºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  187. ¤è¤å©÷¡BÃCÚ{³® ¡CThe Effect of Brand Experience on Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Status consumption, 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  188. ¤è¤å©÷¡B¦ó«ä½å ¡CElectronic Word-of-Mouth and Purchase Intention :The Moderating role of Self-conscious and Conformity , ²Ä¤Q¤K©¡¸ê°TºÞ²zº[¹ê°È¬ã°Q·| , December 2012.
  189. ¤ý¯¬¤T¡BÁµ¤¦t¡CThe impact of insider trading on future stock performance , 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  190. ¤ý¯¬¤T¡B½²ªQÀM ¡CIPO­º¤é³ø¹S¡B§ë¸ê¤H±¡ºü»P¾îÂ_­±ªÑ²¼³ø¹S , 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  191. ¤ý¯¬¤T¡B±i­õºÕ ¡C°ê»Ú¤Æ¡BÄvª§µ{«×¡B¤½¥qªv²z»P¤½¥qÁZ®Ä¤§ÃöÁp©Ê±´°Q , 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  192. ¤ý¯¬¤T¡B©P¶Ç´I ¡C´CÅé³ø¾É¹ï¨ÖÁʨƥó«Å§i®ÄªGªº¼vÅT , 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  193. ªL´@¹a¡B¼B嬑«C¡C¼t°Ó¥¢±Ñ¸g¾ú°ÊºA¾Ç²ß¾úµ{-¥H¥xÆW»s¾c·~¬°¨Ò, 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  194. ·ÅºtºÖ, ¼B®Ê¹Å¡C¥H°ÊºAHA ¿ï¾Ü¾÷¨î¨Ó¼W¶i±_ª¬¦¡²¾°Êºô¸ôµù¥U®Ä¯à, ²Ä23©¡°ê»Ú¸ê°TºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|(ICIM 2012), May 2012.
  195. ³¯·O¶§¡C¤G¤Q¤@¥@¬öÀô¹Ò°ê®a¤§·s¬D¾Ô, ¡u¤G¤Q¤@¥@¬öÀô¹Òªk¤§·s¬D¾Ô¡v°ê»ÚÀô¹Òªk¤Î¨a¨¾ªk¨î°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  196. ³¯·O¶§¡CÀô¹Ò°ê®a¤U¤§¦a¤èÀô¹Ò«OÅ@¤§°ê®a«OÅ@¸q°È , 2012.
  197. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¡u°w¹ïIFRS©MCOSOªº¤º±±¤º½]¬D¾Ô¡v¥D«ù¤H, ª÷¿Ä·~¤º³¡½]®Ö¤H­û101¦~®y½Í·|, October 2012.
  198. Dar-Hsin Chen. Assessing the Effects of Sports Marketing on Stock Returns: Evidence from the Nippon Professional Baseball Series, The 2012 Eastern Finance Association Annual Conference, April 2012.
  199. ½²Åãµ£¡B©P¬M¦¼¡C¾É¹C¯S½è¦p¦ó¼vÅT®È«ÈÃö«Yºûô¡G¤¤¤¶¾÷¨î¤§±´°Q, ©ú·s¬ì§Þ¤j¾ÇªA°È³Ð·s°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, April 2012.
  200. ½²Åãµ£¡B´¿«\¾ì¡C«~µPªÀ¸s«ùÄò°Ñ»P¦æ¬°¤§¬ã¨s¡G»{ª¾»ù­È»P±¡·P¨Ìªþ¤§¤¤¤¶¨¤¦â±´°Q, 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  201. ½²Åãµ£¡B§f«º¼ü¡B¤ý©É¤¯¡C³sÂê¥[·ùªÌ¦AÄò¬ù¨Mµ¦¤§¬ã¨s, 2012°·±d»PºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  202. ±i´f¯u¡B§õ¨È梡C¥»°ê¤¤¤ß¥D¸q¡B¨Ó·½°ê§Î¶H»Pºô¸ô¤f¸O¹ï¥~°ê´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷²£«~ÁʶR·NÄ@¤§¼vÅT¡G¥HSamsung«~µP¬°¨Ò, 2012·í¥NºÞ²z½×¾Â, June 2012.
  203. ±i´f¯u¡BÁ¶ÀºÍ¡CÃö«Y§ë¸ê¡B²z±M¾P°â¦æ¬°»PÃö«YÁZ®Ä¤§¬ã¨s¡G¥H»È¦æ·~¬°¨Ò, 2012·í¥N°]°Èª÷¿Ä»P¦æ¾P¬y³q»P¹ê°Èº[¾·~­Û²z»P«~¼w±Ð¨|¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  204. ±i´f¯u¡B¾G¤å³Ç¡C«~µPÅéÅç¡B«~µP°¾¦n»PÁʶR·NÄ@Ãö«Y¤§¬ã¨s-¥H­^°ê¯ùTwinings¬°¨Ò, 2012¥þ°ê°ÓºÞ¾Ç³Nº[¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  205. ±i´f¯u¡B§d¸t´­¡C·P¿E¦bÃö«Y§ë¸ê¹ïÃö«YÁZ®Ä¼vÅT¤§¤¤¤¶®ÄªG-¥H¤H¤u´Ó¤ú²£·~¬°¨Ò, 2012»O¥_¤j¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  206. Yi-Cheng Shih. Information Asymmetry and Long-Term Abnormal Stock Performance Following R&D Investment Increases , International Congress on Innovation and Regional Economic Development, December 2012.
  207. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B¤ý¬f«C¡C¥H­pµe¦æ¬°²z½×±´°Q¥xÆW¦a°Ï¹ïºñ¦â®a®x²M¼ä¥Î«~¤§ÁʶR·NÄ@, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  208. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B¸­¬ü¬Â¡CÁ`Åé¸gÀÙÅܼƹï¹q«H·~ªøµu´Á¸gÀçÁZ®Ä¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s¦V¶q¦Û§Ú°jÂk¼Ò«¬¤§À³¥Î, 2012¦~²Ä¤K©¡¥þ°ê°Ó¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  209. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡BªL©w®x¡C¤£¦P»ù©Ê¤U¥xªÑ¥[Åv«ü¼Æ¹ï¥x«ü¿ï¾ÜÅv¤§¶Ç»¼®ÄªG¤§¬ã¨s¡XTAR»PM-TAR¤§¬ã¨s, 2012²£·~³Ð·s»P¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  210. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B§õªQ­×¡C¥xÆWªÑ»ù«ü¼Æ³ø¹S²v»PÁ`Åé¸gÀÙÅܼƫD½u©Ê½Õ¾ã¹Lµ{¤§±´°Q-À³¥Î¥­·ÆÂà´«¦Û§Ú°jÂk¼Ò¦¡, ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  211. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B³\§Ê¥þ¡C¤¤°êÁ`Åé¸gÀÙ«ü¼Ð»P¤j¤¤µØªÑ¥«ÃöÁp©Ê¤ÀªR, 2012»O¥_¤j¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  212. ¶Àø@¯ø¡B½²©[§»¡C³sµ²¦@³Ð»P·s²£«~ÁZ®Ä:¸ê·½¨Ì¿à»PÀô¹ÒÅvÅܪºÆ[ÂI , 2012¤j¤¤µØ¨t²Î©Ê³Ð·s¬ã°Q·|, January 2012.
  213. §d­«½Ë¡B½²©[§»¡C¹q¼v²¼©Ð¼vÅT¦]¯À¤§®ÄªG¡G¤@­ÓÅvÅܼҦ¡ , ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| , May 2012.
  214. ³¯©É´@¡B½²©[§» ¡C³sµ²²£«~³Ð·s©Ê»P·s²£«~ÁZ®Ä¤§«á³]¤ÀªR , 2012°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  215. ³¯¤j¬°¡C¦³Ãö¡u¤j¶­¶ð¡vªº©R¦W©ÎÄò§¹, ¨È¬wµØ¤H¤å¤Æ°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  216. Jung-Lieh Hsiao & Teng-Tsai Tu . Price Spillover and Dynamic Correlation in the Shanghai A- and B-share Stock Markets: Evidence from the B-share¡¦s Opening to Chinese Citizens, The 7th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, December 2012.
  217. 1.Liu, D. Y. 2.Chiu, C. R.. Decomposition of metafrontier inefficiency in data envelopment analysis, ²Ä¤K©¡¥xÆW§@·~¬ã¨s¾Ç·|¦~·|º[²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¤¤µØ¨Mµ¦¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¦~·|»P¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  218. 1.Chiu, Y. H. 2.Liu, D. Y. 3.Chen, Y. C. 4.Chiu, C. R.. Decomposing the metafrontier inefficiency of various bank types in two-stage network system, ¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ| ¥xÆW®Ä²v»P¥Í²£¤O¾Ç·| ¥xÆW¹A·~»P¸ê·½¸gÀپǷ|2012¦~Áp¦X¦~·|, December 2012.
  219. ¦¿´ý´Ü¡CData Modeling and Application of 3D Cadastre in Taiwan, Third International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, October 2012.
  220. ´å§Ó«C¡B³¯«TºÓ¡B­J­õ¥Í¡C¥H¥ø·~ºñ¦âµ¦²¤¤º®e«Øºc¥ø·~ºñ¦âªÀ·|³d¥ôÆ[©À¬[ºc, 2012ªÀ·|¥ø·~°ê»Ú½×¾Â, 2012.
  221. §d¨Ø©k, 林¬ü¬Ã¡C¾÷ºc§ë¸ê¤H»PªÑ²¼³ø¹SÂ÷´²©ÊªºÃö«Y, »OÆW°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  222. ·Å¤_¼ü, 林¬ü¬Ã¡C¤½¥qªv²z¹ï¤À³Î¤½¥qªÑ»ùªº¼vÅT, »OÆW°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  223. ¼BÃCµØ, 林¬ü¬Ã¡C®a±Ú¥ø·~¹ï¤À³ÎÁZ®Ä¤§¼vÅT-¥H¥xÆW¬°¨Ò, »OÆW°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  224. Chih, Hsiang-Lin and Chen, Ting-Hsuan . Do Institutional Investors Exacerbate Bank Manager Myopia? Evidence from the Subprime Crisis , World Business Ethics Forum, WBEF 2012, December 2012.
  225. Liao, Yi-Chuan, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, & Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung. Knowledge Integration Mechanisms and Product Innovativeness: Toward a Contingent Perspective, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology , pp. 777~782, June 2012.
  226. Shiu-li Huang and Szu-Chen Chen. Understanding the Influences of Consumers¡¦ Mood States Induced by Web Page Content on Advertisement Effectiveness to Improve Internet Advertising Services, The 2012 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , January 2012.
  227. ¶À°·¹ü¡C°ò¦a¡B¯Ñ¦a©Ó¯²¤HÀu¥ýÁʶRÅvªº³qª¾¤è¦¡¢w¢w¥Áªk»P¯S§OªkªºÉä®æ, ¥Áªk¶ÅÅvª«Åvª§Ä³°ÝÃD¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  228. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C¯A¥~±M§Q¶D³^ªº°ê»ÚºÞÁÒÅv, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤°ê»Ú¨pªk¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  229. ³¯·R®Z¡C¸gÀÙ¦æ¬F»â°ì¤¤ªºµ{¦¡«O»Ù, ¬Fªv¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|¤½ªk¾Ç¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß2012²Ä¤T©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¤½ªk¾Ç½×¾Â¡u°ò¥»Åv§Qªºµ{¦¡«O»Ù¡v, May 2012.
  230. ³¯·R®Z¡C¦X§@¦æ¬F»P¤½¨p¨ó¤O¡X¡X¥H§@¬°¤½¨p¨ó¤O¤@Àôªº¡uªÀ·|¦Û§ÚºÞ¨î¡v¬°¦Ò¹î­«¤ß, ²Ä14©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¦æ¬Fªk¾Ç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  231. ©x¾åÁ¨¡C¥þ²y¤ÏµÒ¹B°Ê¤Uªº¦b¦a¬D¾Ô:¥HµÒ«~¥[¼xµ|®½¬°¨Ò, 2012¦~¥xÆWªÀ·|¾Ç¦~·|º[°ê¬ì·|±MÃD¬ã¨s¦¨ªGµoªí·|, December 2012.
  232. ©x¾åÁ¨¡CTax, Tobacco Control and Global Governance: A Local Challenge in Taiwan , 2012 International Conference on FCTC (2012¦~µÒ¯ó±±¨î®Ø¬[¤½¬ù°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|), October 2012.
  233. ©x¾åÁ¨¡C¸T¤î¦P©ÊÅʵ²±Bµn°O¦³µL¹H¤Ï¥­µ¥Åv¤§±´°Q, »O¥_¥«¬F©²101¦~«×¤HÅvº[°ê®a½ßÀv¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, July 2012.
  234. ³¯­Yªå¡BªL±Ò½å¡BªL¦pÃv¡CPETTLEP·N¶H¦bÄx²y¸õ§ëªºªí²{®Ä¯q±´°Q, 2012Åé¨|¹B°Ê¾Ç³N¹ÎÅéÁp¦X¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  235. °ª¤¯¤t¡C§PÂ_¾l¦a²z½×©ó§Ú°êÀôµû¶D³^¤§¾A¥Î¡X ¥H³Ì°ª¦æ¬Fªk°|100¦~«×§P¦r²Ä1022¸¹§P¨M¬°°_ÂIªº¤ñ¸û¤ÀªR , ²Ä¤Q¤G©¡¦æ¬Fªk¹ê°È»P²z½×¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ê¥ß»OÆW¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|º[¤½ªk¾Ç¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡^, December 2012.
  236. °ª¤¯¤t¡C®ð­ÔÅܾE¼Ò«¬¤Æ¤ÀªRªº¹B¥Î¹ï¦æ¬FºÞ¨î²z½×¤§¼vÅT, ¡u¥Á¥D¡B¬ì¾Ç¡B±M®a°Ñ»P¡X·í¥N¬F©²¨Mµ¦¹Lµ{ªº¦M¾÷©M¬D¾Ô¡v¬ã°Q·|¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|¡^, November 2012.
  237. °ª¤¯¤t¡C®Ö¤l¨a®`¨¾±Ïªk¨î¤§¬ã¨s¡X±q¬ü°ê¨a®`¨¾±ÏÅé¨î½Í°_, ®Ö¯àªk¨î°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G¦æ¬F°|­ì¤l¯à©e­û·|¡BªF§d¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|¤½ªk¤¤¤ß¡^, September 2012.
  238. °ª¤¯¤t¡C¦a¤è¬F©²§@¬°®ð­ÔÅܾE¤ÎÀô¹Òªv²zªº°Ñ»P¦æ°Ê¥DÅé, 2012¦a¤è¦Ûªvªk¾Ç²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|¡X®ð­ÔÅܾEijÃD»P¦a¤è¦Ûªv¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ª¶¯¥«¬F©²¡^¡]µoªí«á¤w¥t­×¥¿§ï¼g¡A¨Ã§ë½Z¸gÂù¦V°Î¦W¼f¬d³q¹L¡A¥Zµn©ó¥xÆWªk¾ÇÂø»x²Ä213´Á¡^, September 2012.
  239. «J¤¯¸q¡B¬_«G¸s¡B³¯©s¨j¡B¶À·y¶²¡C¥D­n°ê®a¦A¥Í¯à·½µo®i¬Fµ¦»Pªk³Wºt¶i, 101¦~¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯à·½¸gÀپǷ|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  240. Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, Liao, Yi-Chuan. Knowledge Integration Mechanisms, Knowledge Integration Capability, and New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Product Innovativeness, The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, December 2012.
  241. Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, & Liao, Yi-Chuan. Knowledge Integration Mechanisms, Market Integration Capability, Product Innovation Performance, and Environmental Context: A Moderated Mediation Model, The 26th ANZAM Conference, December 2012.
  242. Tsai, Kuen-Hung, Huang, S.C., & Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung. Strategy Orientation, Synergy, and New Product Performance: A Quantitative Review, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, pp. 787~792, June 2012.
  243. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C¯A¥~±M§Q³^¶DªººÞÁÒÅv»P·Ç¾Úªk¡X³Ì°ªªk°|µô§Pªº¦^ÅU»P®i±æ, ¬ö©À¥C§»¹F±Ð±Â¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  244. Hui-Chen Chang, Yi-Ching Tsai, Sheng-Yuan Hsu. The Effects of Relationship Destroying Factors on Customer Relationship: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Recovery, International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMS 2012), Bangkok, Thailand, July 2012.
  245. Hui-Chen Chang, Yi-Ching Tsai, Sheng-Yuan Hsu. The Effects of Relationship Destroying Factors on Customer Relationship: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Recovery, International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMS 2012), July 2012.
  246. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡CPrivate International Law National Report: Taiwan, 2012 Thematic Congress of International Academy of Comparative Law- Codification and Legal Transplant: the East Asia Experience , May 2012.
  247. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C¤¬´f­ì«h¦b§Ú°êªk«ß¤Wªº´X­Ó°ÝÃD, 2012¶W°ê¬Éªk¾Ç±Ð¨|¬ã°Q·|-¥~¤HÅv§Q¨ú±o»P¥~°êµô§Pªº©Ó»{»P°õ¦æ, December 2012.
  248. ±i¤å­§¡C¹O®É´£¥X§ðÀ»¨¾¿m¤èªk¤§¥¢Åv, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¥Á¨Æ¶D³^ªk¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A°ê¥ß¬Fªv¤j¾Ç, April 2012.
  249. ±i¤å­§¡C¤½´J¤j·HºÞ²z©e­û·|±o§_§@¬°«Ø¿vªk¤W¤§µô»@¥DÅé, 2012¦~¤½ªk¬ã°Q·|¡A°ê¥ß¤¤¿³¤j¾Ç, December 2012.
  250. ¥Ñ¼w°ê¦¨¦~ºÊÅ@¨î«×¹êÅé»Pµ{§Ç¤§°t¦X½×§Ú°ê®a¨Æ¨Æ¥óªk¤§¬ÛÃö³W©w, ¦¨¦~¡]¦Ñ¦~¡^ºÊÅ@¨î«×¤§¹ê°È¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s¡Ð§Ú°ê®a¨Æ¨Æ¥óªk¤§¸ÑÄÀ¾A¥Î, October 2012.
  251. Hsiaowei Kuan. An Old Norm with a New Mission: CEDAW as a Rhetoric of New Gender Quota Movement in Taiwan. Law and Society, Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Hawaii., June 2012.
  252. ±i´fªF¡C¦æ¬F«´¬ù¤§¼i¦æ¡Ð¤ñ¸ûªk°ê¦æ¬F«´¬ùªk, ¡u¦æ¬Fµ{§Çªk¤§Åé¨tÅܾE¡v¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  253. Yeh, Ying-Pin. Exploring the Factors Affecting Electronic Cooperative Relationships between Supplier and Retailer, International Conference on Marketing Studies, August 2012.
  254. °ª¤¯¤t¡C±q®ð­ÔÅܾEÆ[ÂI¡X½×¤¤¬ü¨â°ê¦³Ãö¡uÃä¹Ò¶T©ö¨îµô±¹¬I¡v¤§½Ä¬ð, ¡u¥þ²y¤Æ¤U¥Á¥D»Pªkªv¤§¦^ÅU»P«e¤¡v¡X²Ä¤@©¡­¸»ð°ê»Úªk¾Ç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|¡^, October 2012.
  255. °ª¤¯¤t¡C½×ºñ¦â²£·~µo®iÁͶդU¦a¤è¬F©²ªº¨¤¦â¡X¥H¬ü°ê¥[¦{¯à·½Àx¦s¬Fµ¦»PºÞ¨î¬°¤¤¤ß , ¡u´îºÒ¡BÀô¹Ò«OÅ@¡Bºñ¦â²£·~¤§Ä@´º¡v2012¦~¹A·~­º³£¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡G¶³ªL¿¤¬F©²¡F¨ó¿ì³æ¦ì¡G°ê¥ß¶³ªL¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç¬ì§Þªk«ß¬ã¨s©Ò¡^, June 2012.
  256. ®}¨|¦w¡C¦Dªk¤W¦MÀI»P­·ÀI·§©À¤§µo®i, ¡u©²«°¦D¨Æªk½×¾Â¡v¡u­·ÀIªÀ·|¤¤¥Ç¸o·§©Àªº¦A«ä¦Ò¡v, May 2012.
  257. ®}¨|¦w¡C¸ê°T­·ÀI»P¦D¨Æ¥ßªk, »O¥_¤j¾Çªk¾Ç°|60¦~°|¼y¨t¦CºtÁ¿¡Ð¹q¸£¥Ç¸oªº¹êÅéªk»Pµ{§Çªk, October 2012.
  258. ®}¨|¦w¡C¦@¦P¥Ç¸oÃö«Yªº脱Â÷, ®ü峡¨â©¤º[²Ä¤K©¡内¦a¤¤«C¦~¦Dªk¾ÇªÌ°ª¯Å½×¾Â, October 2012.
  259. Yi-Ching Hsieh and Jung-Kuei Hsieh. The impact of collaborative innovation with customers on service innovation project: A perspective of service-dominant logic, 2012 Las Vegas International Business & Economics Conference, October 2012.
  260. Jennjou Chen and Tsui-Fang Lin. Study Habits and Examination Performance in an Online Learning Microeconomics Course, ¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|¦~«×¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  261. ¾G®Û¿· ªL©{¼ü¡C¤º³¡½]®Ö¥i¥H­°§C¼f­p¤½¶O©Î«D¼f­p¤½¶O?, 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È, October 2012.
  262. MeiChi Huang. The Predictive Power of Households¡¦ Expectations in the Housing Nonlinear Dynamics, 32nd International Symposium on Forecasting, June 2012.
  263. ¦¿®a·ì¡BÁ§±Ó¥¿*¡B²ºð¼z¡C¤½¥q¯S½è¹ïÀ³­p»P¹ê½è¬Õ¾lºÞ²z¿ï¾Ü¤§¼vÅT, 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  264. ³\«íºö¡B§d§Ó©ú¡BªL´@¹a¡C«H¥Î¥d¾P°âÁZ®Äªº¼vÅT¦]¯À¤§¬ã¨s-¥Hª÷±±³q¸ô¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤C©¡¤¤µØ°ÓºÞ¬ì§Þ¾Ç·|¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  265. ¦ó¬F¾±, ³\»Ê¹ü, §d¬f¿«¡CµêÀÀªÀ¸s·NÃѹï©óªÀ¸s©¾¸Û¦æ¬°¤§¼vÅT-¥H¹qª±¸ê°TªÀ¸s¤Ú«¢©i¯S¬°¨Ò, ¸ê°TºÞ²z»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  266. Lin, Y. C., Chen, A. S., Cheng, H.. The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Socio-cultural Adjustment with the Mediating Effect of Acculturative Stress. , The Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development , December 2012.
  267. Hsu, Esher. Payments for the Multifunctional Agriculture in EU and Germany., 2012 International Symposium on Agricultural Payments in Taiwan, Germany and EU, November 2012.
  268. ¸­­^Ùy¡BªLªÚ¥É¡C±´°QºûÅ@±Ð®v§Q¯q¾É¦V¹ï±Ð®v¤u§@º¡·N«×¤§¼vÅT, ¥þ²y±Ð¨|½×¾Â, October 2012.
  269. ®}¯Â¼z¡B§d¿·ø@¡C±´°Q¥ø·~ªÀ·|³d¥ô¹ïÅU«È»{¦P¤Î©¾¸Û¤§¼vÅT-¥H«~µP³sÂê¶W°Ó¬°¨Ò, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  270. ÁÂÀA°ó»P¤ý´°»ö¡C±´°Q±q²³¦æ¬°¹ï¬y¦æ¬ì§Þ²£«~²£¥Íªº¹ê»Ú¼vÅT, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  271. ÁÂÀA°ó»P³¯»Ê®¦¡Cºô¸ôÁʪ«¦æ¬°-²£«~¸i¸j¾P°âµ¦²¤¤§¼vÅT, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  272. Chen, Shu-Ling, Jow-Ran Chang, and Yu-Lieh Huang. Design of Peak Runoff Index Insurance in Taiwan., Paper presented at the 16th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME 2012), June 2012.
  273. Á¥ߤå¡C¤¤µØ¾·~´Î²y¤£¦P²y³õ¥D³õµ¦²¤¹ï¦a¤è²y°g»{¦P¤§¼vÅT, 2012¥þ²y¹B°ÊºÞ²z°ª®p½×¾Â, 2012.
  274. ±ç¥@¦w¡B§f«º¼ü¡B»¯±á¥c¡C¼vÅT®ø¶OªÌ½u¤WÁʪ«·NÄ@¤§±´°Q , 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| , 2012.
  275. Pei-Ju Lucy Ting, Helder Leite and Theresa Ponce Leao. Is Advanced Real-Time Energy Metering Sufficient to Persuade People to Save Energy?, 2nd European Energy Conference, April 2012.
  276. ±ç¥@¦w¡B§f«º¼ü¡B»¯±á¥c¡C¼vÅT½u¤W®ø¶OªÌ·NÄ@¤§±´°Q, 2012»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  277. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Leisure activities of female foreign workers in Taiwan: Transnationalism, feminism and work arrangements, Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa Congress, March 2012.
  278. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta Tsai. Foreign labours¡¦ leisure participation: The case of female white-collar workers in Taiwan, 12th World Leisure Congress, September 2012.
  279. ³¯»ÊÂÈ¡B¤ý«äµÏ¡C¥Î¤ß´¼¹Ïªk±´°Q·~°È­û¹ï¥ø·~¾É¤J¦æ°Ê©w¦ì¨t²ÎºÞ²z¤§§Ü©Ú¦]¯À¡G¥H¤¤µØ¹q«H¬°¨Ò, 2012¥þ°ê°ÓºÞ¾Ç³Nº[¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  280. ¼B¥ò¯x¡B³¯¤å¤t¡Cªýê¥ø·~¾É¤J¶³ºÝªA°È¦]¯À¤§¬ã¨s-±q·~¤H­ûÆ[ÂI, ²Ä¤Q¤­©¡¹q¤l°Ó°È¬ã°Q·|, February 2012.
  281. ¼B¥ò¯x¡B³¯Öaª´¡C¥H¤ß´¼¹Ïªkµ²¦X¼h¯Å¤ÀªRªk±´°Q¼vÅT«ÈªA¤H­ûÅܧΤu®É¦Ò¼{¦]¯À¤§¬ã¨s, 2012¼Æ¦ì¬ì§Þ»P³Ð·sºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  282. ¼B¥ò¯x¡B¶À«T´Ü¡C¥H©Ê§O®t²§Æ[ÂI¤ñ¸û¦b¾¥Í¹ï©¯ºÖ®Õ¶é¤§«Øºc, 2012¦~³Ò°Ê»P´N·~Ãö«Y¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¶±¥ÎÃö«Y»P²Õ´ÁZ®Ä¨â©¤¥|¦a½×¾Â, September 2012.
  283. ¼B¥ò¯x¡B¶À·q´@¡C¿ì¤½«Ç¬ü¾Ç¤º²[­«­n©Ê¤§ªì±´, 2012¤H¤O¸ê·½µo®i»P±M®×ºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  284. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q²M°ª©v¥é«Ø¤å®í¦x¼q»Pº¡¬w±Ú¸s»{¦Pªº¬ã¨s¤èªk°ÝÃD¡r, °ê¥ß¬Fªv¤j¾Ç¤H¤å¤¤¤ß¡u¥Á±Ú¬ã¨sªº¤èªk½×»P¬ã¨s¤èªk¡v¤u§@§{·|ij, December 2012.
  285. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q¬O¤@¬O¤G¡G°®¶©¦~¶¡ªº¤å®í¦x¼q¥é«Ø¡r, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|©ú²M¬ã¨s±À°Ê©e­û·|¡u2012 ©ú²M¬ã¨s¤u§@§{¡v¡G¡u©ú²MÃÀ³N¥vŪ®Ñ·|¡v¦¨ªGµoªí¡X¡X¡u¦a¤è»P¦a´º¡v, December 2012.
  286. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q¦Pªv¦~¶¡¦^¥Á¨ÆÅÜ»P³Øº¸³Ø°Ó¥ÁÃö«Y¡r, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|©ú²M¬ã¨s±À°Ê©e­û·|¡u²M¥N®È»X¤s¦è°Ó¤Hº[¼sªF¦æ°Ó¥v®Æ¬ãŪ¤u§@§{¡v, December 2012.
  287. ªL¤h¹b¡C¡q¡mº¡»Xº~¤T¤å¦XÂz°ê¤å±Ð¬ì®Ñ¡n»P²M¥½º¡»X»y¤å±Ð¨|ªì±´¡r, ¤º»X¥j®v½d¤j¾Ç¾ú¥v¤å¤Æ¾Ç°|¡uªñ¥N¤¤°êÃäæªÀ·|ÅܾE¡X¡X¥H¤º»X¥j¬°¤¤¤ß¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, July 2012.
  288. Yeh, Ying-Pin. Relational Governance and Relationship Value in Taiwanese Manufacturer Supply Chain, NOFOMA2012- Proceedings of the 24th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference, June 2012.
  289. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C¼w°ê¦X§@¨Æ·~¼úÀy»P§ß§U¤§±´°Q, ¡u¦p¦ó³e¹ý¦X§@¨Æ·~À³¨ü°ê®a¼ú§U°ò¥»°êµ¦¤§±´°Q¡v±MÃD¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  290. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C±q¥ý¶i°ê®a¸gÅç½Í±j¤Æ§Ú°ê¦X§@±Ð¨|, 2012»OÆW¦X§@¨Æ·~µo®i¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  291. Chinyang Henry Tseng, ShiauHuey Wang, Bor-Shing Lin, Tong-Ying Junag, Xiao-Ru Ji. CDTS: Coordinator Data Traffic Shunt model for Zigbee networks, International Computer Symposium (ICS 2012), December 2012.
  292. Hsiao-Ching Lin, Ming-Kung Sun, Han-Wei Huang, Hui-Tang Lin and Chinyang Henry Tseng. A Specification-based Intrusion Detection Model for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2012), September 2012.
  293. ¦¶«ÛÄf, ´¿«T¤¸¡C´c·Nµ{¦¡¼Ë¥»¸ê®Æ®wº[¤ÀªR¤§¥­¥x«Ø¸m, ¥xÆWºô»Úºô¸ô¬ã°Q·| TANET 2012 ³Ì¨Î½×¤å­Ô¿ï, October 2012.
  294. ±i¤A¤¸, ´¿«T¤¸¡C°Ý¨÷¦^À³µ²ªGµû¤À¾÷¨îÀ³¥Î©óºô¸ô°Ý¨÷³]­p¤§¬ã¨s¡G¥H¬ì§Þ±µ¨ü¼Ò¦¡±´°Q, ²Ä 18 ©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¸ê°TºÞ²zµo®i»Pµ¦²¤¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·| CSIM 2012, August 2012.
  295. ¼B¹ç¼z¡C¡m¤¤°ê¥jÄyÁ`¥Ø•ÂO®Ñ³¡¡nªº¦¬¿ý»P¥jÄyÂO®Ñ¥Ø¿ýªº«áÄò¾ã²z, ¤¤¤å¥jÄy¾ã²z»Pª©¥»¥Ø¿ý¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  296. ¼Bºû¯u¡C¹ê»ùµn¿ý¤Tªk¤§±´°Q:©~¦í¥¿¸q--¹ê»ùµn¿ý©Î¹ê»ù½Òµ|, ¤g¦a¤­ªk­×ªk¬ãªR¬ã°Q·|--¤g¦a¥¿¸q»P©~¦í¥¿¸q¤§¹ê²{, February 2012.
  297. ´å¶iµo¡C½Ð¨DªðÁÙ¦@¦³ª«¤§¶D, ²Ä¤Q¥|©¡¶OÂU¥Áªk¾Ç½×¾Âº[²Ä¤T©¡®ü®l¨â©¤¥Á¨Æ¶D³^ªk¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  298. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡B¤è¤åº³¡C²Ä¤T³¡ªù¤H¤~ºÞ²z»P²Õ´³Ð¬ã, ¸ó¬É¿Ä¦X-ªÀ·|±Ð¨|»P¤å¤Æ¨Æ·~ªº³Ð·s¹ê½î¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  299. §õ«³ÌÉ¡B³\¥É³·¡C½ÆÂø©â¼Ë³]­p¤U¨ã¯Ê¥¢ªº¤£§¹¾ã¸ê®Æ¤§°jÂk¤ÀªR¤èªk¤ñ¸û, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»²¤¯¤j¾Ç, June 2012.
  300. ªL©÷Þ³¡BªL©w­»¡C½u©Ê²V¦X¼Ò«¬»Pµ²ºc¤èµ{¼Ò«¬¤§¤ñ¸û-¥H¥xÆW«C¤Ö¦~¦¨ªø¾úµ{¬ã¨s­pµe¬°¨Ò, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  301. Chih-Chieh Lee,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using spectral analysis, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  302. Chien Kao,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using coherence analysis, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  303. Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Instantaneous Phase to Stock Index Returns in a Financial Crisis, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  304. Huei-Ru Tseng. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Unique Batch Authentication Protocol for Vehicle-to-Grid Communications, the International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering(ICASE), November 2012.
  305. Tung-Hung Chueh, Kuei-Lan Chou, Nick Liu, and Huei-Ru Tseng. Effect Analysis of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Strategies in Taiwan's Transportation Sector, the 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications(ITST), November 2012.
  306. Andy An-Kai Jeng,Chien Chen, Rong-Hong Jan, Wai-Yee Fong, and Huei-Ru Tseng. VIP:Video-assisted Inter-vehicle Positioning System, the 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications(ITST), November 2012.
  307. Huei-Ru Tseng. A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Communication Protocol for V2G Networks, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC), April 2012.
  308. Kao, L. & Sang, T. The Study on the Behavior of Business Tax Management and Earning Mangement in Taiwan: Application of Panel Data., 2012 Annual Conference of Public Finance Association, December 2012.
  309. Kao, L. & Sang, T.. The Exploratory Study on the Behavior of Business Tax Management and its Relations with Earning Management., 2012 FAMT Annual Meeting, 2012.
  310. Kuo-Ho Su¡BFeng-Li Lian¡BChan-Yun Yang. Navigation design with svm path planning and fuzzy-based path tracking for wheeled agent, In Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, November 2012.
  311. ¸ó°ê«¬¨ÑÀ³Ã쪺µû»ù, 2012¦æ¬°°]°È¾Çº[°ê»Úª÷¿Ä¥«³õ²z½×»P¹êÃÒ¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  312. ÀH¾÷¶×²v¤U¨ÑÀ³Ã쪺µû»ù¡G¹ê½è¿ï¾ÜÅv¤ÀªRªk, 2012¨È¬w°]°È¾Ç·|º[»OÆW°]°Èª÷¿Ä¾Ç·|Áp®u°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  313. Tai-Hsi Wu, Yueh-Min Lee. A Genetic Algorithm for Nurse Rostering Problem, International Conference on Information and Management, 2012.
  314. ³\¥É³·¡C¸V¬y·P¬Ì±¡¹ï°ê¤º¹A·~¸gÀÙ¼vÅT¤§¼ÒÀÀ¤ÀªR, 2012¹A·~¸gÀپdzN¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  315. ³¯¬Õ§g¡B³\¥É³·¡C¹w´ú¼Ò¦¡¥Î©óµ²ºc§ïÅܤ§®É¶¡¼Æ¦C¸ê®Æªº¤ñ¸û¤ÀªR, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»²¤¯¤j¾Ç, June 2012.
  316. Yu-Lan Chien, Esher Hsu, and Ching-Han Lin. Economic Impact of Climate Change and Major Input changes on Rice and Corn Industries, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»²¤¯¤j¾Ç, June 2012.
  317. ¤ý¯¬¤T¡B§õ¿P¯ø¡C²£«~¥«³õÄvª§¡B¤º³¡¤H¥æ©ö»PªÑ²¼¥«³õ®Ä²v¤§Ãö«Y¬ã¨s, 2012°ÓºÞ»P¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  318. Fan, K., Chen, A. S., Xu, H., Liao, Z.. Development of 3D virtual reality training platform for creativity teaching., PDWs of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM)., August 2012.
  319. 9. Chiao, Y., Chen, A. S., Huang, C., & Hsu, S.. Does bribery work? The effect of bribery and corruption on MNC¡¦s performance., 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 2012.
  320. Chia-Wu Lu. Earnings Quality, Risk-taking and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan, 2012 International Conference on Financial Theory, pp. 27~28, 2012.
  321. Jie-Shi Weng, Yi-Ting Tsai, Jin-Tsong Hwang. 3D MODEL RECONSTRUCTION AND ACCURACY ASSESSMENT: A CASE STUDY ON PHOTOSYNTH, The 33rd Asian Conference On Remote Sensing, November 2012.
  322. Kuan-Tsung Chang; F. G. Yiu; J. T. Hwang; Y. X. Lin. Accuracy assessment of Land Use Classification using hybrid methods,SPIE Proceedings, Land Surface Remote Sensing,8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing, October 2012.
  323. Esher Hsu, Wolfgang Wolf. A Simulation of the Impact from Fluctuation of World Grain Prices on Agricultural Sector in Taiwan, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»²¤¯¤j¾Ç, June 2012.
  324. §õ¬ü§ö¡B³¯«Â§Ê¡C¨È¬w¥D­n«°¥«¤§©Ð»ù»PÁ`Åé¦]¯À, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  325. ¬x­§²[¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C´M¨D³sÄò«¬¶EÂ_¸Õ¾¯¤§°Ñ¼ÆROC¦±½uªº³Ì¾AªùÂe­È, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012¶i°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  326. ù¶®µ®¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C§Q¥Î¦³§Ç­­¨î©Ê±À½×¤§¬ÛÃö¤èªk½Õ¾ãROC¦±½u¤U­±¿n, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012¶i°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  327. ªL©w­»¡B¹ù°ö¬À¡C¥H¼ç¦b¦¨ªø¼Ò¦¡±´°Q«C¤Ö¦~°·±d»P§Ö¼Ö·Pªø´Á°lÂܸê®Æ, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  328. ¾Hµú¦Ë¡B½²Ìɾå¡BªL©w­»¡C¹s»P³ü¿±µÈ¤R¥ËªQ°jÂk¼Ò«¬¤§¬ã¨s, ²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  329. Tsair-chuan Lin and Daniel W. Law. A Study of the Effects of the Credit Crisis on the Shanghai Composite Index Using the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Academic and Business Research Institute, January 2012.
  330. ½²¨Ì®x, ¶Àª÷Áo¡CUAV¯è©ç¼v¹³ÂI¶³²£¥ÍDSM¤§¬ã¨s, ²Ä31©¡´ú¶q¤ÎªÅ¶¡¸ê°T¬ã°Q·|, September 2012.
  331. Jin-Tsong Hwang, Jie-Shi Weng, Yi-Ting Tsai. 3D MODELING AND ACCURACY ASSESSMENT- A CASE STUDY OF PHOTOSYNTH, The 20th International Conference on Geoinformatics, June 2012.
  332. CF Jeff Lin. ¥þ²y©ÊÁ{§É¸ÕÅ窺ºî¦X±´°Q, ¥þ²y©ÊÁ{§É¸ÕÅ窺ºî¦X±´°Q, June 2012.
  333. Hwang YT, Wang CC, Tseng YK, Wang CH and Chang YJ. The joint model for the binary outcome and multiple repeated measures ¡V an application to predict orthostatic hypertension for subacute stroke patients, ²Ä¤K©¡®ü®l¨â©¤²Î­p»P·§²v¬ã°Q·|, July 2012.
  334. Mei-Chen Lin . How Well Do TAIEX Futures Traders Learn From Their Trading Activities?, WEAI 87th Annual Conference, 2012.
  335. ¿½§gæP, ªL¬ü¬Ã¡C¨é°Ó§ë¸ê«Øij§Q¯q½Ä¬ð«ü¼Æ»P¤@­P©Êµ{«×¤§±´°Q, ²Ä¤»©¡°ê»Ú¶T©ö»P¥ø·~¸gÀç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  336. ±ä®Ñ»Ê,³\¤å¨q,°ª©ú«°¡C°·±dºÞ²z¤¤¤ß, ¸ê°TºÞ²z¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  337. ³\¤å¨q,±ä®Ñ»Ê¡C¥xÆW²£·~¦p¦ó±q¥N¤u§x¹Ò¤¤¬ð³ò, ¥ø·~¸gÀçºÞ²z¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  338. Huei-Ru Tseng. On the Security of a Unique Batch Authentication Protocol for Vehicla-to-Grid Communications, the 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications(ITST), October 2012.
  339. Huwi-Ru Tseng, Shu-Kang Tseng,Tzu-Hsiang Su, and Po-Chun Kang. Design and Implrmentation of WAVE/DSRC Payment Systems, the 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications(ITST), November 2012.
  340. Huei-Ru Tseng. A Robust Aggregated Message Authentication Protocol for Vehicle-to-Grid Networks, the 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, October 2012.
  341. Sang, T. & Kao, L. The Impact of the Implementation of the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act on the Capital Market., 2012 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, 2012.
  342. Sang, T. & Kao, L. The Impact of the Implementation of the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act on the Capital Market., Asian FA and TFA 2012 Joint International Conference, April 2012.
  343. §dÂz¯Â¡BªL«H§Ó¡BÁ¾å¼z¡CªÀ°Ï¤¤¤p¾Ç»P¤j¾Ç¹Ù¦ñÃö«Y¸gÀ礧ªA°È¾Ç²ß½Òµ{¦¨®Äªì±´, 2012¥þ²y±Ð¨|½×¾Â¡G±Ð¨|¸gÀç»P¾Ç®Õ®Ä¯à°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  344. ¤ý´º´¼¡CDejima as an Imaginary Homeland:The Imag(i)nation of Gaijin in David Mitchell's The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, ²Ä¤K©¡®ü´ä«°¥«°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|¡uªF¨È¥æ¬y°éªººc«ä©M®ü´ä«°¥«ªº¸gÅç¡v, December 2012.
  345. ¤ý´º´¼¡CEncountering the Strangers within: The Liquid Stranger in Hari Kunzru's The Impressionist, The Third Asian Confernece on Arts & Humanities: Encounters and Exchanges, April 2012.
  346. ³\¯\ÄÉ¡C¡q ½×¡m¥É­ë·A¡n¹q¼v¼@¥»ªºÃÀ³Nºc«ä¡r, ¥Õ¥ý«iªº¤å¾Ç»P¤å¤Æ¹ê½îº[¨â©¤ÃÀ³N¦X§@°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  347. ¤ý¥@õÑ¡B½²´¼µo¡C°±¨®¶O»P¹D¸ô¾ÖÀ½µ|¤§¤ÀªR, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê³£¥«­pµe¾Ç·|¡B°Ï°ì¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¡B¦a°Ïµo®i¾Ç·|¡B¦í¦v¾Ç·|2012Áp¦X¦~·|º[½×¤å¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  348. ³¯ºÑ綉¡B½²´¼µo¡B°¨µú¤ß¡C¥xÆW°Ï°ì®t²§¤§¤ÀªR, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤°]¸g»P°Ó¾Ç¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  349. Tsai, Jyh-Fa. Agglomeration and public goods with spillovers., The Second Asian Seminar in Regional Science, September 2012.
  350. «\¬üÁø¡C¡q¬q¥Éµô¥HÁn¬°¸q»¡»PµØ»y±Ð¾Ç¡Ð°V¡u¤À­I¡v¬°¨Ò¡r, ¡u²Ä¤G©¡¨â©¤µØ¤å±Ð®v½×¾Â¡v, August 2012.
  351. ©x¾åÁ¨¡C¥[®³¤j¦ñ«Qªk¥ßªk¸gÅç¹ï¥xÆW¦ñ«Q·ù¤§±Ò¥Ü, ¨­¤Àªk·í¥NijÃD»P¬D¾Ô¢wµ{§Ç»P¹êÅé¡B²z½×»P¹ê½î, January 2012.
  352. Yu-Wei Chu¡BChih-Hua Tai¡BMing-Syan Chen¡BPhilip S. Yu . Privacy-preserving SimRank over Distributed Information Network, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'12), December 2012.
  353. ®]·ì­s¡B½²´¼µo¡C¨a®`»P¥Í¬¡«~½è, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê³£¥«­pµe¾Ç·|¡B°Ï°ì¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¡B¦a°Ïµo®i¾Ç·|¡B¦í¦v¾Ç·|2012Áp¦X¦~·|º[½×¤å¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  354. ¬x°·ºa¡CªÅ¶¡¤å¤Æ·N¶Hªº­«¶ì¡X¡X¤G¤Q¥@¬ö«e´Á¥~¨Ó´Þ¥Á¶Õ¤OÂX±i¤Uªº¤T®l¤j°\ªÀ°ì, ¨p¥ß»²¤¯¤j¾Ç¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t¥D¿ì¡u²Ä¤K©¡¤å¤Æ¥æ¬y¥v¡G¡y¸ó¶V¤å¤Æ¡G¥Í¬¡¡B¤u§@¤Î»y¨¥¡z°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡v, November 2012.
  355. ¬x°·ºa¡C·s¥_¥««È®a¾ú¥v¬ã¨sªº¦^ÅU»P®i±æ, ·s¥_¥«¬F©²«È®a¨Æ°È§½¥D¿ì¡B°ê¥ß»OÆW¤j¾Ç«È®a¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß©Ó¿ì¡u·s¥_¥««È®a¤§¦^ÅU»P«e¤½×¾Â¡v, December 2012.
  356. ¿à½å©v¡C107¤¤°ê­õ¾Ç»P¸àÄÀ¾Ç: ¥H¤Ñ¥x¦ò¾Ç»P®ü¼w®æº¸¬°¨Ò, µØªF®v½d¤j¾Ç­õ¾Ç¨t¥D¿ì¡A·|ij¥DÃD¡§¤¤¦è¾Ç³Nµø³¥¤Uªº¸àÄÀ¾Ç¡X¡X¬ö©À¦÷¹FÀqº¸³u¥@10©P¦~°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡¨, 2012.
  357. ¿à½å©v¡C106 ¾å¶³ªk®vªº¹Ò±Ð«ä·Q»PªF¦è¤è¤å¤Æ·¾³q¡A2012¦~8¤ë , ¡§¬ö©À¾å¶³¾É®v¦Ê·³½Ï¨°¡G²Ä¤Q¥|©¡°ê»Ú¦ò±Ð±Ð¨|¤å¤Æ¬ã°Q·|¡¨, August 2012.
  358. Chen, W.W., Weng, C.B., ,Sheu, J.J. . Tobacco Prevention via Online Teacher Continuing Education Program in Florida, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, October 2012.
  359. Wang, Pin. The Demented Self in Public and Private: An Ethnography in Adult Day Care Centers in Taiwan, The Gerontological Society of America's 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, November 2012.
  360. Weng, C.B., Sheu, J.J., Chen , W.W., Pigg, R.M., James, D. and Huang, I.C. Adolescent's Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors and Associated Substance Use, Suicidality, Multiple Sexual Partners, and Violence, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, October 2012.
  361. Sheu, J.J., Chen , W.W., Weng, C.B. . Outcome Evaluation of Tobacco Prevention via Online innovative Teacher Continuing Education Program in Florida. , American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, October 2012.
  362. Weng, C.B., Sheu, J.J., Chen , W.W., Pigg, R.M., James, D. and Huang, I.C. Risk Factors of Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors among High School Students , 2012 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Convention and Exposition, March 2012.
  363. Yi-Hong Yang¡BPo-Ning Chen¡BPeng-Hua Wang. Two-pass color interpolation for color filter array, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), July 2012.
  364. ¤ý«~¡C¦Ñ¦~¾Çªº¡y¦¸¾Çªù¡z°ÝÃD¤Î»PÂåÀø¤HÃþ¾Çªº¹ï¸Ü, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ÂåÀø¤HÃþ¾Ç¬ã¨s¸s, March 2012.
  365. Jing-Ming Guo¡BYun-Fu Liu¡BBo-Syun Lai¡BPeng-Hua Wang¡BJiann-Der Lee. Classified-Filter-based Post-Compensation Interpolation for Color Filter Array demosaicing, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2012.
  366. Wang, Pin. Care or cash? Taiwan¡¦s long-term care in crossroads, The 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) , November 2012.
  367. ´åµÏ¼w¡BªL¨|æJ¡B§Å¬X梡C½Æ¦X«¬¤£°Ê²£¶}µo³Ì°ª³Ì¨Î¨Ï¥Î·§©À¼Ò½k©Ê¤§¬ã¨s, 2012³£­p¡B°Ï°ì¡B¦í¦v¡B¦a°Ïµo®i¾Ç·|Áp¦X¦~·|º[½×¤å¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  368. ³¯ªâ­d¡CªÀ·|«O»Ùªº©Ê§O®t²§, µoªí©ó¡u®ü®l¨â©¤¹A§øªÀ·|«O»Ù¬ã°Q·|¡v, December 2012.
  369. Fen-ling Chen. The Changing Attitude towards Children and Elderly Arrangement after Financial Crisis - A Comparison Study of Taiwan and South Korea, Presented at Joint East Asian Social Policy Research Network (EASP) and United Kingdom Social Policy Association (SPA) Annual Conference 2012, July 2012.
  370. ¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡C2012¦~Á`²Î¿ïÁ|¿ï¥Á§ë²¼§à¾Ü¡G©Ê§O¡B­Ô¿ï¤H¦]¯À»P¬FÄÒ°¾¦nªºÆ[ÂI, 2012¦~¡u»OÆW¿ïÁ|»P¥Á¥D¤Æ½Õ¬d¡v°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  371. ¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡B³¢¬F»¨¡C±q´CÅé»P°ê®aÃö«Y¸ÑªR´CÅé°õ·Ó¬Fµ¦, 2012¦~¤¤µØ¶Ç¼½¾Ç·|¦~·|, July 2012.
  372. ¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡B±iºÖ«Ø¡C¤½¥­¦Ó¦h¤¸ªº´CÅé¡H»OÆW¥Á²³ªº»{ª¾, ¡u¤½¥Á·NÃÑ»PªÀ·|¥¿¸q¡v¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  373. ©P¨|¤¯¡B¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡B¾¤®aºû¡CÁ`²Î¥ß©e¦X¨Ö¿ïÁ|¹ï§Ú°ê¾Ë¬FÅé¨î¹B§@¤§¼vÅT, ²Ä¤T©¡¥bÁ`²Î¨î»P¥Á¥D¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  374. ©PÝh¼_¡B¶À¥É¨q¡B®]Åt½å ¡C´CÅé¾\Å¥»P¬FÄÒ¨ú¦V¹ïĵ¬Fº¡·N«×¤§¼vÅT , 2012¦~ĵ¹î¬Fµ¦¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|101¦~5¤ë22¤é , May 2012.
  375. §õºa¯Ñ¡C¦D¨Æ¼f§Pµ{§Ç¤¤¼Æ¦ìÃÒ¾ÚªºÃÒ¾Ú¯à¤O--¥H¶Ç»Dªk«h¤ÎÅç¯uµ{§Ç¬°¥D, 60¶g¦~°|¼y°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  376. ¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡C¥_ÂÅ«nºñ¡G«È®a±Ú¸s¬FÄÒ°¾¦n¤§¬ã¨s, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç«È®a¤å¤Æ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  377. ¶ÀÄõ媖¡C¦b¦D¨Æ¥qªk¨î«×¤¤ªº­×´_¦¡¥¿¸q»P¥Ç¸o³Q®`¤H«OÅ@¤§Ãö³s, ¥Ç¸o³Q®`¤H«OÅ@¬Fµ¦¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  378. Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai. A Two-Sided Market Analysis on Media Bias, The Association for Public Economic Theory 13th Annual Conference, June 2012.
  379. Siu, Wai-Sum., Lin, Tingling., Fang, Wanchang, Lo, Eric, and Chen, Ching-I. Marketing-related Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions in Collectivistic Societies: A Comparison of Japan and Taiwan, Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, July 2012.
  380. Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai. Where to Locate in a Circular City with a Foreign Market?, 2012¥þ²y¸gÀÙµo®i¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, October 2012.
  381. Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai. Physical Stores vs. an Internet Store in Urban and Rural Areas, 2012²Ä¥|©¡ºô¸ô»P²£·~¸gÀپǬã°Q·|, November 2012.
  382. Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai. Advertisements and Media Bias, ¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|2012¦~¦~·|, December 2012.
  383. Yu‐Sheng Lin . Overreacting to school bullying? The Preliminary Evaluation of Campus Security Report System. , The 49th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting, , 2012.
  384. ©PÝh¼_¡B§d«ä»·¡C«Dª¾¤§Á}¡A¦æ¤§±©Á}¡H¶°·|¹C¦æªk¤¤Äµ¹î¹ï¤½¦@§Q¯qª¾¦æ¤§¶¡ªºÃø³B¡]»P§d«ä»·¦XµÛ¡^ , 2012¦~ĵ¹î¬Fµ¦¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|101¦~5¤ë22¤é , May 2012.
  385. Yu‐Sheng Lin . Because she is beautiful, I should help her: Victim's physical attractiveness and police officer's responses. , The 69th American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting , 2012.
  386. ªL¨|¸t¡C¹L度¤ÏÀ³¡H¤ÏÀ³¿ð¶w¡H®Õ¦w³q³øÅQ凌¨Æ¥ó¤§ªì¨B¤ÀªR¡C , 2012 年¥Ç¸o¨¾¨î¾Ç³NÀ˵ø»P³Ð·s¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  387. Hsieh, Mei-Chen., Chen, Ching-I., and Lin, Ting-Ling.,. Female Entrepreneurial Motivation and Growth Intention: Moderating Effects of Family and Husband, Annual Paris Conference on ¡§Business and Social Sciences, July 2012.
  388. Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.. Effects of market and technological turbulence on open innovation success, The XXIII ISPIM Conference- Action for innovation: Innovating from experience, 2012.
  389. Cheng, C.. Radical service innovation: the roles of service innovation capability and open business models, The 19th International Product Development Management Conference, 2012.
  390. Shih-Ming, You. Analysis of the Weights from Different Real Estate Appraisal Approach: empirical evidence from Land Value Benchmark, 26th Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate Appraisers, Valuers and Counselors, 2012.
  391. §õÂOºÕ*¡B³¯«³½o¡C¯èªÅ¹B¿é·~¯Ç¤J¼Ú·ù±Æ©ñ¥æ©öÅé¨t¹ï¥xÆW¸gÀÙ¤§¼vÅT¤ÀªR, ¨â©¤¸`¯à´îºÒ¤§§Þ³N³Ð·s»P²£·~µo®i¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  392. D.T. Lin* and C.H. Wu. Real-Time Active Tampering Detection of Surveillance Camera and Implementation on Digital Signal Processor, IEEE International Conference on InformatIHMSP2012, July 2012.
  393. D.T. Lin* and Chang-Chieh Liu. Smart Video Condensing and High Efficientcy Video Object, CVGIP2012, August 2012.
  394. Chen, Hsiao-Chi, Yunshyong Chow and Li-Chau Wu. Imitation, Local Interaction, and Efficiency: Reappraisal, The Fourth World Congress of the Game Theory Society, July 2012.
  395. Chen, Hsiao-Chi, Tae-Woo Lee, Shi-Miin Liu, and Tsung-Chen Lee. Governments¡¦ Sequential Facilities Investments and Ports¡¦ Pricing under Service Differentiation and Demand Uncertainty, The International Association of Maritime Economists 2012, September 2012.
  396. Ponnampalam, Dino R., Ssu-Hsien Chen and Anton Ming-Zhi Gao. Incorporating a Tendering System into Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Schemes in Developing Photovoltaic Power ¡XThe Experience of Taiwan¡¦s FIT Reform, The International Conference on Clean and Green Energy (ICCGE), January 2012.
  397. ³¯«ä¥ý¡B°ª»Ê§Ó¡C¼Ú·ù¥D­n°ê®a¦A¥Í¯à·½µo¹q±À¼s¡u¯²µ|Àu´f¨î«×¡v¤§ªì±´, 2012Àô¹Òµ|»PºÒµ|¬ã°Q·|, February 2012.
  398. Liu, TC and CS Chen. Medical Expenditure after Caesarean Section, Western Economic Association International: 87th Annual Conference, 2012.
  399. Chen CS and TC Liu. The Effects of Prenatal Care Use on Birth Outcomes, Western Economic Association International: 87th Annual Conference, 2012.
  400. Sung, P.F.. What identities are Taiwanese and Chinese Students Inculcated by their History Textbooks?, Asian Conference on Social Sciences, May 2012.
  401. Puma Shen. The Proliferation and Impact of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in a Rapidly Industrializing China, American Society of Criminology , 2012.
  402. Lin, Y-C and Huang, S-L. Spatial Emergy Synthesis of the Environmental Impacts from Agricultural Production System Change ¡V A Case Study of Taiwan, Emergy Synthesis 7: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology, January 2012.
  403. Y.-P. Hsu, A. Sprintson. Opportunistic Network Coding: Competitive Analysis, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Network Coding (NETCOD), 2012.
  404. ²©ú­õ ¡C±q°¾¶m»P®z¶Õ¬Ý12¦~°ê±Ð, ¡u¤À°t»P¤½¥­¥¿¸q¡G«n³¡Æ[ÂI¡v¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  405. §õ©Ó¹Å¡B¸â¤h¼Ù¡BÂŶh¤§¡BÀ¹¬F·s¡C®ð­ÔÅܾE¤U¹A¦aÀx³Æ¾÷¨î¤§¬ãÀÀ, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¤g¦a¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  406. ½²©Éª³¡C®a¬O¡]¾A¡^¨ä©Ò¡X¥H²H¤ô¦Ñµó©P¾D¤§ºC¬¡ªì±´¦a²z¾E²¾¤§¦w¾A, 2012²Ä¤Q¤»©¡»OÆW¦a²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  407. ½²©Éª³¡C¨º®y¤s¡A¨º±øªe¡X¥H¦è¤tº¡µ§¤Uªº²H¤ô§@«~¸àÄÀ¦a¤è¤Î¨äºë¯«¤§·N¶H, §ÚªºµØÄR®q¡X¦è¤tº¡¾Ç³N½×¤åµoªíº[®y½Í·|, June 2012.
  408. Ma, KZ, TC Liu, and CS Chen. The Effects of Payment Reforms on Cesarean Section Use in Taiwan, 2012 European Conference on Health Economics, 2012.
  409. ´¿±Ó³Ç¡C¥Í¨|­·ÀI¹w¨¾»P«DÀç§Q²Õ´ªº¨¤¦â¥\¯à, 2012¦~¨â©¤ªÀ·|ºÖ§Q¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, April 2012.
  410. ¹ù¼z¯] ªL²Q®S ªL­Z¤å ±i¥|¥ß¡C ¡§The Story behind the Wider Spread between WTI and Brent :Are Crude Oil Market Globalized or Regionalized¡¨ , 4th IAEE Asian Conference Paper. Feb. 2012., September 2012.
  411. Wey, Wann-Ming*. An Integrated Approach for Planning and Designing Urban Main Street Environments, Presented at the 2012 Asia Institute of Urban Environment, AIUE Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 17-19.¡]NSC 100-2410-H-305- 061-MY2¡^, November 2012.
  412. Chen, Yupin. Children's early sensitivity of status as a factor of politeness, Experimental and Empirical Approaches to Politeness and Impoliteness, September 2012.
  413. ®}¼z©É¡C®a¼É»P©Ê«I®`¤§CEDAW ¥qªkÀ˵ø«ü¼Ð, 2012¦~²`¤Æ¥Á¥D¡A¹ê½î©Ê§O¤HÅv¡A¥H°ü¤k¤H¨­¦w¥þ¬°¤¤¤ß¡A¸¨®ÉÁp¦X°êcedaw¤½¬ù¦æ°Êµ¦²¤¬ã°Q·|, November 2012.
  414. ®}¼z©É¡C½Æ¦X¦¡ªk«ß¤H¤~°ö¨|-»O¥_¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç°|ªºÅÜ­², ²Ä¤T©¡®ü®l¨â©¤ªk¾Ç°|®Õªø½×¾Â, September 2012.
  415. ®}¼z©É¡C±q¯A¥~±B«Ã¬Ý§Ú°ê»P¬ü°êªº¤Ò©d°]²£¨î, ·R°ê¾Ç¤H¡G®Ñ¥Í³ø°êªº¨å½d-¬ö©À¥C§»¹F±Ð±Â¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  416. ³¯©úÀé ¡C¥xÆW¹A§ø¤g¦a¬¡¤Æ¤§­pµe»P¹ê½î-¹A§øªÀ°Ï¤g¦a­«¹º¤§Æ[ÂI, ³{¥Ò¤j¾Ç¥D¿ì2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¤g¦a¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  417. Wang, Chien-Ho, Chang-Ching Lin, Shu-Hui Lin and Hung-Yu Lai. A new dynamic hedging model with futures: Kalman filter error correction model, EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2012 ANNUAL MEETING, June 2012.
  418. ½²©Éª³¡CºC¬¡¤§«á? ¥H²H¤ô¦Ñµó©P¾D¤§ºC¬¡¹ê½î¬°ªì±´, 2012¤¤°ê¦a²z¾Ç·|¦~·|º[¦a²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, April 2012.
  419. ¼B¥ß¤¸¡B½Ã¸U©ú*¡C¾É¤JÁo©ú¦¨ªø­ì«h¤U³£¥«¹B¿é³W¹ºµo®iµ¦²¤¤§¬ã¨s-¥H¥x¥_±¶¹B¬°¨Ò, 2012¦~²Ä¥|©¡¥ÃÄò³£¥«»P¹A§ø¸gÀç¬ã°Q·|¡A¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¤j¾Ç¥«¬Fº[Àô¹Ò³W¹º¨t©Ò¥D¿ì¡A¥x¥_¥«¡G¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¤j¾Ç©µ¥­¤À³¡¡A¥Á°ê101¦~5¤ë26¤é, May 2012.
  420. Wey, Wann-Ming*. A Study of the Urban Built Environment Design Strategies under the Transit Oriented Development, Presented at the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 87th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 29-July 3.¡]NSC 100-2410-H-305- 061-MY2¡^, June 2012.
  421. ½Ã¸U©ú*¡B¼B¥ß¤¸¡CSmart Growth­ì«h¤U¤§¤j²³¹B¿é¾É¦Vµo®i³W¹ºµ¦²¤¬ã¨s¡Ð¥H¥x¥_±¶¹B¬°¨Ò, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê³£¥«­p¹º¾Ç·|¡B°Ï°ì¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¡B¦a°Ïµo®i¾Ç·|¡B¦í¦v¾Ç·|2012Áp¦X¦~·|º[½×¤å¬ã°Q·|½×¤å¶°¡A¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¤j¾Ç¥D¿ì¡A¥x¥_¥«¡A¥Á°ê101¦~12¤ë15¤é, December 2012.
  422. Lan, C. I. C. and Lee, C. J. . Regeneration project as the contested neoliberal urban symbol: the case of gentrifying Kwun Tong Town Centre Project under property hegemony, The 9th International Symposium and Scientific Committee of Asia Institute of Urban Environment, 2012.
  423. §õ©Ó¹Å¡B¬xÂE´¼¡B¸â¤h¼Ù¡BªLµØ¼y¡B¹ù®e¼ü¡B§d­s»ö¡C¹A§ø¥tÃþµo®i¤Tºû¼Ò¦¡¡G¤ô±è¥Ð«O¦s¤Î´_¨|ªºµû¦ôºc­±ªìÀÀ, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¤g¦a¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  424. §õ©Ó¹Å¡B§d­s»ö¡C¹A·~¦h¥\¯à©Êªº¹ê½î¡G¦æ°ÊªÌ¾É¦V¸ô®|»PªÀ·|¾Ç²ß, 2012¥xÆWªÀ·|¬ã¨s¾Ç·|¦~·|¡u¶}ªù¨£¤s¡v­±¹ï¤½¥ÁªÀ·|ªº¥Ù¬Þ¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  425. Åv§Q¯ÓºÉ²z½×»P©Ò¦³Åv¨ú±o, 2012°ê»Ú¤ñ¸û¤U§Ú°êµÛ§@Åvªk°ÝÃD¤§Á`ÀË°Q, December 2012.
  426. Chih-Tien Fan,YUE-SHAN CHANG, Wei-Jen Wang, Shyan-Ming Yuan. Execution Time Prediction Using Rough Set Theory in Hybrid Cloud, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2012), , September 2012.
  427. YUE-SHAN CHANG, Chih-Tien Fan, and Wei-Jen Wang,. RST-based dynamic resource allocation in cloud environment, 5th IET International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (U-Media 2012), August 2012.
  428. YUE-SHAN CHANG, Tong-Ying Juang, Che-Hsiang Chang, and Jing-Shyang Yen. Integrating Intelligent Agent and Ontology for Services Discovery on Cloud Environment, The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012), October 2012.
  429. ´å¾A»Ê¡C©Ð¦a¤ÀÂ÷¹ï¤£°Ê²£¦ô»ùÂ÷´²®ÄªG¤§¼vÅT, ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¦í¦v¾Ç·|2011¦~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  430. Wu, C. Y. and Lee, C. J.. Power and Collaborative Planning : WanBao Sustainable Community and Civic Environmentalism observation and reflection, 10th International Conference of The International Society for Third-Sector Research, 2012.
  431. ³¯¥É®Ñ¡BªL°·¶§¡B³\¸Ö¼ä ¡C¦¨¦~¨ü«OÅ@ºÞ§ô¤HªÀ·|¾AÀ³¼vÅT¦]¯À¤§Áa³e©Ê¤ÀªR, 2012¦~¥Ç¸o°ÝÃD»P¹ïµ¦¬ã°Q·|, 2012.
  432. Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.. Service modularity and new service advantage: A resource-based approach, Decision Sciences Institute 43th Annual Meeting, 2012.
  433. Yu-Sheng Wu,YUE-SHAN CHANG, Tong-Ying Juang, Jing-Shyang Yen. An Architecture for Video Surveillance Service based on P2P and Cloud Computing, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2012), September 2012.
  434. §õ©y¿Ã¡B½²´¼µo ¡C¤½¦@°]»P¼t°Ó»E¶°, 2009¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|½×¤å¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  435. §õ²K´I¡C°ª¥»º~<§°OµùÄÀ>°²­É¬ã¨s, ­»´ä¤¤¤å¤j¾Ç¤¤°ê»y¨¥¤Î¤å¾Ç¨t50©P¦~¨t¼y¬¡°Ê--©ÓÄ~»P©Ý·s:º~»y»y¨¥¤å¦r¾Ç°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  436. ³¯¼y·×¡C¥|¤»¦W¸q·½°_¤Î¨ä¬yÅÜ, ²Ä14©¡¡uªÀ·|»P¤å¤Æ¡v°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  437. §õ²K´I¡C°ª¥»º~¥ý¥Í¡m§°Oª`ÄÀ¡n°²­ÉºÃ¸q±´¯Á, ²Ä¤»©¡¤¤°ê¤å¦r¾Ç°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, July 2012.
  438. C. Y. Li, C. H. Chang, P. Y. Wu, W. Y. Lin, Y. P. Lin, C. Y. Chen, and H. H. Lu. Fiber Optical CATV Transport Systems Based on PM and Light Injection-Locked DFB LD as a Duplex Transceiver, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2012), 2012.
  439. §õ²K´I¡C±q°²­Éªº­µÅª±ø¥ó½Í¤åÄm¸ÑŪ, ²Ä¤T©¡¡uº~¦r»Pº~¦r±Ð¨|¡v°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  440. §õ²K´I¡C°ª¥»º~¥ý¥Í¡m禮°Oª`ÄÀ¡n°²­É¦r例­µÃýºÃ¸q¸ÕÄÀ, ¤¤°ê­µÃý¾Çº[¶À¨å¸Û¾Ç³N«ä·Q°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡B¤¤°ê­µÃý¾Ç¬ã¨s·|²Ä¤Q¤C©¡¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡Bº~»y­µÃý¾Ç²Ä¤Q¤G©¡°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  441. Chen*, Yu-Shan, and Ching-Hsun Chang. The Influences of Green Perceived Quality and Green Brand Awareness on Green Brand Equity: The Mediation Effect of Green Perceived Risk, PICMET 2012, 2012.
  442. §õ²QµØ ²³·ªÚ ¾G­õ´f ½²«Û­ë¡C¥¼¹w´Á¤ëÀ禬¡B¹w¦¬¦¬¤J»P¹s¬Õ¾lªùÂe-¥­·ÆÂà´«¼Ò«¬¤§À³¥Î, 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|¡A¤¤µØ·|­p±Ð¨|¾Ç·|º[°ê¥ß¥xÆW¤j¾Ç·|­p¾Ç¨t, December 2012.
  443. §õ²QµØ Á»ô²ø¡CÀ³­p¶µ¥Ø«ùÄò©Ê»Pí°··|­p¤§«D½u©ÊÃö«Y, 2012²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¥_°Ó½×¾Â¡V¤¤¤p¥ø·~·|­pµo®iÁͶաA°ê¥ß¥x¥_°Ó·~§Þ³N¾Ç°|·|­p¸ê°T¨t¡B·|­p°]µ|¬ã¨s©Ò, October 2012.
  444. §õ²QµØ Á»ô²ø¡CÀ³­p¶µ¥Ø«ùÄò©Ê»Pí°··|­p¤§«D½u©ÊÃö«Y, 2012·|­p²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã°Q·|¡A¤¤µØ·|­p±Ð¨|¾Ç·|º[°ê¥ß¥xÆW¤j¾Ç·|­p¾Ç¨t, December 2012.
  445. Liao K-H, Tung YH, Huang SM. Community resilience and natural hazard management, Conference Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network, 2012.
  446. µØ»y¤åº~¦r±Ð¾Ç¡X¥H¡u³¡¥ó±Ð¾Ç¡v¬°¦Ò¹î¤¤¤ß, ²Ä¤Q¥|©¡¤¤°Ï¤å¦r¾Ç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  447. Liu, Jia-Hau. T. H. Green¡¦s Idea of Eternal Consciousness and Its Relation to the Human Activity, 8th Annual Conference of the MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory (British Idealism Panel), September 2012.
  448. ´¿ÚzÖq¡C²~ªº¦A¶ì¡X¡X¶¾¦Ü¡q¤Q¥|¦æ¸Ö¤§¤G¤Q¤C¡r¸ÑŪ, ³Õ¤h¥Í½×¾Â, December 2012.
  449. T.W. Wu*, W.J. Chen, S.T. Liu, S.C. Hsu.. People Living With HIV/AIDS Virtual Service: online Peers Chat Room, AIDS 2012. XIX International AIDS Conference., 2012.
  450. ¦ó«Û°¥¡BªL«ºÄ«¡C¥H¥æ©ö¦¨¥»Æ[ÂI¤ÀªR²{¦æ¹A·~ªk¤H©Ó¨ü¯Ñ¦a¤§¨î«×, 2012¦~¤¤µØ¥Á°ê³£¥«­p¹º¾Ç·|¡B°Ï°ì¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¡B¦a°Ïµo®i¾Ç·|¡B¦í¦v¾Ç·|Áp¦X¦~·|º[½×¤å¬ã°Q·|, December 2012.
  451. ¦ó«Û°¥¡C¥ÍºA½ÄÀ»¸ÉÀv¨î«×¤§ªk¨î¤ÀªR-¥H¬ü°ê¤ôÅé¸ÉÀvªk¨î¬°¤¤¤ß, 2012¦~²Ä¤Q©¡¤g¦a¬ã¨s¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  452. ¦ó«Û°¥¡B§dªFÀM¡B¥Ûª÷©ú¡B¼B©÷¤å¡C¹A§øªÀ°Ï¤g¦a­«¹ºÂX¤j¨Ï¥Î¹A¦a¤§±´°Q, 2012¦~¹A§ø³W¹º¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, March 2012.
  453. ªLº³±j¡C°ª¤@§Ó¡mÄ´¾Ç¡n¤¤¨Ò¥y¤§Ä¶·½¦A·¹¡G±q½Ķ¨ì½×ÅGªº§Î¦¨, «ÅŪ©ó¡u¤¤°ê¤å­õ¬ã¨s©Ò³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s¤H­ûº[³X°Ý¾Ç­û¬ã¨s¦¨ªGµoªí·|¡v¡A¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¤¤°ê¤å­õ¬ã¨s©Ò, December 2012.
  454. Lin, Y. C., & Chalip, L. . Parents¡¦ Sense of Community in a Youth Sport Program, The Third International Conference on Sport and Society, July 2012.
  455. Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma¡BSimon Cheng¡BMissari, Stacy A. ¡§The Effects of Internet Use on Adolescents¡¦ First Romantic and Sexual Relationships in Taiwan.¡¨ , Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 2012.
  456. ªL²QÄÉ¡C±q¸Ñ¬ù®×¨Ò¨ÓÀ˵ø¤é¥»¤½¥ßÂå°|PFI¤§½ÒÃD»P­­¨î, ³£·|ªv²z¡B ²Ä¤T³¡ªù¡B¥ÃÄòµo®i²z½×»P¹ê°È¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, June 2012.
  457. Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. ¡§Is Altruism Transient or Impossible? Meso-Level Explanations of Religious Charity in the United States.¡¨, Annual Meetings of Eastern Sociological Association, February 2012.
  458. Chen, Hsiao-Chi, Tae-Woo Lee, Shi-Miin Liu, and Tsung-Chen Lee. Governments¡¦ Sequential Facilities Investments and Ports¡¦ Pricing under Service Differentiation and Demand Uncertainty, The International Association of Maritime Economists 2012, September 2012.
  459. Lin, Y.C.*, Huang, S.L.. Spatial emergy synthesis of the Environmental impacts from agriculture production system change, Seventh Biennial Emergy Research Conference, January 2012.
  460. ¦ó«Û°¥¡C¤£°Ê²£¥ò¤¶·~¸ê°T´¦ÅS¸q°È¤§±´°Q, 2012¦~¤£°Ê²£¥æ©öªk¨î»P¥ò¤¶¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¢w¬F¤j¦a¬F¦b¥x´_¨t¤­¤Q¶g¦~¼y¨t¦C¬ã°Q·|¢w, October 2012.
  461. ¦ó«Û°¥¡B±i±ö­^¡C¹A·~¥Î¦aÅܧ󬰫D¹A·~¨Ï¥Î»{©w¤§ªk¨î¤ÀªR-¥H¦^õXª÷ú¯Ç»P¦a»ùµ|½Ò¼x§PÂ_°ò¦¬°¤¤¤ß, 2012¦~®ü®l¨â©¤¤g¦a¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, August 2012.
  462. ¦ó«Û°¥¡C¯S©w¹A·~°Ï¤§¹A¦a«OÅ@»P¹H³W¦x¼q¦Xªk¤Æ¤§ªk¨î¤ÀªR, 2012¦~¥þ°ê¤£°Ê²£¸gÀç»PºÞ²z¹ê°È¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2012.
  463. ªLº³±j¡C®æ¨¥¡D­×Ãã¡DÃÒ¹D¢w¢w°ª¤@§Ó¡mÄ´¾Ç¡n»y¸qÃã®æ¤ÀªR, ¥H­^¤å«ÅŪ©ó¡u²Ä¤Q¤@©¡¥@¬É²Å¸¹¾Ç¤j·|¡G²Å¸¹¾Ç¥þ²y¤Æ¢w¢w¤å©ú¤§¶¡ªº¾ô¼Ù¡A«n¨Ê®v½d¤j¾Ç«n¤s±M®a¼Ó¡i¸Ó¤å¦¬¤J¡mº~¾Ç¬ã¨s¡n²Ä31¨÷²Ä3´Á¡]2013¦~9¤ë¡^¡G­¶69¡V102¡C¡j, October 2012.

¡°±M®Ñ¤Î³¹¸` Book Chapters

  1. Ming-Yan Shieh, Su-Hua Lee . Patent Enforcement in Taiwan, in: The Enforcement of Patents, Kung-Chung Liu & Reto M. Hilty eds., p. 177-210, 2012.
  2. ªL²QÄÉ¡C¤½¦@ºÞ²z, November 2012.
  3. §õ¯ÀµØ¡C°ò¦]¬ã¨s¦¨ªG¤§±M§Q«OÅ@¤ÎÅv§Q½d³ò-±q¬ü¼Ú·sªñ­Ó®×½Í°ò¦]±M§QÅv¹ï¤½¦@½Ã¥Í¤§¼vÅT¡]¸g¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò±M®Ñ¥Xª©©e­û·|¼f¬d³q¹L¡A¦¬¿ý©ó"2011¬ì§Þªk®i»Pªk«ß³W½dÂù¦~¥Z:°·±d¡B¬ì¾Ç»P¤HÅv"¡A§d¥þ®p¥D½s)¡A­¶57-129, December 2012.
  4. ³¯¤j¬°¡C¤ì³¡¤Q¤G¹º, 2012.
  5. Lily Kong, Chia-Ho, Ching and Tsu-Lung Chou. Global Cultural Cities: Arts, Space and the New Urban Landscapes in Asia, 2012.
  6. ªL¬u·½¡C§ë¸êºÞ²z»P¤ÀªR, ªìª©, August 2012.
  7. °K¥ú»ö¡C²§ºÝªº¾§¾Ç¡G§õðô¡m¤E¥¿©ö¦]¡nÄĽ×, January 2012.
  8. ½²¸t°¶¡C½×¥¼¹E¥Çªº¡u«e¼f¬d¶¥¼h¡v¡A¸ü©ó¡m¥Ì²K¶Q±Ð±Â¤C¯´µØ½Ï¯¬¹Ø½×¤å¶°¡n¡A¤W¥U¡A395¦Ü413­¶¡C, April 2012.
  9. ³¯¿A¸q¡C¼vÅT¤O¬O³q©¹¥@¬Éªºµ¡¤á, ²Ä¤@ª©, pp. 1~250, August 2012.
  10. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¼Ú¶Å¦M¾÷ªº²Ä¤@¥»®Ñ¡G¼Ú¤¸不¬O¤Ú§O¶ð, ²Ä1ª©, pp. 1~324, October 2012.
  11. §d¥ú©ú¡CÃÒ¨é¥æ©öªk½×¡A¼W­q11ª©, August 2012.
  12. §d¹Å¥Í¡Cªk«ß­Û²z±M½×, September 2012.
  13. ³¯·O¶§(¥D½s)¡C¦æ¬Fªk®×¨Òºt²ß, 2012.
  14. ·¨¹B¨q¡Bªô¥ú½÷¡C¤¤µØ¶l¬F¡X§Ö±¶¶l±HªA°È, September 2012.
  15. ®}¨|¦w¡C¦@¦P¥¿¥Ç¥»½è¤§±´¨s¢w¥H¼w°êªk¨î»P¾Ç»¡¬°®Ö¤ß¡A¦¬¿ý©ó: ¥Ì²K¶Q±Ð±Â¤C¯´µØ½Ï¯¬¹Ø½×¤å¶°(¤W¥U)¡A­¶485-506¡@, April 2012.
  16. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¦X§@ª÷¿Ä½×¤å¿è¡X¤j¾Ç³¡Á¿¸q¥Î®Ñ, October 2012.
  17. ªL°ê´É¡BÁú¤j½Ã¡B³\㤪¡B½²Ã£«ºµ¥¡C101¦~«×»²¾É»{ÃÒ¤§¤ô°ì±Ï¥Í¹ÎÅ鸨¹ê±Ï¥Í­ûÀË©w±ÂÃÒ¡B³Xµø»PºÞ²z¨î«×³Xµø³ø§i®Ñ , 2012.
  18. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¦X§@¸gÀٽפå¿è¡X¤j¾Ç³¡Á¿¸q¥Î®Ñ, October 2012.
  19. ±i¥ò©¨¡B½²«Û­ë¡B¼B±Ò¸s¡BÁ§´I¤«¡C¤¤¯Å·|­p¾Ç(¤W), ªìª©, 2012.
  20. ´¿²Q·ìµ¥¦h¤HµÛ§@½×¤å¶°¡C¡uÂåÀø¤HÅv»PÂåÀø¦w¥þ¡v¡A¥Á¥Dªkªv»P¤HÅv«O»Ù¡G½²¼[»Ê±Ð±Â¤K¯´µØ½Ï¯¬¹Ø½×¤å¶°, February 2012.
  21. ´¿²Q·ì¡C¹Ï¸Ñª¾ÃѤ»ªk¡Ð¦Dªk¡ÐÁ`«h½s, July 2012.
  22. Yi-Cheng Ho and Jenn-Shyong Kuo . Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Policy in Taiwan, Low-Carbon Policy and Development in Taiwan, pp. 1~24, 2012.
  23. §d¹Å¥Í¡C°ê»ÚÀô¹Òªk±M½×, November 2012.
  24. ¾G¶h­õ¡CÂå¯f¹ï¸Ü¡DÂåªk¹ï¸Ü¢w¢w±q¡uÂåªk¹ï¡y·F¡z¡v¨«¦V¡uÂåªk¹ï¡y¸Ü¡z¡v, December 2012.
  25. ¼ï¼C¾W¡B­J¨È²y¡B³\¤h«Æ¡B§f¤Ó­¦¡BÃQ¤jØg¡B³\¬F½å¡B¼B©ú¥Í¡B³¹µ{(±i½Ã¥­)¡B­ð¤O¡B±i¤å­§¡B¤ý¨È·s¡B¨H«a§D¡B¤ýºÖµØ¡B«¸¥@©ú¡B¸³¤Ö¿Ñ¡B¼B§»®¦¡B½²«Û±Ó¡B½²­i¡B¤ý¬x«G¡B§d±q©PµÛ¡C¸ó¥@¬ö¨â©¤¥Á¨Æµ{§Çªk¾Ç¤§·sµø³¥, July 2012.
  26. §d³·§D¡C¥þ²y¥D­nªÑ¥«¤§¥~·¸®ÄªG-¥H¥~·¸«ü¼Æ¬°¿Å¶q¤èªk, ¥þ²y¥D­nªÑ¥«¤§¥~·¸®ÄªG-¥H¥~·¸«ü¼Æ¬°¿Å¶q¤èªk, December 2012.
  27. ³\㤪¡B½²Ã£«ºµ¥¡C101¦~´åªa¹B°Ê¬Fµ¦»P¤ô°ì¹B°Ê¦w¥þ¤§²{ªp¬ã¨s³ø§i®Ñ, 2012.
  28. ¼B²»¿Q ¡C°ê»Ú¥ø·~ºÞ²z¡G²z½×»P¹ê»Ú(¤Gª©­×­q), ²Ä2ª©, pp. 1~460, 2012.
  29. ¼B²»¿Q ¡C°]°È ®É¶¡ §Ç¦C ¼Ò«¬ garch ¼Ò«¬ ±M½×, ²Ä1ª©, pp. 1~486, October 2012.
  30. ¥j¥Ã¹Å¡B·¨³·Äõ½sĶ¡C¥ø·~¬ã¨s¤èªk, ²Ä11ª©, 2012.
  31. ³¯¤j¬°¡C³Ì¦~»´ªºÄQÅï¢w¢w°¨µØ¤å¾Ç¦b¥xÆW¡]1963-2012¡^ , 2012.
  32. Yean-Fu Wen and Wanjiun Liao. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences (LNICS), Resource Allocation with Minimum End-to-End Delay Differential Consideration in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks, vol.74, pp. 115~130, 2012.
  33. ³\²Q±Ó¡CThe Chinese version of ¡§Insights into IFRS¡¨¡]Part II¡^, 2012.
  34. Ĭ¶¯¸q¡C¨ÑÀ³ÃìºÞ²z ¡Ð ­ì²z¡Bµ{§Ç»P¹ê°È, ²Ä¤Gª©, January 2012.
  35. 1. §õ¦³¦¨ 2. ¤ý´º´¼¡CChaos and Fear in Contemporary British Literature, June 2012.
  36. ¦¶©s®x¡C¡m¸Ö¸gªº¦h¤¸ÄÄÄÀ¡n, January 2012.
  37. ¦¶©s®x¡C¡mªñ¥N¸Ö¸g¥Õ¸ÜĶµùªº¿³°_»P¶}®i¡n, March 2012.
  38. THCI¡BCORE¡B©P¨È¥Á¡B¼Æ¦ì¤H¤å. ¤¤¤éº~¦rª¾ÃÑ®w:º~¦r¶Ç¼½»PÂX´²Æ[ÂI¡C, November 2012.
  39. ¤ý¾_¦t (Blake C.Y. Wang) . Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Agreement as Initiative of the Peace Process - Interdisciplinary Research on International Economic Law and Policy (¥H¨â©¤¸g¶T¨óij§@¬°©M¥­¶iµ{¤§ªì¨B¡Ð°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk»P°ê»Ú¬Fªv¸ó»â°ì¬ã¨s)¡A¦¬¿ý©ó¡m¬ö©À¥C§»¹F±Ð±Â½×¤å¶°¡n, December 2012.
  40. ¿à½å©v¡C¡m¦p¨ÓÂû¡»P°ßÃÑ«ä·Qªº¥æ¯A¡n, June 2012.
  41. ¿à½å©v¡C¡mÀsªù¾i¥Í¿v°ò¡n, January 2012.
  42. ³¯ªâ­d¡C¦A»s¾³õªº©Ê§O¤£¥­µ¥--ªÀ·|«OÀI»P³Ò¤u°h¥ðª÷ªº©Ê§O®t²§¡C¦¬¿ý©ó³Ò©e·|³Ò¤u¦w¥þ½Ã¥Í¬ã¨s©Ò¥D½s¡A³Ò°Ê»P©Ê§O½×¤å徴¶°¡Ap.105-128¡C, October 2012.
  43. Hebenton, B., & Jou, S. . Lombroso In China. The Cesare Lombroso Handbook, 293. , 2012.
  44. ·¨´Ì¶³, ½²®¶³Í, ¼B°ó¤¯½sĶ, Thomas L. Floyd­ìµÛ. ¹q¤l¾Ç-¤U¥U, August 2012.
  45. µ£¥ì­}¡C¯S®í¨à¤Ö­Ó®×-¨­»Ù¨àµ£³B¹J¹ê¨Ò¡A¸ü©ó¥xÆW¨àµ£º[®a®x§ß§U°òª÷·|½sµÛ¡A¨àµ£¤Ö¦~«OÅ@­Ó®×¤u§@¤â¥U¡A ­¶887-901, 2012.
  46. §õÂOºÕ*¡B·¨¤lÛr¡C¡m¥i­pºâ¤@¯ë§¡¿Å¼Ò«¬¦b²£·~µo®iµû¦ô¤§À³¥Î¡n¨ä¤¤¤@³¹¡uECFA¤§¸gÀÙ¼vÅT¦Aµû¦ô¡G­n¯À²¾°Ê©Ê»P«Ê³¬ªk«h¤§±´°Q¡v, 2012.
  47. ½²Às«Oµ¥¡C¤u¤â¾Ç®Õ¡Ð¤é¥»ÇUªñ¥N«Ø¿vÇy¤äÆîÇF«Ø¿v®aÇU¨tÃСФu¾Ç°|¤j¾Ç¡A­¶1-229¡C, August 2012.
  48. ¼B±m­ë¡B³¯´Ü½å¡CSTATA°ò¦¾Þ§@»P²Î­p¼Ò«¬À³¥Î, 2012.
  49. ½²Às«O¡C¡q¤é¥»²Îªv®É¥N«á´ÁÇRÆðÆ÷Çr¥x湾§Þ³N¨ó·|ÇU³]¥ßÇOÇDÇU¨Æ·~―¥xÆW®q¤ºÇU¬ã¨s,½Õ¬d¬¡°ÊÇy¤¤¤ßÇR―¡r¡AªQ¥Ð¦N­¦½sµÛ¡m¤é¥»²Îªv®É´Á¥xÆWÇU経済ÇOªÀ会¡n¡A­¶204-226¡C, November 2012.
  50. ³¯ºa¶Ç¡C2012¥xÆW¥qªk¤HÅv«ü¼Ð½Õ¬d³ø§i, December 2012.
  51. ³¯©úÀé¡C¤g¦a­«¹º¬ã¨s-²z½×»P¹ê°È(¤@ª©), October 2012.
  52. Yeh, C.-T. and Huang, S. ¡VL. Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems, March 2012.
  53. §õ©Ó¹Å¡C¹A¦a»P¹A§øµo®i¬Fµ¦¡X·s¹A·~Åé¨îªºÂà¦V(ISBN 978-957-11-6623-0), 2012.
  54. §õ©Ó¹Å¡C»OÆW¤g¦a¬Fµ¦ªR½×¡X±q§ï­²¨ì§ë¾÷ªººÖº¸¼¯¨F(ISBN 978-957-11-6762-6), 2012.
  55. ³¯«T¥È*¡C¹B°Ê»PªÀ·|¤Æ¡]¶ÀªFªv½s¼f-·s½s¹B°ÊªÀ·|¾Ç²Ä¤C³¹¡F­¶7-1~7-24¡^(ISBN 978-986-5828-74-5), October 2012.
  56. ¼w°ê¦³­­¤½¥qªk¨îºt¶i¹ï§Ú°ê¤§­ÉÃè¡A¦¬¿ý©ó±M®Ñ¡GÃö«Y¤H¥æ©ö»P¤¤¤p¥ø·~¤½¥qªv²z, May 2012.
  57. §õ²K´I¡C§õ²K´I¡B®]¥Ã©¾¡B»¯¤¤°¶¡B¼B¶®ªâµ¥¡A¤j¾Ç°ê¤å¿ï, September 2012.
  58. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¦¨¥»ºÞ²z·|­p ²Ä¤Tª©, ²Ä3ª©, 2012.

¡°§Þ³N³ø§i»P¨ä¥L Technical reports and Others

  1. ³¯°ûµX¡C¦A±´¥xÆWªº³£¥«±Ð¨|Àu¶Õ¡G¶°ÅéªÀ·|¤Æ½×ªº¥i¯à©Ê¡C¨£Á«B¥Í¡B³Å¥õ¤î¥D½s¡A¡m¥xÆWªºªÀ·|ÅܾE1985¡ã2005¡GªÀ·|¶¥¼h»P³Ò°Ê¥«³õ(¥xÆWªÀ·|ÅܾE°ò¥»½Õ¬d¨t¦C¤T¤§3)¡A­¶143-184¡C»O¥_¡G¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªÀ·|¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012.
  2. §E«Ø§Ê¡C¡u³£¥«§ó·s¨Æ·~­pµe½T©wµ{§Ç¤§ªk¨î¤ÀªR¡X¥HÅ¥ÃÒ¨î«×¬°¤¤¤ß¡v¡A°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç¤£°Ê²£«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t¡AºÓ¤h½×¤å¡C«ü¾É±Ð±Â¡G´¿©ú»¹, 2012.
  3. ³³¥®¨ô, ¹p²Q»ö, ¼B´f¬ü¡C¾á«O¶ÅÅv¾ÌÃÒµû»ù¤§¬ã¨s Pricing of the Collateralized Debt Obilgations , July 2012.
  4. ´¿©ú»¹¡C¹w°â«Î¤£¹ê¼s§iªk¨î³W½d¤§Åv§Q«O»Ù¤è¦¡¤ÀªR¡]NSC100 -2410 -H-305-068-¡^¡A¬ì§Þ³¡¡]°ê¬ì·|¡^¬ã¨s­pµe¡C, 2012.
  5. Capital Structure Theory and Retention Policy, April 2012.
  6. ¾Hµú¦Ë¡B½²Ìɾå¡BªL©w­»¡C¹s»P³ü¿±µÈ¤R¥ËªQ°jÂk¼Ò«¬¤§¬ã¨s¡A²Ä¤G¤Q¤@©¡«n°Ï²Î­p¬ã°Q·|º[2012¦~¤¤µØ¾÷²v²Î­p¾Ç¦~·|¤Î¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡B2012¦~°ê»ÚÀ³¥Î²Î­p¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»²¤¯¤j¾Ç, June 2012.
  7. Min-Hsiao Tsai. Robust constrained discrimination design in Fourier regression model, N.S.C. Report, NSC100-2118-M-305-001, October 2012.
  8. ¤ý¾_¦t (¤l­pµe¥D«ù¤H)¡C±Ð¨|³¡¡A²{¥N¤½¥Á®Ö¤ß¯à¤O½Òµ{­pµe¡A¡u¥þ²y¤Æ¤Uªº¤½¥Áµø³¥¸ó»â°ì½Ò¸sAÃþ¾ã¦X«¬­pµe¡Ð¤l­pµe¡G·í¥N¥þ²yijÃD»P°ê»Úªk¡v (°õ¦æ´Á¶¡ 2012/08-2013/01), August 2012.
  9. ¤ý¾_¦t (¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H)¡Cªk°È³¡¡A¡u¥òµôªk¥~°ê­×¥¿ÁͶլã¨s»P­×ªk«Øij¡v(°õ¦æ´Á¶¡2012/5-2012/12), May 2012.
  10. ³¯·O¶§¡C¥qªk°|¥qªk´¼ÃÑ®wÀô¹Ò¦æ¬F¶D³^ºë¿ïµô§P¾ã²z¤u§@­pµe, 2012.
  11. ¤ý©É¤ß¡C¾á¥ô¿W¥ß¸³¨Æ, June 2012.
  12. ±i¥|©ú¡C¡m¬F©²»P«D¬F©²²Õ´¦b¨aÅܪA°È¤§¨ó¤O¦X§@¡n¡A°ê¬ì·|²Ä50©¡°ê¥~µu´Á±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe(NSC-101-2918-I-305-004)¡A2012/07-2012/09, September 2012.
  13. Idiosyncratic risk and long-run stock performance following seasoned equity offerings, October 2012.
  14. ¬h¥ß¨¥µÛ¡B¤s¤f´¼«vĶ¡A¡q§º¥N©ú¦{¡]¹çªi¡^における¡u®a±Ú¡v¬ã¨s¡X¤è¦Vと¤èªk¡r¡A¶·¦¿¶©µ¥½s¡A¡m¸Oと¦a¤è§Óのアーカイブズを±´る¡n¡AªF¨Ê¡G¨V¥j®Ñ°|¡A­¶199-262¡C, March 2012.
  15. Idiosyncratic risk and long-run stock performance following seasoned equity offerings, December 2012.
  16. Idiosyncratic risk and long-run stock performance following seasoned equity offerings, May 2012.
  17. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta. ÂŦ⭲©R¡A´­¦|±Ò¯è¡Cµoªí©ó»O¥_¥«¥ßÅé¨|¾Ç°|¡A»O¥_¡A»OÆW, June 2012.
  18. ¶À»Ê½÷¡CThe Republic of China Constitutional Court (Grand Justices Council) Reporter Interpretations No. 686, February 2012.
  19. §õ¯ÀµØ(¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H)¡]­pµe¥D«ù¤H¡G»O¤jªk¾Ç°|ù©÷µo±Ð±Â¡^¡C2012°ê»Ú¸g¶T»P¤½¦@½Ã¥Íªk律¿Ô¸ß¤Î¨Æ°È¤ä´©­pµe¡A¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H¡]­pµe¥D«ù¤H¡G»O¤jªk¾Ç°|ªL±m·ì±Ð±Â¡^¡A¦æ¬F°|½Ã¥Í¸p¡A2012¦~3¤ë¦Ü12¤ë, March 2012.
  20. ¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C¹A¥Á¾Ç°|°V½mµû®Ö¾÷¨î¤Î¹A·~¯à¤O»{©w¤§³W¹º, December 2012.
  21. §E¤¯ªB¡B·¨´Â´Ü¡BªL¬LºÑ¡C°ò©óMapReduce¶³ºÝ¤À´²¦¡¹Bºâ¤§½è¼Æ§PÂ_, March 2012.
  22. Teng Yuan Cheng, Chun I Lee, Chao Hsien Lin. Trading Discipline: Measuring and Linking it to Profitability of Retail Future Traders?, December 2012.
  23. ±i´f¯u¡B§d¸t´­¡C·P¿E¦bÃö«Y§ë¸ê¹ïÃö«YÁZ®Ä¼vÅT¤§¤¤¤¶®ÄªG-¥H¤H¤u´Ó¤ú²£·~¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  24. Hwai-Shuh Shieh, Jin-Li Hu and Her-Jiun Sheu . Going Green: Developing a Conceptual Framework for the Green Hotel Rating System, February 2012.
  25. Jyh-Huei Kuo, Jen-Wei Cheng, Shu-Ching Chang & Kuo-Ming Lu. Ethical Leadership, Work Engagement and Voice Behavior: The Moderating Role of Promotion Focus., July 2012.
  26. Teng Yuan Cheng, Chun I Lee, Chao Hsien Lin. Trading Discipline: Measuring and Linking it to Profitability of Retail Future Traders?, June 2012.
  27. Teng Yuan Cheng, Chun I Lee, Chao Hsien Lin. Trading Discipline: Measuring and Linking it to Profitability of Retail Future Traders?, December 2012.
  28. Hui-Chen Chang, Yi-Ching Tsai, Sheng-Yuan Hsu. The Effects of Relationship Destroying Factors on Customer Relationship: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Recovery, July 2012.
  29. ±i´f¯u¡B§õ¨È梡C¥»°ê¤¤¤ß¥D¸q¡B¨Ó·½°ê®ÄÀ³»Pºô¸ô¤f¸O¹ï¥~°ê´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷ÁʶR·N¹Ï¤§¼vÅT-¥Hsamsung«~µP¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  30. ±i´f¯u¡B¹ù¤å¥É¡CªA°È¸É±Ïµ¦²¤ªºª¾Ä±¤½¥­¹ïÃö«Y«ùÄòªº¼vÅT¥H¤Î¥ý«eÃö«Y»ù­Èªº¤zÂZ®ÄªG-¥HÀ\¶¼·~¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  31. ±i´f¯u¡B¾G¤å³Ç¡C«~µPÅéÅç¡B«~µP°¾¦n»PÁʶR·NÄ@Ãö«Y¤§¬ã¨s¢w¥H­^°ê¯ùTwinings ¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  32. ±i´f¯u¡B®}¸t²W¡CÃö«Y¯}Ãa¦]¯À¡BÃö«Y¸É±Ï¡BÂà´«»Ùê»PÅU«È¤ÏÀ³¤§¬ã¨s-¥H¦æ°Ê³q°T·~¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  33. Trappey,Amy J.C.,Trappey,C.V.,Amy J.C. Trappey,Charles V.Trappey,Penny H.Y.Liu,C.T.Hsiao,Jerry J.R.Ou, Kevin W.P.Chen. Location Quotient EIO-LCA Method for Carbon Emission Analysis, September 2012.
  34. C.T.Hsiao,Amy J.C. Trappey,Jerry J.R. Ou,Shin-Je Li,Kevin W.P.Chen. Benefit Evaluation of Green Transportation Policy for Penghu Low Carbon Island Development Using System Dynamics Approach, April 2012.
  35. Tsui, Steve Waicho, Jenn-Shyong Kuo and Der-Cheng Lo. ¡u101¦~«×ÂåÀøªk¤H»²¾É³Xµø¤Î°]°È³ø§i¼f¬d§@·~¡v, 2012.
  36. ³B²z°Ý¨÷¸ê®Æ¤¤¬Y¯S©w¿±µÈ­È¤§¥ËªQ°jÂk¼Ò¦¡(°ê¬ì·|101.9.21»O·|ºî¤G1010063703)], 2012.
  37. §õ¥Ã¤s¡B§õ´f¬Â¡BªL¬LºÑ¡B¸­à±«F¡CÀ³¥Î¸ê®Æ±´°É§Þ³N©ó¹H³¹«Ø¿v°ÝÃD¤§¬ã¨s¡X¥H»O¥_¥«¬°¨Ò, March 2012.
  38. ¤ý¿oÁo¡B¤ý¬î¥ú¡BªL¬LºÑ¡C´£¤ÉµL¾¸­µ¼s¼½¥\¯à, March 2012.
  39. R. Jea, H. M. Lee and J.S. Su. Time Aggreation and Statistic Data Correlation Analysis, 2012.
  40. R. Jea, T. S. Shih and H. M. Lee. Time Aggregation Effect on Regression Models, 2012.
  41. Ou, Jerry J.R., Chang, K.-B., Hsiao, C.-T.. Effects Global Energy Trends and Analysis of Energy Policy in Taiwan, July 2012.
  42. Jia-Ren Tsai. Methods of estimation and application on heteroscedastic controlled calibration models, 2012.
  43. ·¨¹B¨q¡Bªô¥ú½÷¡C¤¤µØ¶l¬F¡X§Ö±¶¶l±HªA°È, September 2012.
  44. ±i´f¯u¡B¦ó®¥¥ò¡C«~µPÅéÅç¡B¦Û§Ú·§©À¤@­P¡BÅU«Èº¡·N»P«~µP°¾¦nÃö«Y¤§¬ã¨s, 2012.
  45. ±i´f¯u¡BÁ¶ÀºÍ¡CÅU«ÈÃö«Y§ë¸ê¡B¹D¼w¾P°â¦æ¬°»PÃö«YÁZ®Ä¤§¬ã¨s-¥H»È¦æ·~¬°¨Ò, 2012.
  46. Lin, C.-Y., & Yoo, S. J.. Corporate restructuring and differences in types and modes of managers¡¦ information seeking., 2012.
  47. 6. Jyh-Huei Kuo1, Jen-Wei Cheng, Shu-Ching Chang & Kuo-Ming Lu. Ethical Leadership, Work Engagement and Voice Behavior: The Moderating Role of Promotion Focus., 2012.
  48. Jia-Ren Tsai. Hypothesis testing for the equation-error model with heteroscedastic measurement errors, 2012.
  49. À¹Þ·¦p¡B©x¾åÁ¨ ¡C¼w°ê¡Bªk°ê¤Î¥[®³¤j¦P©Ê¦ñ«Q¨î«×¤§¬ã¨s¦¨ªG³ø§i, May 2012.
  50. ³¢¬Â´f¡BÀ¹Þ·¦p¡B©x¾åÁ¨¡B«J©¨§» ¡C¦æ¬F°|³Ò¤u©e­û·|©e°U¡u³Ò°h¤Î³Ò«O¦Ñ¦~µ¹¥I©óÂ÷±B°t°¸¶¡¦p¦ó¤À°t¤§ªk¨î«×¡v¬ã¨s, December 2012.
  51. ³¢¬Â´f¡B©x¾åÁ¨ ¡CCEDAW±ø¤å³v±øÄÀ¸q, April 2012.
  52. °ª¤¯¤t¡Cµ²¹q¤O¥«³õªºÃbÂ_¡X¥H¬ü°ê¤½¥Î¨Æ·~ºÞ¨î¬Fµ¦ªk¬°¨Ò ¡iªF§d¤½ªk½×¾Â ²Ä¤T¤Q¤»¦^¡j¤½¶}ºtÁ¿¡]¥D¿ì³æ¦ì¡GªF§d¤j¾Çªk«ß¾Ç¨t¤½ªk¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡^, May 2012.
  53. ¥ª¥¿ªF»P¼B¹ÅÁ¨¡C¡qºô¸ô¬ì§Þ®É¥Nªº¥Á¥D¤Æ½ÒÃD¡r¡A¸ü©ó¡m­[²úªá­²©R®ö¼é¤Uªº·s¥@¬ö¥Á¥D¤Æ½ÒÃD»P«e´º¡G¸gÀÙµo®i¡B¸ê°T¶Ç¼½»P¬Fªv¥Á¥D¡n¡A­¶33-58¡A»O¥_¡G¤­«n¡C, December 2012.
  54. ¥D«ù¤H¡C¹d«¬¸gÀ٥Ǹoªº§Ú°ê»PG20®É¥N¤§¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s--°ê¬ì·|­pµe¡]2012.08-2014.07¡^, 2012.
  55. ¥D«ù¤H¡C¸ó¹Ò¥Ç¸o­·ÀI¦]¤l¤Î¹wĵ¾÷¨î¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s --°ê¬ì·|­pµe¡]2012.08-2014.07¡^, 2012.
  56. ¥D«ù¤H¡C¬r«~¬I¥ÎªÌ³B¹J¤Î°£¸o¤Æ¥i¦æ©Ê¤§¬ã¨s--¦æ¬F°|¬ã¨sµo®i©e­û·|©e°U­pµe , 2012.
  57. ©PÝh¼_¡C´£¤É¦U¯Å¾Ç®Õ®Õ¶é¨Æ¥ó³q³øĵ¬F¡BªÀ¬F¤Î½Ã¥Íµ¥³æ¦ì§ï¶iµ¦²¤­pµe¡C±Ð¨|³¡±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe , 2012.
  58. ©PÝh¼_¡C¨¾¨î®Õ¶éÅQ­â­Ó®×¬ã°Q·|º[®Õ¶éÅQ­â­Ó®×¬ÛÃö³B¸m½Õ¬d­pµe¡C±Ð¨|³¡±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe , 2012.
  59. ¥D«ù¤H¡Cĵ¹î¾÷Ãö³]¸m¿ý¼vºÊµø¨t²Î¹ï©ó¥Ç¸o¹w¨¾»P°»¬d¦¨®Ä¤§¬ã¨s--¤º¬F³¡Äµ¬F¸p¦D¨Æĵ¹î§½©e°U¬ã¨s³ø§i , 2012.
  60. ¥D«ù¤H¡C»O¥_¥«¬F©²Äµ¹î§½·s«Ø¸m¿ý¼vºÊµø¨t²Î¥Ç¸o¹w¨¾¦¨®Ä--»O¥_¥«¬F©²Äµ¹î§½©e°U­pµe , 2012.
  61. ¶À®Ñ§¡C101¹A¦a¸ê·½ªÅ¶¡³W¹ºÁ`ÅU°Ý«ü¾É­pµe , December 2012.
  62. ¶À®Ñ§¡C¦a¤è®ð­ÔÅܾE½Õ¾A¥Ü½d­pµe, December 2012.
  63. ¶À®Ñ§¡C¥þ²yÀô¹ÒÅܾE»P¤g¦a¨Ï¥Î§ïÅܹï¥ÍºA¨t²ÎªA°È»P³£¥«¯Ü®z«×¼vÅT¤§¬ã¨s(2/3) , August 2012.
  64. ½²¥É®S¡C¤gÄ[¦Ã¬V¾ãªv³d¥ôÄ~¨ü°ÝÃD¤§¬ã¨s(¬ì§Þ³¡¬ã¨s¦¨ªG³ø§i100-2410-H-305-063-), October 2012.
  65. ªL¹D³q¡CºÊµø¼v¹³¿@ÁY§Þ³N, ¬ì¾Ç¤H¹q¤l³ø, 2012.
  66. §º¨Øªâ¡B·¨©sÄR¡C¾Ç¬ì­I´º­«­n¶Ü¡H¤E¦~¤@³eªÀ·|»â°ìªº¬ã¨s¡C¸ü©ó±i¤¸¡B¿½¾Ð±ö¥D½s¡A¾Ç¥Í¦p¦ó¾Ç¾ú¥v--¾ú¥vªº²z¸Ñ»P¾Ç²ß°ê»Ú¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|½×¤å¶°¡]­¶175-206¡^¡C»O¥_¥«¡G»OÆW¾Ç¥Í®Ñ§½¡C, June 2012.
  67. ªL¬Â¥ú¡CªL¬Â¥ú(2012¦~9¤ë)¡C³qÃѱоǤ߱o¤À¨É¡Gª¾¦æ¦X¤@¤§¹ê½î¡X ·s¥@¬ö­µ¼Ö¨ó¦P±Ð¾Ç¤ß±o¤À¨É¡C¡u°·¦æ¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç²Ä¤­©¡±Ð¾ÇÆ[¼¯·|·|ij¤â¥U¡vµoªí¤§½×­z¡A®ç¶é°Ï¤¤Ãc¥«°·¦æ¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç¡C , 2012.
  68. ³¯«T±j¡C¡q­ð¥N¦º¦Dªº°õ¦æ¡Ð¡Ð¥H¡m¤Ñ¸t¥O¡Dº»©x¥O¡n¬°¤¤¤ß¡r¡A°ê¬ì·|©e°U¡]NSC99-2410-H-305-031-MY2¡^±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe³ø§i, October 2012.
  69. Tong-Hsuan Chang, Jerry Ting, Tsai-Hsia Hongµ¥¦@¤Q¤H . «n«Dµo©ú±M§Q¸¹½X 2011/015477. Anti-extended type 1 glycosphingolipid antibody, derivatives thereof and use, November 2012.
  70. ù¶®µ®¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C§Q¥Î¦³§Ç­­¨î©Ê±À½×¤§¬ÛÃö¤èªk½Õ¾ãROC¦±½u¤U­±¿n, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  71. ³\¥É³·¡C¹A·~©Ò±o¤ä«ù¬ÛÃö¬Fµ¦¼ÒÀÀµû¦ô¤§¬ã¨s¡A101¹A¬ì-5.1.1-¥ø-Q1(6)¡A´Á¥½³ø§i, December 2012.
  72. ³\¥É³·¡C¼Ú·ù¤Î¼w°ê¹ê¬I¹A·~¦h¥\¯àª½±µ给¥I¤§¬ã¨sº[¿ì²z°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|¡A101¹A¬ì-4.1.1-¥ø-Q1(1)¡A´Á¥½³ø§i, December 2012.
  73. §õ°Ò§g¡B³\¥É³·µ¥¡C¬ãªR®e¾¹¬y¥¬º[¶O²v»P¦^¦¬²vÀË°Q¡A´Á¥½³ø§i, 2012.
  74. ¤ý¾_¦t (¤l­pµe¥D«ù¤H)¡C±Ð¨|³¡¡A²{¥N¤½¥Á®Ö¤ß¯à¤O½Òµ{­pµe¡A¡u¥¿¸q»P¤½¥Á·NÃÑ¡G­Û²z»Pªkªv¸ó»â°ì½Ò¸sAÃþ¾ã¦X«¬­pµe¡Ð¤l­pµe¡G·í¥N¥þ²yijÃD»P°ê»Úªk¡v (°õ¦æ´Á¶¡ 2012/02-2012/7), February 2012.
  75. Sue-Fung Wang, Yi-Cheng Shih, and Yu-Yu Liu. Cash Holdings and Corporate Diversification Discount, November 2012.
  76. Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Instantaneous Phase to Stock Index Returns in a Financial Crisis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  77. ¬x­§²[¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C´M¨D³sÄò«¬¶EÂ_¸Õ¾¯¤§°Ñ¼ÆROC¦±½uªº³Ì¾AªùÂe­È, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  78. ¤ýÂEÀs¡BªL¬L§u¡CA Study of Missing Treatment for Logistic Regression with Large Portion of Missing, ·s¥_¥«¡A¥xÆW, June 2012.
  79. ªL©w­»¡B¹ù°ö¬À¡C¥H¼ç¦b¦¨ªø¼Ò¦¡±´°Q«C¤Ö¦~°·±d»P§Ö¼Ö·Pªø´Á°lÂܸê®Æ, ¥xÆW: ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  80. Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Instantaneous Phase to Stock Index Returns in a Financial Crisis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  81. Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Instantaneous Phase to Stock Index Returns in a Financial Crisis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  82. Chih-Chieh Lee,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using spectral analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  83. Chien Kao,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using coherence analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  84. Chih-Chieh Lee,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using spectral analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  85. ÁéÄR­^, ½²¦N¬F¡CThe Most Suitable Copula Pricing Model under Different Economic Conditions, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  86. Chun-yen Wu, HUI-MING PAI. A Continuity Correction for Double-barrier option, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  87. ªL©÷Þ³¡BªL©w­»¡C½u©Ê²V¦X¼Ò«¬»Pµ²ºc¤èµ{¼Ò«¬¤§¤ñ¸û-¥H¥xÆW«C¤Ö¦~¦¨ªø¾úµ{¬ã¨s­pµe¬°¨Ò, ¥xÆW: ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  88. Ĭ»ñ¸, ¹p²Q»ö¡C¶i¤f³fª«§¹µ|»ù®æ»P¥Í²£°ê§O¬ÛÃö©Ê¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, January 2012.
  89. ±i¥|©ú¡B±i¨|­õ¡B¾G´f¤å¡C¡m¤½°È¾÷Ãö¹ÎÅéÁZ®Ä«ü¼Ð«Øºc¤§¬ã¨s¡n¡A¦Ò¸Õ°|¬ã¨sµo®i©e­û·|©e°U¬ã¨s­pµe¡A2012/04/15-2012/12/31, December 2012.
  90. Nan-Cheng Su, Sheng-Mao Chang, Chung-I Li. On some study of skew-normal-uniform distribution, August 2012.
  91. Mengchen Wu, HUI-MING PAI. First Passage Time Over Two Boundaries For A Diffusion Process With Jumps, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  92. ­pµe¥D«ù¤H¡G¦V©ú®¦ ¡C101¦~«×°ê¬ì·|¬ã¨s­pµe:¡u¥H¤£¯à¤§µ¹¥I¬°¼ÐªºªÌ«´¬ùµL®Ä¡vªk«h¦s¼o¤§¬ã¨s-­Ý¬Ý«´¬ù¤£¼i¦æ¨å½d¤§²¾Âà, August 2012.
  93. Hwang YT. Joint models for longitudinal binary and survival data., San Diego, CA, USA, 2012.
  94. Hwang YT, Wang CC, Tseng YK, Wang CH and Chang YJ. The joint model for the binary outcome and multiple repeated measures ¡V an application to predict orthostatic hypertension for subacute stroke patients, Harbin, China, July 2012.
  95. ¤ý¾_¦t (¤l­pµe¥D«ù¤H)¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¬ã¨s©Ò¡A¤j³°»P´ä¿Dªk«ß¬ã¨s¸s²Õ­pµe¡A¡u¤¤°ê¤j³°»P°ê»Úªk«ß¯´§Ç¡Ð¤l­pµe(¤G)¡G¨â©¤¶T©ö±ÏÀÙªk¨î¤§¬ã¨s¡v (°õ¦æ´Á¶¡ 2012/02-2013/01), February 2012.
  96. Áé©ö­Û¡B¤ýÂEÀs¡C±Ð¨|°V½m¹ï°ê¹D«È¹Bªo¯Ó¤Î¾r¾p¦æ¬°«ü¼Ð¼vÅT¤§¬ã¨s, ·s¥_¥«¡A¥xÆW, June 2012.
  97. ¼Ú¤h¥Ð¡BªL«Ø¨j¡B³\®a±Ó¡C¥þ²y©ÊÁ{§É¸ÕÅ窺ºî¦X±´°Q, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  98. Hwang YT, Wang CC, Tseng YK, Wang CH and Chang YJ. The joint model for the binary outcome and multiple repeated measures ¡V an application to predict orthostatic hypertension for subacute stroke patients, Harbin, China, July 2012.
  99. Ĭ¨|¥c¡B¶À©É´@¡C§Y®É»E¦X酶ÃìÂê¤ÏÀ³°ò¦]ªí²{¬Û¹ï©w¶qªk¤§®Õ¥¿¤èªk¬ã¨s, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  100. ¬x­§²[¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C´M¨D³sÄò«¬¶EÂ_¸Õ¾¯¤§°Ñ¼ÆROC¦±½uªº³Ì¾AªùÂe­È, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  101. ù¶®µ®¡B¶À©É´@¡B¨L¸s¶W¡C§Q¥Î¦³§Ç­­¨î©Ê±À½×¤§¬ÛÃö¤èªk½Õ¾ãROC¦±½u¤U­±¿n, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  102. ¾Hµú¦Ë¡B½²Ìɾå¡BªL©w­»¡C¹s»P³ü¿±µÈ¤R¥ËªQ°jÂk¼Ò«¬¤§¬ã¨s, ¥xÆW: ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  103. ªLªY¼ä¡B¤ýÂEÀs¡C¯Ê¥¢¸ê®Æ³B²z¤èªk¹ï±_ª¬°jÂk¤ÀªRªº¼vÅT, ·s¥_¥«¡A¥xÆW, June 2012.
  104. Chien Kao,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using coherence analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  105. Chih-Chieh Lee,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using spectral analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  106. Chien Kao,Tsair-chuan Lin, Wei Shih and Lei S.-Y. Multivariate time series clustering using coherence analysis, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  107. ¬x¶i¿³, ®}ªv¦|, ÁéÄR­^¡CValuing collateralized Debt Obligations Using a Dynamic Implied Copula Approach, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  108. ¼ï«³²[, ÁéÄR­^, ¬Iºa¶W¡CPricing Model for Synthetic CDO Squared, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  109. ÁéÄR­^, §d¥õ­õ, Áé¨Î玘¡C»È¦æ¸ê¥»¼e®e¤Î¸õÅD­·ÀI¹ï¦s´Ú«OÀI»ù­Èªº¼vÅT, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  110. §õ©s®p¡B·Å°ûµ×¡C§Q¥Î´Á±æ¦Ê¤À¦ì¤§±ø¥ó¦Û§Ú°jÂk¼Ò«¬µû¦ô­·ÀI­È, »OÆW:·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  111. §õ¬ü§ö¡B³¯«Â§Ê¡C¨È¬w¥D­n«°¥«¤§©Ð»ù»PÁ`Åé¦]¯À, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥«, June 2012.
  112. ÁéÄR­^, ­J¤è¬X¡C°ê¤¤¥Í³QÅQ­â¦æ¬°¼vÅT¦]¯À¬ÛÃö¤§¬ã¨s, ¥xÆW : ·s¥_¥« , June 2012.
  113. Clustering by self-updating process, May 2012.
  114. Tsair-chuan Lin and Daniel W. Law. A Study of the Effects of the Credit Crisis on the Shanghai Composite Index Using the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, International Conference - Orlando USA,January 5 - 7, January 2012.
  115. ¦ó¤§ÁÚ¡C¥qªk°|¥qªk´¼ÃÑ®w100¦~«×¤½¥­¥æ©öªkºë¿ïµô§P¸ê®Æ¾ã½s, August 2012.
  116. Chen, Shu-Hua. Mortgage Lending, Housing Prices, and Fiscal and Monetary Policy(I), May 2012.
  117. Tong-Hsuan Chang, Jerry Ting, Tsai-Hsia Hongµ¥¦@¤Q¤H . ¬ü°êµo©ú±M§Q¸¹½X 8163497B2. Anti-extended type 1 glycosphingolipid antibody, derivatives thereof and use, April 2012.
  118. ´¿¤h¹F, ¹p²Q»ö¡C­Ô¿ï¤H©m¦W»P¿ïÁ|µ²ªGÃöÁp©Ê¤§±´°Q, January 2012.
  119. §d¥ú©ú¡BÁ­õ³Ó¡B¶À°·¹ü¡B½²ÄÁ¼y¡BªL¤p¥Z¡C¥H²{¦æ°Ê²£¾á«O¥æ©öªk«H°U¥e¦³¨î«×¬°°ò¦¡A«Ø¥ß¹F¨ì¯B°Ê¾á«O®Ä¥ÎÃþ¦ü¨î«×¤§¥i¦æ©Ê, February 2012.
  120. ªL«Ø¨j¡CSurvival Analysis, April 2012.
  121. ±i¥|©ú¡B¬I¯à³Ç¡B­JÀsÄË¡C¡m§Ú°ê¬F©²ÁZ®ÄºÞ²z¨î«×ÀË°Q»P³Ð·s¤§¬ã¨s¡n¡A¦æ¬F°|¬ã¦Ò·|©e°U¬ã¨s­pµe¡A2012/03/15-2012/12/16, December 2012.
  122. ¦¶¬¯æ£¡CÁZ®Äµû¦ô«ü¼Ð¯S©Ê¹ï¤½¥qÁZ®Ä¤§¼vÅT, 2012.
  123. ¦¶±Ó·V,±i¤å©÷,¤è¬Ã¬Â¡C¦X§@¨Æ·~»²¾É¾÷¨î¤§¬ã¨s, December 2012.
  124. ³¯«Û¨}(­pµe¥D«ù¤H)¡C¼w°ê¦³»ùÃҨ餽¶}¦¬Áʺ[¨ÖÁʪk¨î¾ãÅé¶iµ{»P²{¥N¤Æ¤§¬ã¨s¡A°ê¬ì·|¡A2012/8~2014/7, August 2012.
  125. ¦¿´ý´Ü¡C°ª¶¯¥«¬F©²100¦~«×¡u¦h¥Ø¼Ð¦aÄy¹Ï¥ßÅé¹Ï¸ê«Ø¸m­pµe®×¡v«áÄò±À°Ê¤èªk¤Îµ¦²¤¬ã¨s, August 2012.
  126. ¶À°·¹üĶ¡C¬ü°ê¯Ã¬ù¦{¤£°Ê²£ªk²Ä12³¹¡]New York Real Property Law- ARTICLE 12, REGISTERING TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY¡^¡A¤º¬F³¡©e°U, December 2012.
  127. ¤ý¾_¦t (­pµe¥D«ù¤H)¡C°ê¬ì·|¡A¸É§U±M®a¾ÇªÌ¥X®u°ê»Ú·|ij¡A¡u°Ñ¥[¬ü°ê°ê»Úªk¾Ç·|°ê»Ú¸gÀÙªk©e­û·|¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|(ASIL-IEcLG)µoªí½×¤å¡v¡A½s¸¹¡G101-2914-I-305-007-A1 ¡C, November 2012.
  128. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta . »OÆWªº®ü¬v¡A®ü¬vªº»OÆW?µoªí©ó°ê¥ß¤¤¥¿¤j¾Ç¡C¹Å¸q¡A»OÆW, May 2012.
  129. Chiung-Tzu Lucetta . ¥@¬É®ü¬v¤é»P»OÆW¤ô°ì¹B°Êµo®iµ¦²¤¡Cµoªí©ó»O¥_¥«¥ßÅé¨|¾Ç°|¡A»O¥_¡A»OÆW, May 2012.
  130. Lin, T.H., Min-Hsiao Tsai. Distribution of Coefficient of Scalability in Mokken Analysis¡MAustralian Statistical Conference¡MAdelaide¡MSouth Australia, July 2012.
  131. Capital Structure Theory and Retention Policy, June 2012.
  132. A Continuity Correction under Jump-Diffusion Models, June 2012.


  1. ¥þ²y¥D­nªÑ¥«¤§¥~·¸®ÄªG-¥H¥~·¸«ü¼Æ¬°¿Å¶q¤èªk, pp. 1~130, December 2012.


  1. ¦ó´É´Ü¡CTARGET2¥¢¿Å¤§­ì¦]»P¸gÀÙ²[¸q, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 241, May 2012.
  2. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¸g±`±b¡B¸ê¥»±b»PTarget2¾lÃB¤§¶i¤@¨BÆ[ÂI¡G¹ï¸ê¥»µ²ºc»P¸gÀÙºÖ§Q®ÄªG¤§µû¦ô, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 247, June 2012.
  3. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¬°¿Ä¸ê¼Ú¬w¸ê¥»±b°fÂà³y¦¨TARGET¥¢¿Å, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 251, August 2012.
  4. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¼Ú¶Å¦M¾÷ªºÃnÀI¤ÀªR, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 253, September 2012.
  5. ¦ó´É´Ü¡CTARGET2¦b¼Ú¶Å¦M¾÷ªº¨¤¦â±´°Q, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 255, September 2012.
  6. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C±q°ê»Ú¦X§@ªÀ¦~³sµ²ªÀ°Ïµo®i, ¦X§@³ø¾É, No. 78, pp. 4~7, June 2012.
  7. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C¼Ú¤¸¦M¾÷¡Ð±qECB¯µ±KÓV§x¨ì¤Q¶µ§Ù«ß¡A¤ÀªR¼w°ê¸gÀپǮaSinnªº³Ìªñ¥D±i, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 249, July 2012.
  8. ±ç¬Âµ×¡CÁp¦X°ê¡u2012°ê»Ú¦X§@ªÀ¦~¡v---¥­¥Á¦X§@¸gÀÙµo®iÁͶÕ, ·s¥@¬ö´¼®w½×¾Â, No. 60, pp. 82~84, December 2012.
  9. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¥xÆW«H¥Î¦X§@ªÀ¤§µo®i§Q°ò, «H¥Î¦X§@, No. 112, pp. 7~18, April 2012.
  10. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¾Ç®Õ«¬®ø¶O¦X§@ªÀªºªÀ·|¸gÀÙ·N¸q---¥Ñ­^¡B¥[¡B¬ü¡B¤é°ê¸gÅç±´°Q, ¦X§@³ø¾É, No. 76, pp. 2~5, January 2012.
  11. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C³q¿±¥Ø¼Ð¨î»P¼u©Ê³q¿±¥Ø¼Ð¨î¬[ºc§¡»Ý¿Ä¤Jª÷¿Äí©w¬Fµ¦, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 238, March 2012.
  12. ¦ó´É´Ü¡C­«·s«ä¦Ò¥¡¦æ¤§¬Fµ¦¤è¦V, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 243, May 2012.
  13. ¦ó´É´Ü¡CTARGET2¾lÃBªº°_·½¤Î·N¸q, ¥¡¦æ°ê»Ú³f¹ôª÷¿Ä¸ê°T²³ø, No. 240, April 2012.
  14. ±ç¬Âµ×¡C¥Í¬¡®ø¶O¦X§@ªÀ¡u²Ä¤G­Ó®a¡v©¯ºÖªº¸gÀçºÞ²z«äºû, ºñ¥D±i, March 2012.


  1. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305-074-MY3, ¡uÀô«O²Õ´Âù¤¸©Ê¤§±´°Q»PºÞ²z¡v¡A101¡B102¡B103¦~«×¤T¦~´Á¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2015/07/31, NTD$ 1,681,000.
  2. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-011-013, A Crisis or an Opportunity? Regulatory Focus as a Mediator of the Influence of Career Plateau and Employee Voice and Withdrawal Behavior, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  3. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, Uncertain Effects of Shocks: Evidence from U.S. and U.K., ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08~2013/07, NTD$ 0.
  4. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-029-009-, ¥~¸êª½±µ§ë¸ê¡B§Þ³N¥~·¸®ÄªG»P¸gÀÙ¦¨ªø, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 763,000.
  5. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC, ¦Ñ¤H®a¤º¨ü­hÄ|ÃÑ«ü¼Ð¤Î¨ä«OÅ@ºôµ¸«Øºc¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  6. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, µu³X­pµe (Áܽаê»Ú¬ì§Þ¤H¤hµu´Á³X°Ý) David H. Bayley, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  7. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, µu³X­pµe (Áܽаê»Ú¬ì§Þ¤H¤hµu´Á³X°Ý) Michael Louis Perlin, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  8. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, ¸ó¹Ò¥Ç¸o­·ÀI¦]¤l¤Î¹wĵ¾÷¨î¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 1,825,000.
  9. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, ¹d«¬¸gÀ٥Ǹoªº§Ú°ê»PG20®É¥N¤§¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 1,200,000.
  10. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, µu³X­pµe (Áܽаê»Ú¬ì§Þ¤H¤hµu´Á³X°Ý) Hanns von Hofer, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  11. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, ¤p«¬ªÀ·|ªº¦D»@Æ[¤ñ¸û¡G®¿«Â»P¥xÆW, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 347,500.
  12. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2622-E-305-001-CC3, µø°TºÊ±±¤¤±±¨t²Î¤§¶¥¼h¦¡§Ö±¶¼½©ñ¾¹(II) Hierarchical Smart Player for Video Surveillance Central Monitoring System(II), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/06/01~2013/05/31, NTD$ 0.
  13. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC101-2410-H-155-050-MY3, ªA°È³Ð·sµ¦²¤»P°õ¦æ¡G¦@³ÐÆ[ÂI¡B¬[ºc»P¹êÃҡФl­pµe¤@: ¶}©ñ¦¡°Ó·~¼Ò¦¡¤§·sªA°È¦@³Ð»P¦@»s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/08/01~2015/07/31, NTD$ 873,000.
  14. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305 -060 -, ¡D¿à½å©v¡A§º¥N¤Ñ»O¯ùÁI¤Î¨ä¹ï¤éÁúªº¼vÅT¡A°õ¦æ´Á­­¡G 101/08/01 ¡ã 102/07/31¡A­pµe½s¸¹¡G NSC 101-2410-H-305 -060 -, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¤¤°ê¤å¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 350,000.
  15. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC101-2410-H-035-049-, Àã¦a¥ÍºA½ÄÀ»¸ÉÀv¤§ªk¨î¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/08~2013/07, NTD$ 0.
  16. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2321-B-384-001, ÂåÀø¾¹§÷¸ó»â°ìµÞªÞ³Ð·s­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/01/01~2012/12/31, NTD$ 0.
  17. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2220-E-002-008, Á`­pµeº[¤l­pµe¤T¡G·Pª¾µL½u¹q¤§¶³ºÝ¥i½Õ¦¡±À½×»P¾Ç²ß®Ø¬[(3/3), ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  18. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2622-E-305-003-CC3, Zigbee·Pª¾ºô¸ô¸ê®Æ¤À¬y¤Î³Æ´©¼Ò«¬¶}µo»PÀ³¥Î©ó¥ÍÂå´O¤J¦¡ºô¸ô¨t²Î¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/11/01~2013/10/31, NTD$ 0.
  19. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2220-E-305-001, ¦æ°ÊÂåÀø·Pª¾µL½u¹q¥­¥x¡Ð¤l­pµe¤G¡G¨t²Î»P·Pª¾µL½u¹q¥­¥x¤§´C¤¶Â^¨ú±±¨î¼h³]­p(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  20. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC101-2410-H-305 -016 - , ¾÷¨®»P¨T¨®²V¦X¨®¬y¤§¾ÖÀ½©w»ù¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 823,000.
  21. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -063 -MY3 , °ê®a¬Fµ¦¡B¥þ²y¥Í²£ºôµ¸»P¬ì§Þ«°¥««Øºc¼Ò¦¡---¤W®ü¡BĬ¦{¡BµL¿üªº¤ñ¸û¤ÀªR(1/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 1,018,000.
  22. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -064 - , ¾ã¦X³£¥«§ÎºA¡B¯à·½¨Ï¥Î»P®ð­ÔÅܾE´î½wµ¦²¤¡G´ºÆ[¥ÍºA¾ÇÆ[ÂIªº¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 837,000.
  23. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -068 - , ¥_¨Ê¤å¤Æ«°¥««Øºc¡G±q¤¤°ê­º³£¨ì¥@¬É¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß¡H, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 444,000.
  24. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2628-H-305-003 , ¡u·s¡vªº³£¥«¦A¥Í¾Ô²¤: ³Ð·N«°¥«½×­zªº¤Þ¤J¡BÂà¤Æ»P¹ê½î¦b¥x¥_, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 823,000.
  25. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2621-M-305 -001 - , ¸ê¯à·½´`Àô«¬ªÀ·|¤§¥ÃÄòª«½èºÞ²z¡Ð¯à·½¬ÛÃö²£·~¥ÃÄòª«½èºÞ²zijÃD¬ã ¨s¡Ð¯à·½®Ä²v¡B±Æ©ñ±K¶°«×»P§ë¤J²£¥X¥Í©R¶g´Áµû¦ô(III), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¸ê·½ºÞ²z¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 745,000.
  26. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2625-M-305 -002 - , ¦a¤èªÀ°Ï¤ô¨a¡B©Y¦a¨a®`¦^´_¤O¤§µû¦ô»P«Øºc¡Ð¤l­pµe:ªÀ°Ï(§ø¨½)¼h¯Å¤ô¨a¨a®`¦^´_¤O¤§µû¦ô»P«Øºc(I), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤g¦a»PÀô¹Ò³W¹º¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 630,000.
  27. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-051-MY2 , ®a®x¦]¯À¹ï¤k©Ê³Ò°Ê°Ñ»Pªº¼vÅT¤Î¨äÅܾE(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 343,000.
  28. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -039 -MY3 , ¨È¬wªÀ·|ªº¥þ²y±µÄ²»P¬Û¹ï»ù­ÈÆ[(1/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 924,000.
  29. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2628-H-305-001-SS2 , ¾³õ¤k©ÊÃh¥¥¸gÅç¤Î¬ÛÃö¬Fµ¦¤§¬ã¨s(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/10/31, NTD$ 589,000.
  30. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -043 , ®a®x©MªÀ°Ï®z¶Õ¹ï¾Ç®ÕÂkÄÝ·P¤§¼vÅT¡G«C¤Ö¦~®Ñ¼g¤ÀªR¤§±´¯Á©Ê¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 320,000.
  31. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 100-2410-H-305-031-MY2 , ¦¨¥»¤£½T©w¤Î¤£¦P±Æ©ñÅv¥æ©ö¥«³õµ²ºc¤U¥|­Ó¦Ã¬V´î¶q¬Fµ¦¤§¤ÀªR»P¤ñ¸û(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 474,000.
  32. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-032-MY2 , ©Ð¶U»P©Ð»ùªº°]¬F»P³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¤ÀªR(2/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 791,000.
  33. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-036-MY2 , ·j´M¼Ò«¬¦b³æ³¡ªù¦¨ªø¼Ò«¬¤§À³¥Î(2/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 791,000.
  34. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-062-MY2 , °ò¥»¤u¸êÅܰʤ§´N·~®ÄªG: ¹ï§C¤u¸ê¤u§@ªÌ´N·~¤ñ²v¤§µ²ºcÂàÅÜÀË©w»P¿¤¥«°Ï°ì®t²§¤§¤ÀªR(2/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 931,000.
  35. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -015 - , «H©Àª[²§¤U­@¤[°]¥æ©öµ|»P»ù®æ, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 662,000.
  36. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -017 - , µ²¦X¤§¹êÃÒ¤ÀªR¡Gµ²¦X¼ÒÀÀ»P»ù®æ¦V¤W½Õº¦´ú¸Õ, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 552,000.
  37. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -053 - , ±´°Q¥xÆW¦a°Ï´º®ð¹ï¤ß¦åºÞ¯e¯f¤§¼vÅT, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 370,000.
  38. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -054 -MY3 , ®z¶Õ¥¥°üªº²£«eÀˬd§Q¥Î»P¥Í²£µ²ªG(1/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 606,000.
  39. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305 -070 - , ¨pÀ窺¸ê·½¦^¦¬¹ï¬F©²¦^¦¬¬Fµ¦ªº¼vÅT, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¸gÀپǨt, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 582,000.
  40. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -027 -MY2 , ·í»OÆW·s²¾¥Á¹J¤W¦D¨Æ¥qªk¡G³Q®`¸gÅç»P°ê®a«OÅ@¬Fµ¦ªº½è©Ê±´¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/08/01~2014/07/31, NTD$ 880,000.
  41. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -042 - , ĵ¹î¾÷Ãö³]¸m¿ý¼vºÊµø¨t²Î¹ï©ó¥Ç¸o¹w¨¾»P°»¬d¦¨®Ä¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 545,000.
  42. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-049-MY2 , ¤¤°ê·í¥N·s¸Öµo®i¥v¡]1949-2009¡^(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¤¤°ê»y¤å¾Ç¨t, 101/08/01~102/07/31, NTD$ 322,000.
  43. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -044 -MY3 , ¯Õ©w¦V¤Î¨äªù¤H¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¤¤°ê»y¤å¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~104.07.31, NTD$ 843,000.
  44. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -059 -MY2 , µ²¦X¦r¨å»P¼Æ¦ì¨åÂæb¥¿Åé¦r«O¦s»P±À¼sªº¬ã¨s»PÀ³¥Î(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¤¤°ê»y¤å¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 490,000.
  45. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -058 - , ®|¥Ñ¼sªx¾\Ūµo®i°ª¶¥­^»y¤å¯à¤O¡G«Øºc¨ÃÀËÅç¾A¥Î©ó¤j¾Ç±M°|®Õ­^»y½Òµ{¤§¼sªx¾\Ū¼Ò¦¡, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| À³¥Î¥~»y¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 500,000.
  46. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-044-MY2 , ±qªZ¤h¨ìªZ¦O¢w¥ý¯³¨âº~ªZ¤O¶¥¼hÅܾEªº¬ã¨s(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 285,000.
  47. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-050-MY3 , ¼w°ê«Âº¿¦@©M®É´Á¤H¤f«~½è»P°ê¥Á°·±d¤§°Q½×¡Ð¥H¦w¼Ö¦º´À¥N¤è®×»P°·±d®iÄý¬°¨Ò(2/3) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 446,000.
  48. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-054-MY2 , ±ß©ú²Mªìªº·í¥N¤Hª«±RªÁ»P®É½×¡G¥H©x­û±M¯¨¬°¤¤¤ßªº¦Ò¹î(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 846,000.
  49. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -032 - , ²M¥N»OÆW¤è§ÓªùÃþ¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 299,000.
  50. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -057 - , ¤¤°ê»PÁp¦X°êªº³Ð¥ß: 1940¦~¥N°ê»ÚÅé¨tªºÅܰʤΨä¦^À³, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 424,000.
  51. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -051 -MY2 , ­ð«ß¤¤ªº¡uµL¸o¡v»P¡uµL¸o¦W¡v(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 2012.08.01~2013.07.31, NTD$ 425,000.
  52. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -056 -MY2 , ³£ÅM­^®æÄõ¤H²´¤¤ªº¦è¯Z¤ú(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 451,000.
  53. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -075 - , °ê¥ß¬G®c³Õª«°|Âámº¡¤å¤jÂøg¡n»Pº¡¬w¦ò±Ð¨t¦C¤§¤@¡G®Õ°É¡B¸ÑÃD»P¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¾ú¥v¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 326,000.
  54. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-058-MY2 , ¿úÁ¾¯q¡mµ¼¶³¼Ó®Ñ¥Ø¡n·J®Õº[¬ã¨s (2/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¥j¨å¤åÄm¾Ç©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 403,000.
  55. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -045 - , ¤¤°ê¾ú¥NÂîѦL°OÀ˯Á¨t²Îº[¨ä¬ÛÃö¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ¥j¨å¤åÄm¾Ç©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 579,000.
  56. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2221-E-305-008-MY3 , RFID¦w¥þ©Ê»PÁô¨p©Ê¤§²`¤J¬ã¨s:²z½×»P¹ê§@(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 685,000.
  57. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2221-E-305-009-MY3 , ®z¤Æªº¸ÑÀH¾÷¤Æ¬ã¨s(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 568,000.
  58. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2221-E-305-001-MY3 , ¦X§@¦¡·Pª¾µL½uºô¸ô¤§¥ý¶i§Þ³N¬ã¨s-¤l­pµe¤@:¦X§@¦¡·Pª¾µL½uºô¸ô¤§¸ê®Æ³sµ²¼h§Þ³N¬ã¨s(2/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 425,000.
  59. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305-011-MY2 , Àô³õ¦¡¥þ´º¦hª«¥ó°lÂܤ§¨®¸ü¦æ°ÊºÊ±±¨t²Î(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 848,000.
  60. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -001 - , ¦b4G¼eÀW¦æ°Ê¨t²ÎÀô¹Ò¤U¡A¥H´¼¼z«¬¸Ë¸m¬°¥­¥x¤§¦æ°ÊÂX¼W¹ê¹Ò§Þ³N©MÀ³¥Î¤§±´°Q¡Ð¤l­pµe¤@¡G±´°Q¦b4G BMSÀô¹Ò¤U¶}µoSD-MAR¤§¨t²Î/³nÅé¬[ºc©M³]­p, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 770,000.
  61. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -009 - , ²V¦X¶³ºÝ¤W¨ãQoS¤§¾AÀ³©Ê±Æµ{¤Î°ÊºA¸ê·½°t¸m¹ê§@»P¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 688,000.
  62. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -010 - , ¨®¸üÀH·N¦æ°Êºô¸ô¤§©µ¿ð®É¶¡­­¨îªº¸s¼½¨ó©w³]­p»P¹ê§@, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 672,000.
  63. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-007-MY2 , ´Ó°ò©ó¸£ªi¤ÀªR»Pªí±¡¿ëÃѪº¼s§i¬ã¨s¥i¦æ©Ê±´¯Á¡G­I´º­µ¼Ö»P®£Ä߶D¨Dªº±¡ºü¤ÏÀ³, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¸ê°TºÞ²z©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 523,000.
  64. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2221-E-305 -008 - , ¶³ºÝºô¸ô¤§¸`¯à¤ÀªR»P±Æµ{ºtºâªk³]­p, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°|, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 573,000.
  65. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC101-2410-H-305-004- , ¥DÃD¤Æ»Pºô¸ô¦æ¾P¦b¤å¤Æ³Ð·N¶é°ÏÀɮפΨä¸ê°T¨t²Îªº¨Ï¥Î¤¤©Ò§êºtªºÃöÁ䨤¦â, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| °ê»Ú¥ø·~¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 342,000.
  66. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -013 - , ªÑ¡B¶×¥««D½u©Ê¤¬°Ê¡B¤£¹ïºÙªi°Ê¥­·ÆÂà´«»Pªi°Ê¥~·¸®ÄªG¡GSTVEC DCC -STGARCH¼Ò«¬¤§À³¥Î¤Î·s¿³»P¤w¶}µo°ê®a¤§­Ó®×, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| °ê»Ú¥ø·~¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 425,000.
  67. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 100-2410-H-305-038-MY3 , ¶Ç¼½´C¤¶¹ï¥xÆW¥Á²³¬Fªv¤ä«ùªº¼vÅT¡GµJÂI¹ÎÅé¡B½Õ¬d¬ã¨s»P¤º®e¤ÀªR¤§¹B¥Î (2/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 261,000.
  68. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-074-MY3 , ¥´¶}¦æ¬F¾÷ÃöÁZ®Ä¸ê°T²£¥X»P¹B¥Î¦æ¬°ªº¶Â²°¤l:¦æ¬F°|²Õ´§ï³y«e«á¤§°lÂܤñ¸û(2/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 628,000.
  69. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -019 -MY2 , ¦MÀIª«½è­«¤j¨Æ¬G¤§¹w¨¾¡Bºò«æÀ³ÅÜ»P¸ê°T¤½¶}(¨Ì101.09.23®Õ¤ºÃ±¤åÅܧó¬y¥Î¡A¥Ñ¯Ó§÷¤ÎÂø¶µ¶O¥Î¬y¤J12,000¤¸¦Ü¬ã¨s¤H¤O¶O), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 211,000.
  70. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -046 -MY2 , ¿¤¥«Ä³­û«Øij´Úªº¤À°t¡G»OªF¿¤ªº¹êÃÒ¤ÀªR(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 421,000.
  71. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -048 -MY2 , §Ú°ê»P¤é¥»¦a¤è¬F©²»P«DÀç§Q²Õ´¨ó¤Oªº²{ªp¡B¦¨ªG»P½ÒÃD¡G¥H¥x¥_¥«©MªF¨Ê³£ ¬°¨Ò(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 398,000.
  72. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-003- , °·±dª¬ªp¹ï°h¥ð¹w´Á¤§¼vÅT , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| °]¬F¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 514,000.
  73. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -014 - , ¥X¤f¤º²[®t²§¤§¸gÀÙ¦¨ªø®ÄªG, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| °]¬F¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 485,000.
  74. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -055 -MY3 , ­å¸¡²£«á¥Í²£¤è¦¡¿ï¾Ü(1/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| °]¬F¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 914,000.
  75. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-019-MY2 , °ê»Ú¨pªk¤§¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s¡G­­¨îÄvª§»P¤£¤½¥­Ävª§(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 308,000.
  76. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-059-MY3 , «Ø¸m§Ú°ê¼o±óª«ºÞ²z³W½dÅé¨t¡Ð±q¬ü°ê³W½dÅé¨t»Pªk°|§P¨M¤ÀªR¥Xµo (2/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 375,000.
  77. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -023 -MY2 , ¼w°ê¦³»ùÃҨ餽¶}¦¬Áʺ[¨ÖÁʪk¨î¾ãÅé¶iµ{»P²{¥N¤Æ¤§¬ã¨s(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 490,000.
  78. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -026 -MY2 , GPS ¤Î¦æ°Ê¹q¸Ü©w¦ì°lÂÜ»P¥Ç¸o°»¬d¤§¬ã¨s(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 478,000.
  79. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -050 -MY2 , §Ú°ê±M§QÅv«I®`¤§½ßÀv³d¥ôªk¨îÀË°Q(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 2012/08~2013/07, NTD$ 0.
  80. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -020 - , ¦æ¬F¶D³^­«·s¼f²z¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 442,000.
  81. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -022 - , Ãö©óª÷¿Ä®ø¶OªÌ«OÅ@¤§¹êÃÒ¤ñ¸û¬ã¨s-ª÷¿Ä®ø¶OªÌ«OÅ@ªk¨î­q¤§·N¸q¡B¼vÅT»P®i±æ, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 301,000.
  82. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2918-I-305-003, 101¦~(²Ä50©¡)¡u¸É§U¬ì¾Ç»P§Þ³N¤H­û°ê¥~µu´Á¬ã¨s¡v, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 101.02.01~101.07.31, NTD$ 354,000.
  83. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-492-001-, ¬ì§Þ­pµe³W¹º¯à¤O¤§°V½m¦¨®Äµû¦ô, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  84. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -024 - , ¸³¨Æ¤À´Á§ï¿ï¨î«×¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 268,000.
  85. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -025 - , ¥HÁɧ½²z½×¬°¼Ò«¬ÀË°Q§Ú°ê²{¦æ¥ø·~¨ÖÁʪk¨î»P¤½¥qªk¨î¤§°ÝÃD»P«Øij, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 338,000.
  86. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -028 - , ¡u¥H¤£¯à¤§µ¹¥I¬°¼ÐªºªÌ«´¬ùµL®Ä¡vªk«h¦s¼o¤§¬ã¨s-­Ý¬Ý«´¬ù¤£¼i¦æ¨å½d¤§²¾Âà, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 478,000.
  87. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2410-H-305-049-MY3 , ¦a»ùµ|»P¤g¦a¼W­Èµ|®Ö½Ò³B¤À¬ÛÃö°ÝÃD¤§¬ã¨s-¥H¦æ¬Fªk°|§P¨Ò¬°¨Ò(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 421,000.
  88. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-061-MY2 , ¤j²³¹B¿é¾É¦Vµo®i¤U¤§³£¥««Ø¦¨Àô¹Ò³]­pµ¦²¤¬ã¨s(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 864,000.
  89. ¦æ¬F°|¬ì§Þ³¡, 99-2111-M-305-001-MY3, À³¥ÎGPSºë±K¨D©w¤j®ð¥i­°¤ô¤ÎªA°Èºô¤§«Ø¥ß(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 1,081,000.
  90. ¦æ¬F°|¬ì§Þ³¡, 101-2119-M-305-001, ½Ã¬P¹p®g´ú¶Z¤Ï®gÃ褧¬ã»s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 399,500.
  91. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -029 - , µ²ºcÅé¥H¥~¤§¤u§@»P«D­«¤j­×µ¾A¥Î©ÓÅó¤H©è©ãÅv¤§±´°Q, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 444,000.
  92. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-194-087, ³Ò¤u¡B¶±¥D¡B©M¬F©²¶¡ªºªÀ·|¹ï¸Ü¡GÁÚ¦VªÀ·|¦@ÃÑ, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ð¶¢¹B°Ê»PºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2011/8/1~2012/7/31, NTD$ 425,000.
  93. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305-021- , µÛ§@¤H®æÅv¤§­­¨î, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 293,000.
  94. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -013 -, ³Ð·s¶³ºÝ¥­¥x¦æ¾Pµ¦²¤: µ²¦X¤¬°Ê¦¡±¡¹Ò°Ý¨÷¡B®ø¶OªÌ¦æ¬°¤ÀªR»P°Ó«~±ÀÂ˨t²Î, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/8/1~2013/7/31, NTD$ 423,000.
  95. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2218-E-305-001 , ¦Û°Ê·PÀ³Äµ¥Ü¦w¥þ´U¤§Âú«¬¶}µo, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¹q¾÷¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101/04/01~101/10/31, NTD$ 534,000.
  96. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2219-E-305-002- , ºô¸ô¤J«I¡B´c·Nµ{¦¡¡B¯f¬r¡B©U§£¶l¥ó»P¦æ°Ê¦w¥þ«Â¯Ù¤§¼Ë¥»»P¬y¶q¸ê®Æ®w¡G¦¬¶°»PµûŲ-¤l­pµe¤G¡G´c·Nµ{¦¡»P¯f¬r¤§¼Ë¥»»P¬y¶q¸ê®Æ®w: ¦¬¶°»PµûŲ(1/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.05.01~102.04.30, NTD$ 731,000.
  97. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2118-M-305 -002 - , ³]­­ÂåÀø¦¨¥»¤§¦ô­p»P¼Ò«¬«Ø¥ß, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 617,000.
  98. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -041 - , ³B²z°Ý¨÷¸ê®Æ¤¤¬Y¯S©w¿±µÈ­È¤§¥ËªQ°jÂk¼Ò¦¡[·~°È¶O(¬ã¨s¤H¤O¶O)50,000¤¸Åܧ󬰬ã¨s³]³Æ¶O¡C(°ê¬ì·|101.9.21»O·|ºî¤G1010063703)], ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 475,000.
  99. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2118-M-305 -003 - , ±´°Q¦UºØ°¾±×±`ºA¤À§G¤§²Î­p±À½×©MÀ³¥Î, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 360,000.
  100. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2115-M-305 -001 - , ÂX´²¹Lµ{¤§¦¬Àijt«×, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 251,000.
  101. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-005- , ½u¤WÅU«È°Ñ»P¦æ¬°¦¨®Ä±´¨s , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¸ê°TºÞ²z©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 423,000.
  102. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2118-M-305-001, ¤T¨¤°jÂkªºÃ­°·³]­p, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 406,000.
  103. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -002 - , ¾É¼Æ­­¨î±ø¥ó¤U¤§¼Ï¯ÃÂoªi¾¹¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ³q°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 529,000.
  104. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -003 - , ¥Î©ó¦h­«¿é¤J¦h­«¿é¥X°T¸¹°»´ú¤§¸`¯àºtºâªk, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ³q°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 728,000.
  105. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -007 - , ¤À´²¦¡½u¶Ç±±¨î¨t²Î¤§°ª¥i¾a«×®e¿ù³]­p¶}µo»PÅçÃÒ¥­¥x, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¹q¾÷¤uµ{¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 559,000.
  106. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC-101-2221-E-305 -012 , ·s¦¡¾î¦V½¤¦h¤Õª¿²§½è±µ­±»sµ{¤Î¨ä¥Í¤Æ·P´ú´¹¤ùÀ³¥Î¤§·P´úÁ¡½¤¹q´¹Å餧§Þ³N¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¹q¾÷¤uµ{¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 1,012,000.
  107. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-040- , ¬_®ÚÀ³±o²z½×¬ã¨s , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ³qÃѱШ|¤¤¤ß, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 253,000.
  108. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2221-E-305 -005 , ¨t²Î¥Íª«¸ê°T­pºâ: DNA±Æ¦C¤§³Ì¨Î¤Æ(I), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¸ê°T¤¤¤ß, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 715,000.
  109. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2218-E-305 -002 - , ¹q¸£»²§U­^»y¾Ç²ß¤§Ãý«ß¼Ò«¬«Ø¥ß¤Î¨äÀ³¥Î, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ³q°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/09/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 603,000.
  110. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-079- , §Q¥ÎÀô¹Ò­I´º¸ê°T¤Î¨Ï¥ÎªÌ®ø¯Ó¦æ¬°±À½×§Y®É¨ÑÀ³©Ê²£«~¤§»Ý¶q¼Ò¦¡¨Ã«Øºc¨ä¹w´ú¼Ò«¬, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.11.01~102.10.31, NTD$ 530,000.
  111. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2418-H-305 -004 - , ªÀ·|¾Çªù(§t¶Ç¼½¾Ç)­u¿D¬w¤Î¯Ã¦èÄõ¬ÛÃö¬ã¨s³æ¦ì¦Ò¹î³X°Ý(°ê¥~®t®È¶O), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¾Ç¨t, 101.11.01~101.11.30, NTD$ 114,458.
  112. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2511-S-305 -001 - , µêÀÀ±Ð¨ã»P¥ý³Æª¾Ãѹï°ê¤¤´X¦ó±Ð¾Ç¦¨®Ä¤§¼vÅT, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ®v¸ê°ö¨|¤¤¤ß, 101.11.01~102.10.31, NTD$ 500,000.
  113. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -030 - , ³Ò¤u¾D¹J¤£§Q¯q¹ï«Ý¤§²×¤î«´¬ù¤§²z½×»P¹ê°È¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 467,000.
  114. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2628-H-305 -001 - , ªk¤H®æ§_»{²z½×¦b¤é¥»³Ò°Êªk¤Wªº¹B¥Î»Pµo®i, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 604,000.
  115. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -077 - , ±j¨î©Ê¥æ¸oªº±j¨î¤â¬q, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 437,000.
  116. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305 -081 -MY2 , ­·ÀIªÀ·|¦D»@»P¦D¨Æ¥ßªkªº¹w¨¾¾É¦V¤Î¨äÀË°Q, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 2011/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 750,000.
  117. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2410-H-305-007-MY3 , ³Ð·~°Ê¾÷, ³Ð·~°ÝÃD, ¦¨ªø·N¹Ï»P¦¨ªøµ¦²¤ªºÃö«Y-¥H¥xÆWªÀ·|¤k©Ê³Ð·~ªÌ¬°¨Ò(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 630,000.
  118. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-025-MY2 , ¸ê²£¦¨ªø®ÄÀ³¤§Á¼(2/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 393,000.
  119. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 100-2410-H-305-072-MY2 , ÁA¸Ñ±¡·Pª¬ºA¹ï½u¤W¼s§i®ÄªGªº¼vÅT¥H¶}µo¼s§i»¼°e¨t²Î(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 398,000.
  120. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 100-2410-H-305-006-MY2 , À³¥Î¸ê®Æ¥]µ¸¤ÀªRªk¡B¦hÄݩʨMµ¦§Þ³N»P¦h¥Ø¼Ð³W¹º¼Ò¦¡«Øºc³Ì¨Î§ë¸ê²Õ¦X(2/2) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 527,000.
  121. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-006- , ±Æ¶¤«e«á¤H¼Æ»P®ø¶OªÌ±q²³¶É¦V¹ï²£«~¹w´Á»ù­Èªº¼vÅT--¹êÅé±Æ¶¤»P½u¤W±Æ¶¤Æ[ÂI , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 475,000.
  122. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-010-MY2 , ²£«~³Ð·s©Ê»P·s²£«~ÁZ®Ä¤§Ãö«Y:¦^ÅU»P©µ®i, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 521,000.
  123. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-008-MY2 (¨â¦~´Á) , ¡u¶}©ñ¦¡¦Û¥Ñ³nÅé¡v¤Î¡u«Ê³¬¦¡¬ì§Þ²£«~¡v¤§³Ð·s¦æ¬°¬ã¨s¡G­Ó¤H¨Mµ¦¼Ò«¬¤§«Ø¥ß»P¹êÃÒ , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~103.07.31, NTD$ 980,000.
  124. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -036 -MY2 , ²Ä¤@¦L¶H¡B¸gÅç»P¾Ç²ß, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2014/07/31, NTD$ 1,228,000.
  125. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -031 - , ¥ø·~ªÀ·|³d¥ô»P°]°ÈÁZ®Ä¤§ÃöÁp¢w¥þ²y»È¦æ·~¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 354,000.
  126. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -074 -MY3 , Àô«O²Õ´Âù¤¸©Ê¤§±´°Q»PºÞ²z(1/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 560,000.
  127. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-076- , ©Ð¥«ªwªj¹w¥ýĵ¥Ü¨t²Î¡GÆ[¹î¬ü°ê©Ð«Î¥«³õ»PÁ`Åé¸gÀÙªùÂe¦¡°ÊºAÃöÁp©Ê , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 500,000.
  128. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2410-H-305-019-MY3 , ¥ø·~ªv²z, ¥ø·~ªÀ·|³d¥ô»Pª÷¿Ä¦M¾÷-°ê»Ú¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 834,000.
  129. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-018 - , Credit, Savings, and Insurance in Agricultural Risk Management: Theory and Empirical Evidence (¹A·~­·ÀIºÞ²z¤è¦¡¤§µû¦ô¡V²z½×»P¹êÃÒ¤§¬ã¨s), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 604,000.
  130. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -033 - , ¼Ò¥éªºªÑ²¼Áʦ^»P²{ª÷¼W¸êªºªø´ÁÁZ®Ä, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 458,000.
  131. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305-034- , The Sensitivity to Trade Classification Algorithms for Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading
    °T®§¤£¹ïºÙ»P¤ÀªR®v³ø§i¤§¸ê°T·N²[¡Ð¤l­pµe¥|¡Gª¾°T¥æ©ö¾÷²v¹ï¥æ©ö ¤ÀÃþºtºâªkªº¦ô­p±Ó·P«×, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2012/07/31, NTD$ 428,000.
  132. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC101-2410-H-305 -035 , ¤¤°êªÑ¥«A¡BB¡BH¤ÎNªÑ¦b¬Õ¾l°T®§«Å§i«e«á¤§¤ÏÀ³¤ñ¸û, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 529,000.
  133. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -009 - , ÁZ®Äµû¦ô«ü¼Ð¯S©Ê¹ï¤½¥qÁZ®Ä¤§¼vÅT, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ·|­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 320,000.
  134. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -012 - , «È¤á­«­n©Ê¹ï·|­p®v¥X¨ãÄ~Äò¸gÀçºÃ¼{¬d®Ö·N¨£¤§¼vÅT--±q­Ó§O·|­p®vªº¨¤«×¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ·|­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 394,000.
  135. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -052 - , ªk¥OÅܰʹïÂåÀø°]¹Îªk¤H±q¨ÆªÀ°Ï¤½¯qªA°Èªº¼vÅT, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ·|­p¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 458,000.
  136. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2628-H-305 -002 -MY2 , ªø´Á©Ê¸ê²£­«¦ô»ù¼Ò¦¡¤§±´¨s(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ·|­p¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 1,111,000.
  137. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 100-2420-H-305-003-MY3 , ªÀ¸gÅܾE¤Uªº³d¥ô¬Fªv¡G±q¤ñ¸ûÆ[ÂI¬Ý¤j³°ªº°ò¼hªv²z-¤l­pµe¤C¡G¤¤°êºô¸ôªv²z»P°ò¼h¥Á¥D(2/3) , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.01.01~101.12.31, NTD$ 400,000.
  138. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305-062-MY3, ¤g¦a¡B¸ê¥»»P¦M¾÷¡G§Ú°ê¤g¦a¬Fµ¦¦Ê¦~°Ê¦V»P°ÝÃD¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012.08.01~2013.07.31, NTD$ 2,687,000.
  139. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -065 -MY2 , ¦]À³¥ÃÄò¦¨ªø­ì«h¤U¤§³£¥«¥Í¬¡«~½è«ü¼Ð«Ø¥ß»P³W¹ºµo®iµ¦²¤¤§¬ã¨s(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 893,000.
  140. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -066 -MY2 , ¨Mµ¦ºôµ¸ªÅ¶¡³W¹º¤ä´©¨t²Îªº«Ø¸m(1/2), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 861,000.
  141. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2116-M-305 -001 - , ¥xÆW°ÊºA¤j¦a°ò·Ç¤§«Ø¥ß(¢»), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 455,000.
  142. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -067 - , §ë¾÷¦æ¬°¹ï¤£¦P©Ð¦a²£¦¸¥«³õ¹B§@¤§¼vÅT»P¦]À³¹ïµ¦, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 678,000.
  143. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, NSC 101-2410-H-305 -069 - , »OÆW¦a°Ï¹A§@ª«¥Í²£¥ÍºA¨¬¸ñ¸Ñºc¤§¬ã¨s¢wª½±µ»P¶¡±µ¥Î¦a»Ý¨D¤§Æ[ÂI, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 479,000.
  144. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -071 - , «Øºc®t²§¹êÅ髬¦¡¤UÁʪ«¤¤¤ß¤§¦h¼Ë©Ê»PªÅ¶¡¤À¬£¼Ò«¬, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 540,000.
  145. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2410-H-305 -072 - , §Q¥ÎSIFTµ²¦XSfM¤èªk©óUAV¯è©ç¼v¹³²£¥ÍDSM¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 477,000.
  146. ¦æ¬F°|¬ì§Þ³¡, 101-2410-H-305 -073 - , «Ø¿v¾F¤H¥Í¬¡Àô¹ÒÅv¯q¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 340,000.
  147. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 99-2410-H-305-067-MY3 , ¥þ²yÀô¹ÒÅܾE»P¤g¦a¨Ï¥Î§ïÅܹï¥ÍºA¨t²ÎªA°È»P³£¥«¯Ü®z«×¼vÅT¤§¬ã¨s:¥xÆW¦è³¡®ü©¤¥­­ì¬°¨Ò(3/3), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ³£¥«­p¹º¬ã¨s©Ò, 101.08.01~102.07.31, NTD$ 933,000.


  1. ¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|, ¼Ú·ù¤Î¼w°ê¹ê¬I¹A·~¦h¥\¯àª½±µ给¥I¤§¬ã¨sº[¿ì²z°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 2012/05/09~2012/12/31, NTD$ 1,370,000.
  2. °ê®a±Ð¨|¬ã¨s°|»P·s¥_¥«¬F©²©e°U¬ã¨s, ·s¥_±Ð¨|«°±Ð¨|­²·s¤è®×­pµe¤l­pµe¥|--·s¥_±Ð¨|«°ªÀ°Ï¹Ù¦ñÃö«Y¼Ò¦¡¤§¬ã¨s¡G¥H°ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç»P¾Fªñ°ê¤¤¤p¬°¨Ò, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| ®v¸ê°ö¨|¤¤¤ß, 2012/08/01~2014/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  3. ¦æ¬F°|Åé¨|©e­û·|, FUN­·®L¤@®L, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ð¶¢¹B°Ê»PºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/01/01~2012/12/31, NTD$ 70,000.
  4. ®ü¨µ¸p, ¥@¬É®ü¬v¤é»OÆW´­¦|±Ò¯è©e°U¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ð¶¢¹B°Ê»PºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/04/01~2012/7/31, NTD$ 200,000.
  5. ±Ð¨|³¡, ¡u®ö§AFUN¤@®L¡v§Ö¼ÖÅéÅçÀç, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ð¶¢¹B°Ê»PºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/06/01~2012/10/31, NTD$ 150,000.
  6. ¤¤¥¡®ð¶H§½, ¦a°òGPS½Ã¬P¸ê®Æ³B²z»P¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/02/09~2012/12/31, NTD$ 512,600.
  7. ±Ð¨|³¡, ±Ð¨|³¡¾Ç²£°òª÷¤Î¤g¦a¤§²Î­p»P¹B¥Î³W¹º, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 101.12.14~102.12.13, NTD$ 992,869.
  8. ¦Ò¿ï³¡, ¤½°È¤H­ûªìµ¥¦Ò¸Õ¨î«×¿³­²¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 101.08.13~102.02.12, NTD$ 340,000.
  9. ¤u·~§Þ³N¬ã¨s°|, AMI¸ê®Æ¦¬¶°»P¤ÀªR¬ã¨s­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012.09.15~2012.11.30, NTD$ 300,000.
  10. ¦æ¬F°|¸gÀ٫س]©e­û·|, ±À°Ê¦a¤è®ð­ÔÅܾE½Õ¾A­pµe±M®×ºÞ²z­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¥þ²yÅܾE»P¥ÃÄò¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß, 101.11.21~102.11.20, NTD$ 4,850,000.
  11. ¦æ¬F°|¤H¨Æ¦æ¬FÁ`³B, ­x¤½±Ð¤H­û­Äµ¹¥H¥~¨ä¥Lµ¹»Pªk¨î¤Æ«¬ºA¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 101.12.10~102.05.09, NTD$ 401,000.
  12. »OÆW¿p´µªL±´¯Á¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¾Ç¨t, 101.10.01~102.03.15, NTD$ 217,088.
  13. »O¥_¥«¥ß°Êª«¶é, »OÆWª°½»´Ï¦a§Q¥Î©M±Ú¸s¿ò¶Çµ²ºc, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ³qÃѱШ|¤¤¤ß, 101.08.01~102.03.31, NTD$ 554,896.
  14. ±Ð¨|³¡, KM¨t²Î»PªA°È¾ã¦X, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¹q¤l°Ó°È¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß, 2012/9~2012/3, NTD$ 190,000.
  15. ±Ð¨|³¡, ®aµn精±K¤u·~¡Ð´¼¼z°]²£ºÞ理¤§¤p½¼¦Ì§Ü¿Å¤jÄH³½, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¸ê°TºÞ²z¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/09~2013/2, NTD$ 250,000.
  16. ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò2012¡u¥Í©R¬ì§Þ¡B°·±d¤£¥­µ¥»P¤À°t¥¿¸q¡v¬ã¨s²Õ¸s­pµe)(­pµe¥D«ù¤H:¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªk«ß¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò§d¥þ®p§U¬ã¨s­û) , ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªk«ß¾Ç°| ªk«ß¾Ç¨t, 2012/02~2012/12, NTD$ 0.
  17. ¦æ¬F°|³Ò©e·|³Ò¤u¦w¥þ½Ã¥Í¬ã¨s©Ò, ¤k©Ê¾³õ¤Íµ½°·±d«P¶i»²¾É, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 101.07.23~101.12.20, NTD$ 1,350,000.
  18. °ª¶¯¥«¬F©²¦a¬F§½ , 101¦~«×¦h¥Ø¼Ð¦aÄy¹Ï¥ßÅé¹Ï¸ê«Ø¸m­pµe®×, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/12/19~2014/09/30, NTD$ 2,800,000.
  19. ±Ð¨|³¡ÅU°Ý«Ç, ´¼¼z¹q¤l¾ã¦X©Ê¤H¤~°ö¨|­pµe¡Ð´¼¼z¹q¤l²£·~­Ó®×¼¶¼g±M®×ºÞ²z¤À¶µ­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/4~2013/4, NTD$ 1,606,782.
  20. ¦Ò¿ï³¡, ¤½°È¤H­û°ªµ¥¦Ò¸Õ¤T¯Å¦Ò¸Õº[´¶³q¦Ò¸Õ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¡B¤u·~¦æ¬FÃþ¬ì¤Î¨ä¥LºÞ²z¬ÛÃöÀ³¸Õ±M·~¬ì¥Ø©RÃD¤jºõ, ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/05/01~2012/08/06, NTD$ 1.
  21. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a³q°T¶Ç¼½©e­û·|, ¦h¤¸ºô¸ô¥­¥xÀô¹Ò¤U¼v­µ¤º®e¤§ºÞ²z«äºû, ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 100.06~100.12, NTD$ 10.
  22. ¦æ¬F°|³Ò©e·|, 101¦~«×¦h¤¸´N·~¶}µo¤è®×¿Ô¸ß»²¾É­pµe-¤j±M®Õ°|¦h¤¸¾Ç²ßÅéÅçÀç, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/8/1~2012/10/30, NTD$ 20,000.
  23. ¸gÀÙ³¡, ­¹«~»s³y·~³Ð·s«¬¸gÀçºÞ²z¼Ò¦¡¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  24. ¸g«Ø·|, °Ï°ì GDP »P°Ï°ìºñ¦â GDP ¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/10/01~2013/06/30, NTD$ 0.
  25. ¹A©e·|¬ì§Þ³B, ¹A·~¬ì§Þ²£·~°ê»Ú¤Æ¤§µ¦²¤¬ãªR(101AS-1.1.2-ST-a4), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/10/01~2012/12/31, NTD$ 0.
  26. ¹A©e·|¬ì§Þ³B, ¨ô¶V¹A·~¤§¤H¤~¨Ñ»Ý½Õ¬d¤Î¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/07/01~2012/11/30, NTD$ 0.
  27. ¤º¬F³¡ªÀ·|¥q, ¦X§@¨Æ·~»²¾É¾÷¨î¤§¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/3~2012/12, NTD$ 0.
  28. ¦æ¬F°|¹A©e·|, ¹A¥Á¾Ç°|°V½mµû®Ö¾÷¨î¤Î¹A·~¯à¤O»{©w¤§³W¹º, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/1~2012/12, NTD$ 0.
  29. ¸gÀÙ³¡°Ó·~¥q, Àu¤Æ°Ó·~ÃöÁäÀ³¥Î¼Ò²Õ¾É¤JÅçÃÒ­pµe, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¸ê°TºÞ²z¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012/08~2012/10, NTD$ 0.
  30. Jonkoping University&VINOVA,Sweden, An international research project with forus on extended service/value business concepts and sustainability in four markets, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012~2014, NTD$ 0.
  31. Scania Taiwan, ´I¥Á¹B¿é¤Î¥Ã¼wºÖ¨T¨®¦b¥d¨®ºÞ²z¤Wªº¨ó§@¼Ò¦¡»P¦¨®Ä¯q¤§ªì´Á±´°Q, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012~2014, NTD$ 0.
  32. °ê¬ì·|°ê¦X³B, 2012 ¬ì§Þ¥xÆW±´¯Á-­Ô³¾­p¹º, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/11/01~2012/12/31, NTD$ 0.
  33. ¹A©e·|¬ì§Þ³B, ¹A·~¬ì§Þ¨Mµ¦¤ä´©Åé¨t¤§«Ø¥ß(101AS-6.2.1-ST-a4), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012/05/01~2012/12/31, NTD$ 0.
  34. ¸gÀÙ³¡¯à·½§½, ¡u¥ÃÄò¯à·½¬ÛÃöµ¦²¤±¹¬I¬ãªR»P±À°Ê¡v­pµe, ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ª÷¿Ä»P¦X§@¸gÀç¾Ç¨t, 2012/01~2012/12, NTD$ 0.
  35. °ê¥ß¥x¥_¤j¾Ç¬ã¨sºÞ²z²Õ¡A¹ªÀy±Ð®v¥Ó½Ð°ê¬ì·|±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe¸É§U¡C , ·Q¹³ªº¡]®a¡^°ê¡G¤j½Ã¡E¦Ì«´º¸¡m¶®¦Uªº¤d¬î¤§¦~¡n¤¤ªº¥~¤H·N¶H/ ·Q¹³¡C, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤H¤å¾Ç°| À³¥Î¥~»y¾Ç¨t, 2012/12/01~2013/11/30, NTD$ 50,000.
  36. ²¾¥Á¸p, §Ú°ê±B«Ã²¾¥Á¤§¤½¥ÁÅv§Q¸¨¹êª¬ªp¬ã¨s, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2012/01~2012/12, NTD$ 900,000.
  37. ¤º¬F³¡, ¥Á¥D°ê®aÄv¿ï¸g¶O³W½d¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤½¦@¦æ¬Fº[¬Fµ¦¾Ç¨t, 2012/04~2012/11, NTD$ 400,000.
  38. °]¹Îªk¤H°ü¤kÅv¯q«P¶iµo®i°òª÷·|, §Ú°ê¬F©²¨ó§U°ü¤k·L«¬³Ð·~¦¨ªG¤ÀªR, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2012/04~2012/12, NTD$ 99,000.
  39. ±Ð¨|³¡, ´£¤É¦U¯Å¾Ç®Õ®Õ¶é¨Æ¥ó³q³øĵ¬F¡BªÀ¬F¤Î½Ã¥Íµ¥³æ¦ì§ï¶iµ¦²¤­pµe , ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  40. ±Ð¨|³¡, ¨¾¨î®Õ¶éÅQ­â­Ó®×¬ã°Q·|º[®Õ¶éÅQ­â­Ó®×¬ÛÃö³B¸m½Õ¬d­pµe , ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  41. ¤º¬F³¡Äµ¬F¸p¦D¨Æĵ¹î§½, ĵ¹î¾÷Ãö³]¸m¿ý¼vºÊµø¨t²Î¹ï©ó¥Ç¸o¹w¨¾»P°»¬d¦¨®Ä¤§¬ã¨s , ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò, 2012~2012, NTD$ 0.
  42. ª÷Äݤu·~¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß²£·~ÃöÃh­pµe, °±¨®³õºÞ²z¦Û°Ê¤Æ»P¨®µP¿ëÃѬÛÃö§Þ³N¤§´£¤É Parking Lot Management Automation and Licence Plate Recognition Technology Improvement, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/06/01~2012/11/30, NTD$ 0.
  43. ±Ð¨|³¡©e°U­pµe, ¶}¿ì¡uºô¸ô»P¦h´CÅé¬ì§Þ¡v²£·~¬ãµoºÓ¤h±M¯Z¡A¨ó§U±R¶VªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q¡B«ßùÖ¬ì§Þ¡B·çª@¬ì§Þ°ö¨|¬ãµo¤H¤~, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/08/01~2014/07/31, NTD$ 0.
  44. ¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|, ¹A·~©Ò±o¤ä«ù¬ÛÃö¬Fµ¦¼ÒÀÀµû¦ô¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ²Î­p¾Ç¨t, 2012/03/23~2012/12/31, NTD$ 960,000.


  1. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¤¤¤p¥ø·~°òª÷·|, ¾§®aºÞ²z¾Ç°|²£¾Ç®×(1), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| °ê»Ú¥ø·~¬ã¨s©Ò, 2011/11/01~2013/11/30, NTD$ 500,000.
  2. °ê¬ì·|/¥@©M´ú¶q¦³­­¤½¥q, 101-2622-E-305-002-CC3, §Q¥Î®É¶¡§Ç¦C¤ÀªR±´°Q e-GPS»PTWD97°Ñ¦Ò®Ø¬[¤§®t²§, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¤½¦@¨Æ°È¾Ç°| ¤£°Ê²£»P«°¶mÀô¹Ò¾Ç¨t, 2012/06/01~2013/05/31, NTD$ 526,400.
  3. ¸Û¤O¦³­­¤½¥q, ZIGBEE¶´Åé´ú¸Õ¤Î­×§ï(III), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.09.01~101.11.15, NTD$ 50,000.
  4. ªY§Þ¸ê°TªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q, ¤Gºû±ø½X¿ëÃÑ»P¼v¹³³B²z­pµe(III), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 101.09.01~102.08.31, NTD$ 1,600,000.
  5. Everlight Chemical, ¥xÆW¥Ã¥ú¤Æ¾Ç(ªÑ)¤½¥q2012-2013¥þ²y­q³æ¼i¦æ§ó·s»P¥þ²yµo³fª«¬y¤¤¤ß³W¹º²£¾Ç¦X§@, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, °Ó¾Ç°| ¥ø·~ºÞ²z¾Ç¨t, 2012~2013, NTD$ 0.
  6. ¤¤¿³«O¥þªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q, ­I´º¾Ç²ß»P«e´º°»´ú§Þ³N Background Model Learning and Foreground Detection Technology, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/12/01~2013/11/30, NTD$ 0.
  7. ¹A©e·|, ¡u101¦~«×¹A¦a¸ê·½¥ÃÄò§Q¥Î¤§¬ã¨s¡v¤§¡u¹A¦a«OÅ@±¹¬I¤Î¬ÛÃöºÞ²zµ¦²¤ªk¨î¤Æ¤§¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/04~2012/12, NTD$ 0.
  8. ¾°V§½, ¾°V§½¸É§U101«nµØ¤j¾Ç´N·~¾Çµ{­pµe¦¨ªG³ø§i , ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31, NTD$ 600,000.
  9. ¾°V§½ , ¾°V§½¸É§U102«nµØ¤j¾Ç´N·~¾Çµ{­pµe¦¨ªG³ø§i, ¨ó¦P¥D«ù¤H, ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¾Ç°| ªÀ·|¤u§@¾Ç¨t, 2013/08/01~2017/07/31, NTD$ 600,000.
  10. ¤¤¿³«O¥þªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q, ´¼¼z«¬µø°TºÊ±±¨t²Î Intelligent Surveillance System, ¦@¦P¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/12/01~2013/11/30, NTD$ 0.
  11. ¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|, 101-2622-E-305-001-CC3, µø°TºÊ±±¤¤±±¨t²Î¤§¶¥¼h¦¡§Ö±¶¼½©ñ¾¹(II) Hierarchical Smart Player for Video Surveillance Central Monitoring System(II), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/06/01~2013/05/31, NTD$ 0.
  12. ¤u¬ã°|, °ò©ó®ü¶q¼v¤ù¤§µø°T¿@ÁY®Ä¯à¤ÀªR³ø§i Large Scale Video Based Efficiency Analysis using Video Condensation, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/12/01~2013/06/30, NTD$ 0.
  13. ¥xÆW¦Û¨Ó¤ô¤½¥q, ¶¼¥Î¤ôºÞ²z±ø¨Ò¡B¶¼¥Î¤ô¤ô·½¤Î¤ô½è¼Ð·Çµ¥¶¼¥Î¤ôªk¥O³W©w¦X©y­×­q¥i¦æ©Ê±´°Q¬ã¨s, ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì, 2012/08~2013/08, NTD$ 0.
  14. ·s§Þ¬ì§ÞªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q, ¤Gºû±ø½X¿ëÃÑ»P¼v¹³³B²z(III) 2D Barcode Recognition and Image Processing (III), ­pµe¥D«ù¤H, ¹q¾÷¸ê°T¾Ç°| ¸ê°T¤uµ{¾Ç¨t, 2012/09/01~2013/08/31, NTD$ 0.